Westland/Hallmark Meat Co.

7 Stories

USDA to Ban 'Downer' Cattle
 USDA to Ban 'Downer' Cattle 

USDA to Ban 'Downer' Cattle

Bid to boost confidence in beef

(Newser) - The USDA plans to ban all so-called "downer" cattle from the food supply to safeguard consumers from illnesses such as mad cow disease. Such animals are too weak or injured to walk, which can often be an indication of illness. Disturbing video of workers in a California slaughterhouse using...

Meat Company Chief Admits Sick Cows Were Slaughtered

He backtracks after watching second video

(Newser) - The president of the California slaughterhouse caught up in a scandal over the abuse of cattle admitted to Congress today that sick cows from his plant entered the food supply, the Los Angeles Times reports. He backtracked from an earlier denial after a House panel made him watch a second...

Cattle Horror Worker: Just 'Following Orders'

Ag secretary insists meat supply is safe

(Newser) - A worker shown in a shocking undercover video jabbing apparently sick cows to their feet for slaughter was following orders from management, his lawyer said yesterday. The attorney made the accusation as he negotiated with federal investigators to work out a plea deal for his client, reports the Wall Street ...

Disgraced Meatpacker to Close Doors
Disgraced Meatpacker to Close Doors

Disgraced Meatpacker to Close Doors

Hallmark/Westland sees no hope of recovery after biggest recall ever

(Newser) - The biggest meat recall in history will put a fork in Hallmark/Westland, the meatpacker’s general manager told the Wall Street Journal. “I don’t see any way we could reopen,” he said. The USDA has said the California company could reopen under the right conditions, but demands...

Meat Industry Pushes for Recall Cutback

School lunch programs received big chunk of problematic beef

(Newser) - The meat industry is trying to convince the USDA to ease up on the largest meat recall in the country's history, the Wall Street Journal reports. Government officials entertained the possibility of exempting products made up only partly of the recalled beef but apparently decided against relaxing the action. “...

Picky Eater Decodes the Beef Scare
Picky Eater Decodes the Beef Scare

Picky Eater Decodes the Beef Scare

What goes into a 99¢ burger can be pretty unpleasant, author Pollan says

(Newser) - Don't fault slaughterhouse workers for this week's enormous beef recall, author and foodie Michael Pollan tells Newsweek—it's the system. Blinding-fast production lines that expect workers to slaughter up to seven cows per minute do not a safe or ethical steak make. "It's one of those episodes that peels...

USDA Recalls 143M Lbs of Beef
USDA Recalls 143M Lbs of Beef

USDA Recalls 143M Lbs of Beef

SoCal slaughterhouse involved under investigation for animal cruelty

(Newser) - The USDA today issued its biggest recall ever, recalling 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a slaughterhouse in Southern California that is currently being investigated for animal cruelty. The recall affects meat dating to Feb. 1 that originated in Westland/Hallmark Meat Co. The company distributes beef to major fast-food...

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