Election 2008

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Rudy: 'Barack Obama Has Never Led Anything'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani tonight delivered the most blistering attack yet on Barack Obama's qualifications to be president, belittling him as a "celebrity senator" with no legislative record to speak of, MSNBC reports. "He’s never run a city, he’s never run a state, he’s never run a...

Huck: We Need a Leader, Not a Symbol

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee laid out the coming election as a clear choice between big government and small, and as one between a "thoroughly tested" candidate of "stubborn integrity" and one ill-prepared to lead the nation, CNN reports. Barack Obama's candidacy may be a nice milestone for America, "but...

Obama Blasts Mac Emphasis on 'Biography'

Democrat seizes on comment that 'election is not about issues'

(Newser) - After a day off in deference to Hurricane Gustav, Barack Obama today jumped on a comment by John McCain's campaign manager that the election "is not about issues" and would be decided on personalities, James Oliphant notes in the Swamp blog. "If you don't have any issues to...

As the Vice's Vices Stack Up, GOP Says 'Life Happens'

Cries sexism in the face of 'legitimate questions'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has brought an “onslaught of wild soap opera storylines” to the McCain campaign, and his party is defending itself by insisting that “life happens,” Maureen Dowd observes in the New York Times. Palin already has a Troopergate, a pregnant teen daughter, and a National Enquirer...

Palin Used Wedge Issues to Win Mayor's Race

Abortion, guns, religion became small-town issues

(Newser) - Running for mayor in Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin brought ideological politics to a small-town race that had been focused on roads and sewers, the New York Times reports. The 32-year-old candidate defeated a three-term incumbent by highlighting her anti-abortion stance, her NRA membership, and her religious work —while the...

Palin Resurrects the Culture Wars

Watchers agree they never left, but require an event, like Palin's candidacy, to reemerge

(Newser) - The culture wars are heating up again, thanks to Sarah Palin’s staunch opposition to abortion and demonstrated fondness for firearms, Politico reports. Social issues have been largely absent from the campaign so far, with both candidates preferring to focus on the war and the economy. But Palin’s own...

McCain Camp Preps Palin for Convention

RNC speech tonight offers vital chance for VP to introduce herself

(Newser) - Instead of basking in the limelight as co-star of the RNC, Sarah Palin has been hunkered down in a Minneapolis hotel since Sunday, painstakingly working with John McCain's staff to hone the message she will present as she steps onto the national stage tonight. Her public appearances have been canceled...

Palin's Alaskan Secessionist Sympathies Come to Light

Governor recorded video message for separatists this year

(Newser) - The latest surprise from Sarah Palin's past is her membership in the fringe Alaskan Independence Party, ABC News reports. A party leader says the governor and her husband were members in the 1990s. Though not strictly secessionist, the AIP is a "states' right party" that wants a vote on...

Convention Bounce Small, Fading Fast
 Convention Bounce 
 Small, Fading Fast 

Convention Bounce Small, Fading Fast

Polls see Obama's approval grow by below-average 3%-4%, then diminish over weekend

(Newser) - Barack Obama enjoyed a noticeable, but below-average, bounce in opinion polls after last week’s Democratic National Convention, Politico reports—but the gains appear to be already diminishing. Obama has risen 4% in Gallup’s daily tracking poll, 3% in a CBS survey—smaller than the average 5-6% convention bounce....

Palin's Town Scored $27M in Pork

McCain has praised her opposition to 'wasting taxpayers' money'

(Newser) - As mayor, Sarah Palin employed a lobbying firm that secured some $27 million in earmarked federal funds for her town of 6,700, a watchdog group has discovered. The money went toward railways, sewers, a transportation hub, and a youth shelter, reports the Washington Post. Fighting federal earmarks, which are...

Bristol's Pregnancy Raises Serious Vetting Questions

Mac picked in haste after conservatives nixed his two faves: sources

(Newser) - The steady stream of stories emerging about John McCain's brand new running mate has some Republicans wondering how thoroughly Sarah Palin was vetted, the New York Times reports. McCain has said he was aware that her teen daughter Bristol was pregnant, although aides are vague about when he learned of...

McCain Hires Strategist Who Smeared Him

Tucker Eskew, part of party's 'darker side,' attacked Mac in 2000

(Newser) - Republican strategist Tucker Eskew, who helped smear John McCain in the 2000 primaries, is now on board the GOP candidate’s campaign and will prep Sarah Palin for her role, reports Jake Tapper on ABC News. “He's one of the best and most collaborative talents in Republican politics,”...

McCain, Palin Both Oppose Teen Pregnancy Programs

Both support abstinence-only sex ed

(Newser) - Pregnancies in 17-year-olds like Bristol Palin are something John McCain and his running mate, her mother, agree on: neither believes the government should support sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs, other than encouraging abstinence, in schools. "The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Sarah Palin wrote in...

Palin Babydaddy a 'Redneck' Who 'Doesn't Want Kids'

Bristol's pregnancy no secret in hometown

(Newser) - Bristol Palin's husband-to-be is a self-described "redneck" hockey player who "doesn't want kids," according to his MySpace page. High school senior Levi Johnston has been dating the 17-year-old daughter of John McCain's new running mate for a year, and the teen's pregnancy was no secret in Wasilla,...

Evangelicals Applaud Palins
 Evangelicals Applaud Palins

Evangelicals Applaud Palins

Daughter's pregnancy makes Palin even more popular among religious right

(Newser) - Evangelical groups are standing squarely behind Sarah Palin and her family following the news that her teenage daughter Bristol is pregnant, CNN reports. Pro-life leaders hailed Bristol's decision to keep her baby with her family's support and dismissed any suggestion that her pregnancy is at odds with Palin's promotion of...

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.
 McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

With $10M since bringing Palin on board, GOP looking amply financed

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential campaign raised $47 million in August, its biggest monthly take yet, the AP reports. The campaign has apparently received $10 million in donations since McCain announced Friday that Sarah Palin would be his running mate. Officials say the total Republican general-election chest will be at least...

Palin's Woes Make Her More American
 Palin's Woes Make
 Her More American

Palin's Woes Make Her More American

Teen pregnancy, DUI are problems average voters relate to

(Newser) - Revelations about Sarah Palin's personal and political life may in fact boost her image among average Americans, Charles Mahtesian writes in Politico. A pregnant teenage daughter and a husband with a DUI are problems many voters can relate to, unlike the elite scandals of Capitol Hill. "It is this...

Palin's Husband Busted for DUI in 1986

Latest revelation about family doesn't worry McCain camp

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's husband was arrested in 1986 for driving while intoxicated, the Christian Broadcasting Network reports. Todd Palin, who was dating the VP candidate, then Sarah Heath, was not involved in any accident but was jailed briefly. A spokesman for John McCain told CNN the campaign was aware of the...

Why Sarah Palin Didn't Get the Harriet Miers Treatment

Absurd, since she's more inexperienced that Bush's ill-fated Supreme Court nominee

(Newser) - E.J. Dionne can't resist comparing John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate to President Bush's attempt to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court. “Palin is, if anything, less qualified for the vice presidency (and the presidency) than Miers was for the court,”...

Palin's Daughter, 17, Is Pregnant, Will Keep Child

Teen will "grow up faster than we had ever planned," GOP candidate says

(Newser) - The 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin is 5 months pregnant, the Republican vice presidential candidate said today, and plans to keep the child and marry the father. John McCain knew about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy before choosing the Alaska governor as his running mate, Reuters reports. The statement comes after...

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