Election 2008

Stories 1761 - 1780 | << Prev   Next >>

Fred Dominates in Absentia
Fred Dominates in Absentia

Fred Dominates in Absentia

Thompson scored in abstentia, says Spectator's Talbin

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's campaign counter-programming last night—announcing his candidacy on Jay Leno instead of debating GOP rivals in New Hampshire—scored with the American Spectator’s John Tabin, who notes that he dominated the debate without being there. The forum’s first question was a contest to see who could...

Thompson Joins Race With 'Grand Entrance'

GOP hopeful plans to clarify his candidacy online tonight

(Newser) - Eight months after his rivals hit the campaign trail, actor and ex-senator Fred Thompson headlined the Tonight Show to announce his run for president. "On the next president's watch, our country will make decisions that will affect our lives and our families far into the future,” he said....

Michigan Joins Herd to Move Up Primary

Jan. 15 date likely to push NH, Iowa races to first week of 2008

(Newser) - Michigan's governor yesterday bumped the state primary up to Jan. 15 as part of a national scramble for earlier, higher-profile contests. New Hampshire's primary and Iowa's caucuses are now expected to be moved up to the first week of January. States picking candidates before Feb. 5 face penalties from both...

Fred Finally Jumps into the Fray on 'Jay'

Pundits debate whether delay damaged Thompson

(Newser) - Pundits are accusing Fred Thompson of taking too long to announce his candidacy, a step he will take tomorrow night on Jay Leno. Poor fundraising and personnel problems have caught media limelight because Thompson wasn’t on the campaign trail, critics say. An adviser replies: "It's still not yet...

Clinton Plays Goldilocks
Clinton Plays Goldilocks

Clinton Plays Goldilocks

Politico's Simon sees candidate serving voters a steaming bowl of ... porridge

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton works hard to stay in the middle, presenting herself as the "just right" choice between extremes by modulating her language incredibly carefully and emphasizing that she is the only candidate with the experience to effect change. The Politico's Roger Simon looks at a barnstormer so consistent that...

Clinton, Obama Oppose Primary Leapfrogging

Candidates bow to pressure from states protecting their early primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama joined three of their presidential rivals yesterday in pledging not to campaign in states that have defied Democratic primary rules by pushing their primaries to early 2008. In recent weeks, Michigan and Florida have announced votes before February 5, challenging the first dibs the party...

Castro Casts Lot With Clinton-Obama
Castro Casts
Lot With Clinton-Obama

Castro Casts Lot With Clinton-Obama

Ailing dictator reminisces on presidents past

(Newser) - One week after both Democratic hopefuls called for democracy in Cuba, Fidel Castro has called a Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket “apparently unbeatable.” A Granma editorial attributed to the ailing revolutionary—who is rumored to be dead—says the US opposition he’s faced over the years is fodder...

Ann Romney Speaks Out... on Her Family

She keeps things personal, appeals to conservative base

(Newser) - Ann Romney’s image as a demure stay-at-home mom separates her from more "modern" First Lady aspirants – and solidifies Mitt's plan to coax Christian conservatives to the polls, the Boston Globe reports. “His message is going to be, 'Not only am I against abortion and gay marriage,...

DNC Bars Fla. Delegates from '08 Convention

State has 30 days to straighten out as primary chaos looms

(Newser) - Hoping to make an example of Florida in the escalating competition for ever-earlier primary dates, the DNC voted yesterday to strip the state of its delegates to next year's nominating convention, the Washington Post reports. Florida can regain its delegates if it reschedules its primary, currently set for January 29,...

DNC Threatens to Ban Florida From '08 Convention

Showdown today over early primary date

(Newser) - A pugnacious Democratic National Committee is taking direct aim at Florida today, scheduling a vote on whether the state should be punished for pushing its primary up to Jan. 29,  the Washington Post reports. Party rules prohibit any primary before Feb. 5; the penalty would be barring Florida delegates...

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal
Obama Has
GOP Crossover Appeal

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal

Dem came in third in recent poll of Iowa Republicans

(Newser) - Here's one race where Barack isn't trailing Hillary: the one for GOP defectors. In a recent poll, Iowa Republicans chose the freshman senator as their third-favored presidential candidate (after Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani), Salon reports. And in recent GOP focus groups, Obama’s crossover appeal was more than twice...

Giuliani Tops McCain With Vets
Giuliani Tops McCain With Vets

Giuliani Tops McCain With Vets

Vets favor Rudy over McCain; Obama

(Newser) - In a new poll, military veterans like Rudy Giuliani best of the top-tier presidential hopefuls. Rudy beats ex-POW John McCain's favorable rating 64% to 52%, the Post reports. Surprisingly, the third place candidate is Barack Obama, at 44%, edging out Edwards (43%) and Thompson (40%). Clinton (37%) and Romney (33%)...

Romney: Dubya in Centrist's Clothing

Compassionate- conservative act just that, columnist writes

(Newser) - Mitt Romney’s centrist past and anti-bigot pleasantries are belied by the hardcore conservative base he’s building, writes the American Prospect’s Garance Franke-Ruta. The Republican presidential hopeful's overtures to the middle echo those of George W. Bush's 2000 campaign—in which Bush ultimately won by relying on his...

Financial Woes Crucial Issue in '08 Election

AARP voters concerned about their wallets, new poll shows

(Newser) - A new poll of AARP members shows that financial security will be a big factor in how 90% will vote in early 2008 presidential primaries, the Politico reports. Though many of the 5,000 potential voters aren't familiar with candidates' positions on financial and health issues, one pollster says, more...

Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'
Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'

Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'

Wants local 'captains' to create a personal bond over next candidate

(Newser) - Michael Dukakis compares today’s political climate to the time of his own downfall in 1988, when George Bush Sr. overcame a 17-point deficit and whipped him 426-to-112 in the electoral college. Refusing to feel comfortable with the Dems’ advantage, Dukakis told the New York Observer that "We have...

Congress' Only Iraq War Vet Backs Obama

Ex-paratrooper's endorsement seen as blow to Clinton

(Newser) - The only Iraq War combat vet in Congress endorsed Barack Obama yesterday, saying, "I'm inspired by his call to action to change how business is done in Washington." Pennsylvania's Patrick Murphy, who served as a paratrooper in Baghdad in 2003 and 2004, has worked with Hillary Clinton...

Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid
Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid

Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid

New York mayor vows he won't run for VP position either

(Newser) - Bloomberg’s billions aren’t going to propel him on a bid for president in 2008, Reuters reports. The New York City mayor told Dan Rather that "The answer is 'no.’ If somebody asks me where I stand, I tell them. And that's not a way to get...

Blogger Claims Thompson Must Declare

Prolonged 'testing the water' status may violate election laws

(Newser) - Fred Thompson’s continued undeclared status—even while headlining GOP dinners and glad-handing at the Iowa state fair—is beginning to raise hackles. Federal election law says non-candidates can't spend more than $5,000 on campaign activities; liberal blogger Lane Hudson has filed a complaint that charges the former senator...

New Hampshire Could Give McCain a Jolt

Vote-second state has rescued flailing frontrunners before

(Newser) - John McCain’s candidacy may be getting dragged through the mud lately, but the presidential hopeful might have an ace up his electoral sleeve—New Hampshire. The Granite State has a history of rescuing listless frontrunners, the Boston Globe reports, and the straight talker understands the state’s importance better...

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits
Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Candidate backs looser rules on money transfers, family visits

(Newser) - Barack Obama says that as president, he would reverse the Bush administration's increased restrictions on travel to Cuba, the AP reports. Visiting or sending money to relatives on the Communist-controlled island became more difficult in 2004, a policy change the candidate calls "strategically blundering" in an op-ed published in...

Stories 1761 - 1780 | << Prev   Next >>