Election 2008

Stories 1841 - 1860 | << Prev   Next >>

For Rudy, It Aways Comes Back to 9/11

The pros and cons of having terror as your touchstone

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Times tracks Rudy Giuliani's rhetoric on the stump, and marvels at the way he manages to bring just about any topic around to the threat of  terror. Fourteen seconds into in a speech in Des Moines called "Restoring Fiscal Discipline and Cutting Wasteful Washington Spending" the...

Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter
Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter

Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter

Candidate's wife asks columnist politely to back off the nastiness

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards tried to coax conservative hellcat Ann Coulter into toning down the personal attacks on political candidates yesterday, calling in to "Hardball with Chris Matthews" while Coulter was on. Edwards entreated Coulter to cut the character assassination and focus on issues. Coulter shot back that Edwards' call was...

Rudy Woos Religious Right
Rudy Woos Religious Right

Rudy Woos Religious Right

But doesn't mention gays, intelligent design or the "A" word

(Newser) - White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani managed to made a campaign stop at one of the evangelical capitals of America without once mentioning  abortion, same sex marriage or intelligent design, Salon reports. Giuliani, who appeared at Pat Robertson's Regent University, is struggling to win the votes of social conservatives without flip-flopping...

Young Americans Swing Left, Favor Dems

Support universal health care

(Newser) - Young Americans are skewing left, with fewer identifying themselves as Republicans and more siding with Democrats on hot-button issues, according to a New York Times/CBS/MTV poll. Those surveyed, aged 17 to 29, are more likely than the general public to favor universal health care, gay marriage and open-door immigration.

GOP Weighs Hollywood Ending for Cheney

Sally Quinn: Thompson offers perfect solution

(Newser) - GOP decision-makers are so fed up with Dick Cheney that they've been searching for a replacement, without much success—until recently. In an op-ed in today's Washington Post, inveterate insider Sally Quinn lays out an ingenious plan: Use heart surgery scheduled for this summer as an excuse to oust the...

Elizabeth Edwards Backs Gay Marriage

But John's 'conflicted'

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards became the first potential White House resident yesterday to support gay marriage at an event kicking off San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade. Edwards declared she's "completely comfortable" with the idea, even though her husband isn't, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. John Edwards supports civil unions, but opposes...

Questions Dog Longtime Giuliani Friend

Candidate's company employs priest accused of child sex abuse

(Newser) - A Catholic priest who was best man at Rudy Giuliani's first wedding, performed his second marriage, and presided at his parents' funerals is on the payroll of the candidate's consulting firm—and suspended from his pastoral duties because he has been accused of sexually abusing children. Salon looks at the...

Neither NY Mayor Is White House Worthy

TNR questions both hizzoners' credentials

(Newser) - Deeming New York City "several light years away from the heart of America," New Republic writer Michelle Cottle assaults the qualifications of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg to be president. Cottle calls Rudy's leadership style the "pugilistic, divisive, f-you approach" and Mike "the perfect presidential...

Bloomberg Says He Won't Run
Bloomberg Says
He Won't Run

Bloomberg Says He Won't Run

'I’ve got the greatest job in the world and I’m going to keep doing it'

(Newser) - A day after sparking presidential hype with a shift out of the GOP, Mike Bloomberg says he won't run. "I said that my intention is to be mayor for the next 925 days and probably about 10 hours—whatever’s left, 11 hours? And that is my intention,"...

For Giuliani, Things Go Better Without Coke

Campaign axes SC chairman in wake of federal drug rap

(Newser) - The South Carolina state treasurer's drug problem is reverberating in New York, where the Giuliani campaign severed ties with volunteer state chairman Thomas Ravenel after his indictment yesterday on federal cocaine-trafficking charges. The campaign said the real estate millionaire "has stepped down from his volunteer responsibilities," and the...

Clintons Score a Mafia Hit
Clintons Score a Mafia Hit

Clintons Score a Mafia Hit

Does she get whacked? You'll never find out!

(Newser) - A new Hillary 2008 viral ad is exploring the senator's Family ties. The Clinton campaign posted an already-ubiquitous video yesterday, starring Bill and Hillary and parodying the final scene of the Sopranos—down to the diner, the suspicious goon, and the sudden blackout. Hil seems determined lately to prove she...

Bloomberg's Billions Make Instant Player

GOP departure heats up speculation on presidential run

(Newser) - One day after Mike Bloomberg announced he's ditching the GOP, the will-he-or-won't-he titters are building to a roar. The Post reports that Bloomberg is prepared to spend at least half-a-billion dollars on an independent presidential run—ten times what Perot spent in '92—making him the "the billion-dollar elephant...

Bloomberg Waves Goodbye to GOP
Bloomberg Waves Goodbye to GOP

Bloomberg Waves Goodbye to GOP

NY mayor's party shift may foretell White House run

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg has changed the party in his voter registration from Republican to "unaffiliated," sparking speculation that he will throw the 2008 campaign into turmoil by running for president as an independent. The New York mayor has vowed to leave politics after his term expires in 2009, the...

Poll Puts Hillary Back in Lead by Double Digits

Obama trailing; McCain drops below Thompson

(Newser) - They were in a dead heat two weeks ago, but a new USA TODAY/Gallup poll out today puts Hillary back in front for the Dem nomination with a double-digit spread over Barack. The red team is also shaking up, with not-quite-official candidate Fred Thompson stealing second standing from John McCain.

NY Firefighters' Emotions About Giuliani Run Hot

Ex-mayor has some fans, but post-9/11 bitterness lingers

(Newser) - In the wake of 9/11, Rudy Giuliani allied himself with the New York Fire Department. He attended funerals even after leaving office, and he continues to bring up "my firefighters" on the stump. But the ex-mayor shouldn't count on the department's 11,000 votes in his run for the...

Clintons Sell Stock to Avoid Bonds
Clintons Sell Stock to
Avoid Bonds

Clintons Sell Stock to Avoid Bonds

Couple liquidates blind trust to head off political fallout

(Newser) - Nobody wants to see Whitewater II, least of all the Clintons. As Hillary barrels towards the White House, they've liquidated a blind trust worth $5 million to $25 million in an effort to avoid potential conflict-of-interest charges. The fund, invested on their behalf since Bill took office, included live-wire investments...

Thinking Green, Obama Cools Toward Coal

New stance on alternative-fuel plan perplexes industry

(Newser) - Caught between his increasingly carbon-conscious party and a major player in his home state, Barack Obama has backed off his support for converting coal into liquid vehicle fuel, the LA Times reports. Global warming is important to Democrats, but coal is important to the Illinois economy, and the senator's shift...

Romney Takes Lead in New Hampshire Poll

After trailing in April, former gov pulls to the head of the GOP pack

(Newser) - The latest CNN poll in New Hampshire shows Mitt Romney leading the GOP primary pack after last week's debate, leaping from 17% to 28% of the vote. In early April, John McCain and Rudy Giuliani were tied in the lead; they're still tied, but now at 20%. The rest of...

Thompson Gains on Giuliani
Thompson Gains on Giuliani

Thompson Gains on Giuliani

Unannounced candidate polls second, ahead of McCain, Romney

(Newser) - Fred Thompson hasn't even declared his candidacy, but he's already gaining support in the race for the Republican nomination. Rudy Giuliani has the backing of 27% of likely voters in an LA Times/Bloomberg poll reported today, with Thompson just behind at 21%. The poll's director cautions that Thompson "has...

NH Voters Like What They See of Clinton

Post-debate numbers show senator surging ahead in Granite State

(Newser) - In the race for New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton has shot ahead of her Democratic opponents, opening a 14-point lead over Barack Obama since the June 3 debate. With the primary 7 months away, Clinton is overwhelmingly considered the strongest leader, thumping a list of rivals that includes Al Gore. And...

Stories 1841 - 1860 | << Prev   Next >>