Election 2008

Stories 1321 - 1340 | << Prev   Next >>

Noonan to Dems: You Dodged a Bullet
Noonan to Dems:
You Dodged a Bullet

Noonan to Dems: You Dodged a Bullet

And deep-sixed a hopeful who brings lies, drama, and scandal

(Newser) - Hooray, Democrats! You dumped Hillary Clinton, not for her positions, or because you were sexist, but over her "essential nature," Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. Another Clinton White House would have meant lies, scandal, drama, and "the sheer, daily madness that is her, and...

Clinton Took to Heart Blunt Talk From Friends

Rangel, Frank among those who finally swayed her to pull the plug

(Newser) - For Hillary Clinton, it was the candor of longtime supporters such as Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank that told her it was time to go. Politico offers more details from Clinton's conference call with House members, which began with deference but ultimately spelled out the political reality in blunt terms....

Clinton, Obama Meet Privately in DC

No word yet on what they discussed

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton met face to face tonight in a private meeting, NBC news reports. No immediate word surfaced about their discussion. Obama delayed his departure from Washington and instead went to Clinton's home in DC. Earlier in the day, both sought to temper speculation that Obama should...

Clinton Vows to Back Obama
 Clinton Vows to Back Obama 

Clinton Vows to Back Obama

Letter to backers says she declare her 'strong support' Saturday

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has told supporters she will end her campaign Saturday and endorse Barack Obama, Reuters reports. A letter from the New York senator to her backers released today said she would make good on her promise to "strongly support" Obama if he won the Democratic nomination. She pledged...

Calm and Collected, Obama Makes History
 Calm and Collected,
 Obama Makes History 

Calm and Collected, Obama Makes History

Obama has played it cool throughout his career

(Newser) - Barack Obama is not merely the first black presumptive presidential nominee of a major party—he's also only 46, having entered the Illinois state Senate just 11 years ago. He's also a brilliant, imperfect, unstoppably ambitious man with an astounding ability to remain calm throughout a manic campaign, writes the...

McCain Jabs at Obama, Lavishes Praise on Clinton

He also distances himself from President Bush

(Newser) - John McCain took full aim at Barack Obama tonight, now that "pundits and party elders" have declared him to be the Democratic nominee, Politico reports. He ridiculed Obama for repeatedly trying to link him to President Bush's policies and trumpeted his independent credentials. Obama has bought into "so...

Carter to Endorse Obama
 Carter to Endorse Obama 

Carter to Endorse Obama

Former president will make it official when polls close tonight

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter will endorse Barack Obama when the polls close tonight in South Dakota and Montana, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Carter will be among a slew of big-name superdelegates officially giving their blessing to Obama today, the last day of the primary season. In fact, the AP reports that Obama...

Five Things to Watch in Montana ...

The Treasure State may crown Obama

(Newser) - Montana is shaping up to be a slam dunk for Barack Obama and a chance to head into the general election with some momentum, according to recent polls. But a surprise win by Hillary Clinton could give her the credibility she needs to sway superdelegates, writes Politico. Five things to...

... And in S. Dakota
 ... And in S. Dakota  

... And in S. Dakota

Last primary is a toss-up

(Newser) - Unlike most of this year's primaries, South Dakota is a genuine toss-up. Different polls have both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama leading by double digits. Politico focuses on things to watch for:
  • Split time zones: The western half of the state is an hour behind the eastern half; results won't

In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field
In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field

In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field

Tone-setting blogger stuns GOP by taking a shine to Obama

(Newser) - The powerhouse news-aggregating Drudge Report is surprising its loyal fan base by straying from typically conservative output, Politico observes. Editor Matt Drudge had gained the affection of Republicans and ire of Democrats through previous election cycles, but this time the reclusive blogger has displayed a certain fondness for Barack Obama,...

Dems Put Spotlight on Puerto Rico
Dems Put Spotlight on Puerto Rico

Dems Put Spotlight on Puerto Rico

But voters there aren't all that excited about their 15 minutes

(Newser) - Today’s Democratic primary in Puerto Rico will bring the island the national attention many residents seek—but not for the right cause. Puerto Ricans are less excited about the Democratic presidential candiates—neither of whom will they get to vote for in November—than the perennial issue of how...

Obama Quits Trinity Church
 Obama Quits
 Trinity Church 

Obama Quits Trinity Church

Hopeful resigns by letter after latest pulpit controversy

(Newser) - Barack Obama quit his longtime church today in an apparent attempt to quell its latest pulpit controversy, Politico reports. Obama resigned by letter to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where a reverend accused Hillary Clinton this week of acting "entitled" to the presidency because she is...

Counting on Youth Could Be Rookie Mistake for Obama

'04 election might have seen surge Dems are counting on; math blurs from there

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has it that young people energized by Barack Obama will sweep him to victory in November. But not so fast, Paul Maslin writes on Salon. It’s possible the big youth surge already happened in 2004, when turnout among 18-to-24-year-olds jumped from 2000’s dismal 32.4% to...

Rove: Obama's Stretching Truth
 Rove: Obama's Stretching Truth 

Rove: Obama's Stretching Truth

Illinois senator "instinctively resorts to parsing, evasions, and misdirection"

(Newser) - Barack Obama is a man who "instinctively resorts to parsing, evasions, and misdirection" writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal. Take the Rev. Jeremiah Wright episode—in 62 days, Obama offered eight different characterizations of the controversial preacher ranging from "an old uncle" to someone who "...

Mac, Obama Clash at Memorial Day Rallies

Hopefuls disagree on bill to guarantee college for 3-year vets

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain dueled at Memorial Day rallies in New Mexico today, Bloomberg reports. Obama restated his support for a new veterans bill, while McCain said an alternate plan would better reward those who reenlist. "Our bill has a sliding scale," he said, that "increases...

Barr Set for Libertarians
 Barr Set for Libertarians 

Barr Set for Libertarians

Ex-Republican nabs nomination, names running mate

(Newser) - Bob Barr won the Libertarian nomination yesterday, beating scientist Mary Ruwart 324-276 after six rounds of voting. The former GOP congressman from Georgia then swiftly named fifth-round dropout Wayne Allyn Root as his vice-presidential choice. Former Democratic candidate Mike Gravel, meanwhile, dropped out in the fourth round.

GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign
GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign

GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign

Doubters point to resignations, poorly organized team

(Newser) - GOP leaders fear that John McCain's campaign has hit the skids, the New York Times reports. A flurry of staff resignations, a hobbled national crew, and doubts about McCain's ability to capitalize on Democrats' troubles all add to the mix. Not to mention that McCain's drive is nowhere near the...

Obama Says Clinton Meant No Offense in RFK Comment

'Sometimes you get careless,' he says

(Newser) - Barack Obama said today that he believes Hillary Clinton meant no harm when she made her much-maligned comment about Robert Kennedy's assassination, the Chicago Tribune reports. "Sen. Clinton says that she did not intend any offense by it, and I will take her at her word on that,"...

Poll Highlights Obama's Race Dilemma

Many white Democrats would rather vote for McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama will need to defeat not only John McCain but prejudice within his own party if he is to win the presidency, a Newsweek poll finds. Pollsters divided respondents into two categories, based on answers to questions on race-related topics. Among white Democrats who scored low on the poll's...

Clinton's RFK Remark Sparks Fear, Outrage

Hillary defends her prolonged bid by recalling '68 murder

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton whipped up a storm of anger today by invoking Bobby Kennedy's murder as grounds for staying in the Democratic race, the New York Times reports. Recalling the surprise outcomes of past contests, including her husband’s in 1992, the senator told editors at a South Dakota newspaper that...

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