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10 Factors That Affect Memory
 10 Factors That Affect Memory

10 Factors That Affect Memory

From diet to depression, here's what to watch

(Newser) - New research suggests our lifestyle choices affect memory loss almost as much as aging. Forbes looks at 10 surprising factors, positive and negative, that determine how sharp you'll stay:  
  1. Tofu—eating too much can increase dementia in the elderly.
  1. Carbs—likewise, too many derail Alzheimer's-fighting enzymes in the brain.

A Good Night's Sleep Shores Up Memory

8 hours of shut-eye helps brain function the next day, study suggests

(Newser) - Nothing improves memory like a little shut-eye, a new study suggests. Researchers taught new information and skills to two groups of patients, and allowed one to sleep normally while giving the other none or only a nap. The sleepers tested better the next day–and scans revealed enhanced brain activity...

Brains Get Noisier as They Age
Brains Get
Noisier as
They Age

Brains Get Noisier as They Age

Study finds neural complexity generates more cranial static

(Newser) - Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean your brain isn't making noise. It is, and scientists using high-tech gear to record it have now discovered that it increases as you mature, reports LiveScience. A comparison of noise generated by groups of children and young adults indicates that brain noise,...

Low 'Good' Cholesterol Hurts Memory

Study links low HDL to brain's decline—and possibly dementia

(Newser) - Low levels of high-density lipoprotein—so-called "good" cholesterol—lead to memory failure and perhaps dementia, a study finds. Researchers followed subjects aged 55-61, and found that patients with low HDL levels were 53% more likely to experience memory loss. "We looked at cognitive decline in midlife, but it...

Mental Exercises Boost Brain Power, Study Says

Researchers in field of memory call it a breakthrough

(Newser) - Psychological research has long supported the conclusion that training on cognitive tasks doesn’t result in intelligence gains that transfer to other tasks—ie, memorizing long strings of numbers doesn’t help learning long strings of letters. But researchers say they've made a long-sought breakthrough that could lead to better...

Lead Exposure May Speed Mental Decline

Build-up of pollutants seen contributing to memory loss in elderly

(Newser) - Mental decline is widely considered an unavoidable aspect of aging, but a slew of recent studies link reduced functioning in the elderly to past lead exposure, the AP reports. Common pollutants aren't singlehandedly responsible for memory loss or tremors. But breathing or ingesting lead, pesticides, or mercury early in life...

Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind
Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind

Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind

From memories to sleep to consciousness itself, scientists still can't agree

(Newser) - Debated for centuries, the human mind still holds a mystery or two in modern times. Here are LiveScience's top 10:
  1. Consciousness. Still the biggest human puzzle since Socrates.
  2. Cryonics. Can gray matter be revived from a 320-degree deep freeze?
  3. Aging. An unappreciated benefit, or simply cell decay with no purpose?

'Google Man' Never Forgets
'Google Man' Never Forgets

'Google Man' Never Forgets

Cal-Irvine researchers examining his remarkable recall

(Newser) - Give Brad Williams a date—say, Jan. 1, 1962. He’ll tell you on that Monday his mother worked on the calendar while he watched To Tell The Truth. Sound amazing? Williams’ very rare detailed memory is called hyperthymesia, and University of California at Irvine scientists are studying his brain...

Coffee May Stall Memory Loss in Women

Drink up, and maybe you won't forget where you set your cup down

(Newser) - The world’s most popular stimulant may slow age-related memory loss in older women, Reuters reports. Drinking three or more cups of coffee per day reduced verbal memory loss in French women aged 65 and up by 33% compared to women who drank a cup or less, researchers say. The...

Trauma Patients Control Memory With Minds

'Try not to think about it' is good advice, research reveals

(Newser) - Suppressing memories may be as simple as deciding not to think about them, scientists say, offering hope to survivors of traumatic events. Researchers say the findings in a report out today could lead to new treatments for PTSD by offering patients a measure of control over their recollection of disturbing...

Research Gives Alzheimer's Patients Hope

New study suggests disease-related memory loss may be reversible

(Newser) - Alzheimer's patients may be able to recover some memory by using a combo of drugs and mental stimulation, a new study in the journal Nature concludes. Mice with an Alzheimer's-like condition were more likely to remember an electric shock if they had taken a drug stimulating brain-cell growth or lived...

Scented Sleep Boosts Memory in the Morning

(Newser) - Add a little scent to your evening and your sleep, and your memory works better in the morning. A recent study showed that the smell of roses, administered while participants played a computer game, and then while they slept, improved their rate of recall after they woke by 13...

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