Election 2008

Stories 1481 - 1500 | << Prev   Next >>

Huck Funny Where It Counts on SNL
Huck Funny Where
It Counts on SNL

Huck Funny Where It Counts on SNL

Quips he's 'more of a miracle guy' than a math guy

(Newser) - Ok, so he's not a math guy, but GOP presidential contender Mike Huckabee proved on Saturday Night Live that he can take a ribbing as well as anyone. “Weekend Update” host Seth Meyers pointed out to Huck that even if he wins every remaining delegate, the candidate would still...

Dems Blast Candidate Nader
Dems Blast Candidate Nader

Dems Blast Candidate Nader

Dems condemn Nader; Huckabee says GOP will welcome him

(Newser) - Democrats took shots at Ralph Nader today after the consumer advocate jumped into the presidential race, the New York Times reports. “Wow, that’s really unfortunate,” a surprised Hillary Clinton said. “It’s not good for anybody, especially our country.” Obama praised Nader's advocacy, but added,...

Dems Need a 'Superconvention'
Dems Need a 'Superconvention'

Dems Need a 'Superconvention'

Earlier superdelegate event could fix Dems' drama: Politico

(Newser) - With a tight race and a “crazy quilt of anti-democratic rules” that govern the Dems’ race for the nomination, we need a fair and transparent way to settle the matter. How? Try a July “superconvention,” writes Dan Gerstein in Politico. Superdelegates would gather to hear speeches from...

Turning Red States Blue a Tall Order for Obama

Primary voters a far cry from general election pool in some states

(Newser) - Barack Obama's sweep of red state primaries has won converts to Obama's claim that he can redraw the political map in November and take states that Democrats have long written off as hopelessly red. Not so fast, warns the Washington Post—Dem primary voters do not reflect the general election...

McCain's Daughter Blogs About Trail Life, Not Politics

Meghan, 23, prefers candid snapshots of the grind over policy statements

(Newser) - Potential first daughter Meghan McCain has been blogging about life on the campaign trail, focusing on Henry Kissinger’s shoes and iTunes playlists rather then the finer points of policy, the Los Angeles Times reports. Candidates’ children are often deployed to humanize their parents—in carefully choreographed ways—but McCain’...

Websites Spark 'Baracklash'
Websites Spark 'Baracklash'

Websites Spark 'Baracklash'

Even Obama-lovers put up firewall of online sarcasm

(Newser) - The Internet may love Barack Obama—he leads other presidential hopefuls in online fundraising—but some new Obama sites are a tad sarcastic, the Washington Post reports. Sites like BarackObamaIsYourNewBicycle.com and SenatorObamas.com are poking fun at Obamamania even as they partake in it. “It’s a backlash...

Richardson Is Out of the Race, But In Demand

Clinton, Obama vie for backing of NM governor

(Newser) - The remaining Dem hopefuls have been pursuing Bill Richardson since he left the presidential race, the New York Times reports. In fact Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are calling the New Mexico governor daily seeking his endorsement. Obama’s approach is “a surgical bomb,” Richardson said, while “...

Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul
Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul

Hillary Didn't Plan for Long Haul

Spending calls might reflect poorly on Clinton's management skills

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton invested heavily to try to lock up the Democratic presidential nomination on Super Tuesday—but that didn't happen, and her failure to plan for the long haul let Barack Obama rack up 10 straight wins since and left some doubting her management skills. Clinton's dwindling war chest also...

Nader Will Reveal Election Plans
Nader Will Reveal Election Plans

Nader Will Reveal Election Plans

He'll announce decision on 'Meet the Press' Sunday

(Newser) - Ralph Nader will announce this weekend whether he intends to run for president again. He's been talking to “lots of people on all sorts of levels” about a potential bid, said Nader's spokesman from the 2004 race. The announcement comes Sunday on "Meet the Press." “Obviously,...

Fidel Looking Forward to 'Vacation'
Fidel Looking Forward
to 'Vacation'

Fidel Looking Forward to 'Vacation'

Former leader mocks US in post-presidential newspaper column

(Newser) - Fidel can't wait to retire. The soon-to-be-former dictator published a new newspaper column today, telling Cuba he was relieved to be rid of his exhausting presidential duties. “The night before, I slept better than ever,” Castro wrote. But he couldn’t give up his newspaper gig because, “...

Obama Wins Delegates Abroad
Obama Wins Delegates Abroad

Obama Wins Delegates Abroad

Primary voting by expat Democrats gives him an 11th consecutive win

(Newser) - Barack Obama has won the primary organized by Democrats Abroad, a global organization controlling seven official delegates in the national convention, the AP reports today. Obama won more than 65% of the 20,000 US expatriates who voted from more than 164 countries. It is Obama’s 11th consecutive primary...

Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice
Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice

Jesse to Hill, Barack: Make Nice

Get ready to come together in November—or else, he warns

(Newser) - With an eye on November, Jesse Jackson warned Democrats yesterday to patch up their battle wounds from the ongoing Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama feud or they "could hurt themselves substantially, perhaps irreparably," reports Politico. First on his agenda is making sure that black-Latino tensions are not "exacerbated,"...

McCain Denies Lobbyist Scandal, Attacks Times

Candidate slams article, 'smear campaign'

(Newser) - John McCain’s camp came out swinging at the New York Times last night, calling a “hit and run smear campaign” a report alleging that the senator had been involved in an improper and possibly romantic relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman eight years ago. “The New York Times...

Clinton Camp Unveils Victory Blueprint

Plenty of time to turn this thing around, advisers believe

(Newser) - As Barack Obama continues to bask in the glow of a string of impressive primary victories, Team Clinton is pulling out the stops to capture important wins in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania. Clinton advisers have hardly given up hope. They're optimistic Hillary can accomplish the latest victory blueprint: nail pending...

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton
Teamsters Endorse
Obama Over Clinton

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton

It's another troubling sign for Hillary and her base

(Newser) - The Teamsters union endorsed Barack Obama today, giving him a chance to make further inroads into Hillary Clinton's base of blue-collar workers. Obama met with Teamsters chief Jim Hoffa today, who afterward gave Obama the backing of the 1.4-million-member union, the Chicago Tribune reports. The move could help in...

Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism
Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism

Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism

They vastly prefer Clinton, but bigotry charge sparks outrage

(Newser) - Barack Obama's low support among Asian-Americans is sparking cries of racism, Time reports. "On a gut level my reaction is that at least some Asian-Americans are uncomfortable voting for a black candidate," one analyst said. But some Asians resent the charge: A recent CNN show on the topic...

Hillary Coalition Collapses as Barack Lures Working Class

He wins white men 3-2 in Wisconsin

(Newser) - Barack Obama's 17-point victory in Wisconsin contains a major warning for Hillary Clinton: not only did the Illinois senator win among his usual coalition of well-educated, young and black voters, but he also captured the vote of the working class, particularly men. The "durable coalition" that Clinton strategist Mark...

Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist
Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist

Clinton Camp Calls Obama Plagiarist

He says same of her, but admits he 'should have' credited lines

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton accused Barack Obama of plagiarism today over a speech he gave two nights ago, the Swamp blog reports. Obama retaliated by hitting Hillary with five instances of her robbing his words, including "Yes, we can" and "Bring this country together." But the Illinois senator later...

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.
Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Primary shapes up as test of momentum

(Newser) - Tomorrow's primary in Wisconsin won’t decide the Democratic nomination, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fighting tooth and nail anyway, Politico reports, airing their first negative ads of the campaign and taking shots at each other through aides. At stake is momentum: Obama doesn’t want to break...

Clinton, Obama Bicker About How to Count Superdelegates

He says obey voter will; she wants autonomy

(Newser) - As superdelegates appear ever more likely to play a deciding role in the Dems' hotly contested primary battle, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are pushing very different visions of how they should decide how to vote, the Washington Post reports. Obama wants them to follow the will of voters in...

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