
Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev 

Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Local Gun Laws

Challenge to Chicago handgun ban could neuter local gun control measures

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will take up a case that could radically alter legal precedent regarding gun ownership and Second Amendment rights. The case is an appeal brought by Chicago-area gun owners who challenged the city’s ban on handguns. The high court overturned such a ban last year in Washington,...

Gun Safety Demo Ends in Accidental Suicide

(Newser) - A Phoenix gun-safety advocate accidentally shot himself in the head yesterday while demonstrating gun safety, the Arizona Daily Star reports. The man was explaining to two others the necessity of keeping guns unloaded in the house. To demonstrate, he placed his own gun—which he thought was unloaded—to his...

Gun, Restraints Found in Craigslist Suspect's Home

(Newser) - A search of the home of alleged Craigslist killer Philip Markoff turned up a handgun, ammunition, and plastic restraints, the New York Times reports. Boston police believe the ties are identical to ones used in two hotel robbery/assaults that left one woman dead by gunshot last week. Markoff pleaded not...

Test Confirms Hudson Murder Weapon
Test Confirms Hudson Murder Weapon

Test Confirms Hudson Murder Weapon

Handgun was reported stolen by owner in Michigan

(Newser) - Police have confirmed that a gun found in a vacant lot was used to kill Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. Investigators are now working to tie the .45 caliber handgun and other evidence to suspect William Balfour and to trace how the gun, reported stolen...

Cops Find Gun Linked to Hudson Murders

Discovery could be major break in case

(Newser) - A .45 caliber handgun, which could be the murder weapon used to kill Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew, has been found by police, reports the Chicago Tribune. The gun was discovered in an alley close to the spot where the body of 7-year-old Julian King was discovered in the...

Justifiable Killings Surge for Cops, Civilians

(Newser) - Justifiable homicides committed by cops and civilians are at their highest levels in more than 10 years, USA Today reports. Last year's totals: 391 for police and 254 for civilians. Analysts attribute the rise to a growing “shoot-first” attitude among both groups, especially as criminals improve their arsenals.

Lewis Cited for Gun at Airport
 Lewis Cited for Gun at Airport 

Lewis Cited for Gun at Airport

Entertainer, 82, had weapon in his bag; manager says it's just a prop

(Newser) - Police confiscated a gun belonging to Jerry Lewis that was in the 82-year-old entertainer's carryon bag as he prepared to fly to Detroit from Las Vegas. Authorities cited Lewis for carrying an unloaded concealed weapon at the Vegas airport. His manager says it's a harmless prop, unable to fire. Cops...

DC Still Defying Court on Guns
 DC Still Defying Court on Guns 

DC Still Defying Court on Guns

City rewords provisions to bog down ownership, though challenges look certain

(Newser) - The District of Columbia is defying the Supreme Court with efforts to preserve the handgun ban deemed unconstitutional last month, Jacob Sullum writes in Reason. A new law changes the wording of the controversial “disassemble and trigger-lock” provision, meaning owners won’t be allowed to keep guns loaded and...

'Open Carriers' Aim to Make Guns an Accessory

Gun owners want to educate the public by having their weapons on display

(Newser) - A growing number of gun owners are tired of concealing their weapons when they're out and about, reports the Los Angeles Times. In most states, it's perfectly legal to walk around with a gun in plain view. Backers of the "open carry" movement think it's time to start doing...

Supremes Appear Set to KO DC's Handgun Ban

In key 2nd Amendment case, Kennedy notes 'general right to bear arms'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court looks ready to declare Washington, DC’s handgun ban unconstitutional, the LA Times report. The justices heard oral arguments in the landmark Second Amendment case today, and swing voter Anthony Kennedy said, “In my view, there is a general right to bear arms.” At issue...

Court Hears Gun Case Today
 Court Hears Gun Case Today 

Court Hears Gun Case Today

Nation's firearms laws in the balance as Supremes hear arguments

(Newser) - One of the oldest and most hotly debated constitutional amendments—the right to bear arms—comes under scrutiny by the Supreme Court today. The court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of Washington DC's stringent ban on handguns. The ruling, which will arrive in June, is sure to have a...

DC's Handgun Ban Heads to Supreme Court

Justices get unprecedented crack at Second Amendment

(Newser) - John Roberts' Supreme Court will get a rare crack at an undefined piece of the Bill of Rights this week when it examines whether Washington, DC's handgun ban violates the Second Amendment. Though Americans' right to bear arms has been debated for 200 years, reports the Washington Post, the court...

Lover Airs NIU Shooter's Letter
Lover Airs NIU Shooter's Letter

Lover Airs NIU Shooter's Letter

'Don't forget me,' killer told girlfriend in final love letter

(Newser) - The girlfriend of the gunman who murdered five students at Northern Illinois University Thursday talked to him every day last week, including the night before the shooting spree, and detected nothing amiss. "He wasn't erratic. He wasn't delusional. He was Steve; he was normal," Jessica Baty, 28, told...

Cheney Bucks Bush, Wants DC Gun Ban Overturned

Signs Congressional brief saying the District's gun law is unconstitutional

(Newser) - Dick Cheney yesterday went against his own administration, signing a Congressional brief which urges the Supreme Court to uphold a ruling that found Washington DC's handgun ban to be unconstitutional. In so doing Cheney took a stronger Second Amendment stance than his boss, the Washington Post reports, adding that it's...

Supreme Court Will Hear Landmark Gun Case

Hearing will be first on the topic in 68 years

(Newser) - The Supreme Court agreed today to hear its first case on the meaning of the Second Amendment in 68 years. At question is the scope of the “right to bear arms”: A circuit court ruled last year that it applied to individuals' guns, but the city of Washington argued...

Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev