Tassos Papadopoulos

3 Stories

Thieves Demand Ransom for Cyprus President's Corpse

Body discovered dumped at another cemetery

(Newser) - The mystery behind the bodysnatching of Cyprus' former president seems to have been solved: The island nation's justice minister today ruled out a political motive, revealing that a ransom demand had been made. He said Tassos Papadopoulos' family had received a demand for ransom for the return of the body,...

Grave Robbers Steal Body of Cyprus Leader

Guard finds empty coffin, no clue on motive

(Newser) - Bizarre crime of the day: Grave robbers have stolen the corpse of the former president of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos. A member of the president's guard found the open grave and empty coffin this morning. The body snatching came one day before a public memorial service on the one-year anniversary of...

Cyprus Vote Raises Hopes for Unification

Incumbent ousted; 2 pro-compromise candidates go to run-off

(Newser) - After decades of division, Cyprus is a step closer to unification, AFP reports. Greek Cypriots ousted incumbent Tassos Papadopoulos in a three-way election yesterday, and the two remaining candidates will face off in another vote on Sunday. Both seem willing to reach out to Turkish Cypriots, mending bridges the hard-line...

3 Stories
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