Election 2008

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Pols and Voters Are Reviving Political Center
Pols and Voters Are Reviving Political Center

Pols and Voters Are Reviving Political Center

Bipartisan wave could loosen gridlock in Washington

(Newser) - With Barack Obama and John McCain continuing to roll out bipartisan rhetoric, this election may soon see the return of the political center, the Wall Street Journal reports. More voters are also registering as independents, and Internet donations from ordinary citizens make pols less beholden to special interests on the...

With Time, McCain Readies for the Fall

Nominee raises cash, keeps distance from White House

(Newser) - John McCain has had the Republican nomination locked up for three months, and while the Democrats were busily duking it out, the Arizona senator was laying the groundwork for this fall's campaign—hiring new staff and stuffing the piggybank of a once-broke candidacy. As the Wall Street Journal writes, he...

McCain May Pray For Pastors to Zip It

Hagee not talking, but another high-profile preacher may be in news soon

(Newser) - John McCain may be heading for his own preacher problems, but at least one of his problematic pastors is clamming up for now, Newsweek reports. John Hagee, who called Hurricane Katrina “the judgment of God,” and Catholicism a “false cult system,” recently answered a request for...

Clinton Still Defiant on Trail
 Clinton Still Defiant on Trail 

Clinton Still Defiant on Trail

She dismisses calls to step down as 'deja vu all over again'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton urged her supporters to stick by her today, telling a West Virginia audience that calls for her to step down are simply "deja vu all over again," the AP reports. Clinton also told USA Today that only she can deliver the broad base of voters, including...

Rove: Get Ready for November, Obama
 Rove: Get Ready
 for November,

Rove: Get Ready for November, Obama

Former Bush adviser breaks down the race

(Newser) - Barack Obama is now the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic nomination, writes Karl Rove, analyzing the presidential race for the Wall Street Journal. Clinton may still battle on, but there’s nothing Obama can or should do to stop her. Instead, he should focus on the general election where, by...

Booed by Voters, Clinton Plows Ahead

Candidate endures heckling at West Virginia speech

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had on her game face in West Virginia yesterday, but the crowd at the hastily arranged rally wasn't helping her keep her faltering campaign alive amid a torrent of talk that it's time for her to drop out. The crowd booed her proposal for a gas tax holiday,...

Obama Claws Back With Key Demos
 Obama Claws Back
 With Key Demos 

Obama Claws Back With Key Demos

Surveys show candidate recovering from Pa. setback

(Newser) - Barack Obama romped to victory in North Carolina and almost fought Hillary Clinton to a draw in Indiana by relying on his most loyal coalitions: young voters, African-Americans, and liberals. He also did better yesterday than in recent races among white men, pulling about 40% of that demo in Indiana....

Scrambling Hillary Changes the Target
 Scrambling Hillary
Changes the Target

Scrambling Hillary Changes the Target

Seeks to add Florida and Michigan to delegate mix

(Newser) - Barack Obama's resounding win in North Carolina and fight to the finish in Indiana has left the Clinton campaign with one final strategy to win the nomination: move the goalposts and play for time. Team Hillary is now telling journalists that the winning candidate actually needs almost 200 more delegates...

Clinton Wins by a Whisker in Indiana Primary

Her double-digit lead shrank to 2 points late

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton held on to beat Barack Obama by the slimmest of margins in the Indiana primary, CNN reports. Though Clinton led by double digits early in the night, Obama made a dramatic recovery late and closed the gap to 51% to 49%. Populous Lake County held up the results...

Confident Obama Looks Beyond Primaries

He predicts party will reunite for the general election

(Newser) - Barack Obama tonight portrayed himself as the likely Democratic candidate and predicted the party will reunite once the primaries end, CNN reports. Analysts saw the speech as a direct appeal to superdelegates, a kickoff to the general election. After his resounding victory in North Carolina, Obama rejected the notion that...

Obama Wins Easily in NC
 Obama Wins Easily in NC 

Obama Wins Easily in NC

He dominates the black vote, gets about 40% of whites

(Newser) - Barack Obama won the North Carolina primary today, foiling Hillary Clinton's hopes of an upset in her bid to sway superdelegates, the Washington Post reports. It's Obama's first win in a big state since February. Obama won decisively, 56% to 42%. In his victory speech, Obama tweaked Clinton for calling...

Crucial Election Inspires 3.5M to Sign Up to Vote

Surge particularly seen among blacks, women; Dems claim advantage

(Newser) - Despite claims of an exhausting race, voter registration is officially lifting off this year, with an AP survey reporting that over 3.5 million new voters have signed up. Detailed data are only available from a few states, the AP reports, but what there is suggests that registration is particularly...

8 Questions on the Table in Today's Primaries

Obama and Clinton face off in what could be decisive contests

(Newser) - Voters in North Carolina and Indiana go to the polls today in what many are seeing as the last major battle in the Democratic race. The Washington Post outlines the stakes.
  1. Has Obama put the Wright controversy behind him? Pretty much, say both sides; it's a media story now.
  2. How's

Obama, Clinton Spar on Iran, Gas

Dems hit competing morning talk shows

(Newser) - Obama likened Hillary's stance on Iran to George Bush's "cowboy diplomacy" on Meet the Press today, while Clinton took to ABC to defend the gas tax and told voters mired in the Jeremiah Wright controversy "We should move on." Tim Russert ignored her advice, however, and devoted...

Why Is Edwards AWOL in North Carolina?

Former senator has surprisingly little clout in home state

(Newser) - Why has John Edwards maintained silence as the precarious Democratic contest heads to his home state of North Carolina? Could be, Politico posits, because he knows he has little sway there. According to insiders, the state, which holds its primary Tuesday, knew the senator only fleetingly before he leapt to...

GOP May Have Big Say in Dems' Indiana Primary

Clinton, Obama reaching out to Republican voters, too

(Newser) - In the red state of Indiana, the GOP could have a major say in the fortunes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Tuesday's primary, the Wall Street Journal reports. Republicans could account for up to 15% of voters in the Democratic race because of the state's open-primary system. As...

Thousands Rally for Immigrant Rights

Activists call for end to deportations, better access to health care

(Newser) - Immigrants and activists took to the streets by the thousands across the US today to put immigration reform back on the election agenda, the AP reports. In Chicago, 15,000 called for an end to deportations and better access to education, and big rallies also took place  in DC, Miami,...

Clinton Aides Start to Believe Own Spin

Wright controversy a godsend for Clinton

(Newser) - Optimism is spreading through Hillary Clinton’s once-dispirited war room, Politico reports, as a series of wins accumulate in their candidate’s column: fundraising has rushed in since Pennsylvania, she's collected some well-timed endorsements, she’s bobbed up in the polls, and Barack Obama is once again afflicted by Jeremiah...

Obama Still Leads in Poll, But New Troubles Take Toll

He widens margin over Clinton, even as fewer expect him to be the nominee

(Newser) - Barack Obama increased his lead over Hillary Clinton in a national poll, but the newest Rev. Wright flap and his loss in Pennsylvania appears to have raised doubts about him in voters' minds, the New York Times reports. Democrats favor him over Clinton 46% to 38% in a Times/CBS poll,...

Clinton Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP
Clinton Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP

Clinton Gets Cold Shoulder From GOP

Republicans tuning her out as they focus attacks on Obama

(Newser) - Republican strategists are tuning out Hillary Clinton as they ramp up their attacks on Barack Obama, writes Jonathan Martin in Politico. The national party is increasingly focusing its ads and money on Obama, and John McCain's camp also puts a definite emphasis on him. A new daily email to reporters...

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