Election 2008

Stories 981 - 1000 | << Prev   Next >>

McCain Casts Himself as Hero of Financial Crisis

Republican can only win by changing subject from policy to himself

(Newser) - In parachuting into Washington to "rescue" the $700-billion bailout for Wall Street, John McCain demonstrated again that he wants to make the election about himself, not his politicies, writes Harold Meyerson in the Washington Post. With the beleaguered economy an area where Barack Obama is seen as stronger, McCain...

Political Ads Target Sports Fans

Candidates buy time on regional sports networks to reach men, swing voters

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama are betting on the Minnesota-Ohio State football game this weekend—but they’d rather score points with fans than on the field, the Wall Street Journal reports. The candidates are advertising on regional sports networks to reach swing voters, and hard-to-reach men, in seven states....

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama
Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Dem's vowel-heavy name better as clue than McCain, paper says

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign chief looks to have been on to something when he accused the New York Times of being “in the tank” for Barack Obama; why else, David Levinson Wilk asks on Politico, would the paper’s crossword puzzle so thoroughly exclude John McCain? OBAMA has been...

Mac Spent $5,500 on Idol Artist

Republican candidate employs Hollywood makeup expert for TV slots

(Newser) - John McCain has spent more than $5,500 for the prime-time expertise of an American Idol makeup artist so the 72-year-old can be camera-ready for his TV appearances, Us Weekly reports. Tifanie White, who's also worked on So You Think You Can Dance, used her beauty school tricks to the...

McCain Gamble Forces Both Noms' Hands
McCain Gamble Forces Both Noms' Hands

McCain Gamble Forces Both Noms' Hands

But especially his own: will he look presidential or reckless?

(Newser) - John McCain’s dramatic suspension of his campaign has propelled himself and Barack Obama to positions of leadership in the financial crisis, writes Michael Cooper in the New York Times, ending their attempts “to float above” the bailout. But now, as members of their parties look to them, their...

Candidates Will Huddle With Bush on Bailout

Hopefuls headed to DC today to discuss 'flawed' $700B rescue

(Newser) - Both presidential candidates will meet with George W. Bush for talks on the proposed $700 billion bailout of financial firms today, CNN reports. John McCain and Barack Obama released a joint statement on the financial crisis last night, agreeing that the plan was flawed but that "the effort to...

McCain Move 'Desperate', Say GOP Strategists

Nominee gets public support, but private views are scathing

(Newser) - Republican leaders are publicly praising John McCain's decision to suspend his campaign and seek a postponement of this Friday's debate because of the economic crisis. But off the record, GOP strategists have been scathing about their nominee's latest surprise move. One Republican told the Washington Post it was "desperate...

Letterman Lambasts AWOL McCain
Letterman Lambasts

Letterman Lambasts AWOL McCain

'Metamucil Mac' snubs host to prep for Couric, claims he's off to DC

(Newser) - John McCain was scorched by the full fury of a Letterman scorned after blowing off last night's Late Show an hour before taping, the New York Daily News reports. "This just doesn't smell right. This is not the way a tested hero behaves," Letterman raged. "Somebody's putting...

McCain Launches Another Hail Mary

(Newser) - John McCain's decision to suspend his campaign to work on the bailout feels like another Hail Mary pass—his second in a month, counting the Sarah Palin pick—from a candidate slipping in the polls and looking for a bold move, writes John Dickerson in Slate. Given that it's not...

Poll: Biden More Qualified Than Palin to Lead Nation

49% of respondents don't think Republican could be president; 64% OK with Democrat

(Newser) - Sarah Palin isn’t qualified to be president, 49% of Americans say, while 64% think Joe Biden is, according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. Seniors particularly put more confidence in the Democrat (74%) than Alaska's governor (37%). And while only 7% of Democrats...

Drinkers Sour on Sarah Syrah
 Drinkers Sour on Sarah Syrah 

Drinkers Sour on Sarah Syrah

Alaskan's entrance gives SF drinkers second thoughts on Palin Syrah

(Newser) - A San Francisco wine bar says customers have soured on its star vintage since John McCain picked his running mate, Amy Monroe writes on Serious Eats. Palin Syrah, an organically grown red from Chile “was our best-selling wine before” Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin arrived, laments Chris Tavelli, owner of...

Obama: Friday's Debate Should Go On
 Obama: Friday's Debate  
 Should Go On 

Obama: Friday's Debate Should Go On

He disagrees with McCain on need for postponement

(Newser) - Barack Obama disagrees with John McCain and says "it's more important than ever" to hold the first presidential debate Friday, CNN reports. Obama spoke soon after McCain called for a postponement, announcing that he was suspending his campaign to return to Washington and work on the financial bailout. So...

Blogger's Pursuit of Paternity Issue Verges on Vendetta

Atlantic 's Sullivan engaging in 'Rove-style politics,' critics charge

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan, blogger for the Atlantic, has come under fire for hammering John McCain’s campaign on an issue everyone else seems to have gotten over: whether or not Sarah Palin or her teen daughter Bristol is the mother of 4-month-old Trig Palin, Howard Kurtz writes in the Washington Post....

Mac: Delay Debate to Focus on Economy

Republican says he's leaving the campaign trail to work on bailout

(Newser) - John McCain says he's directing his staff to work with Barack Obama's campaign and the debate commission to delay Friday's debate because of the economic crisis. In a statement today, McCain says he will stop campaigning after addressing Bill Clinton's Global Initiative session tomorrow and return to Washington to focus...

Debate Winner? He Who Beats Expectations

McCain faces uphill battle; Obama needs to boost foreign-policy cred

(Newser) - To win the presidential debates, Barack Obama and John McCain need to beat expectations, political strategist Mark Penn writes on Politico. Penn, who most recently was Hillary Clinton’s top strategist, argues that reinforcing one’s strengths does nothing: Voters know Obama, for example, is a skilled speaker, so he...

Enquirer Names Alleged Palin Lover, Bolsters Claim

Former in-law goes on the record for the Enquirer

(Newser) - The National Enquirer returns this week to its claim that Sarah Palin had an affair, this time naming the alleged lover as Brad Hanson, a city council member in Palmer (near Wasilla) and former partner of Todd Palin in a snowmobile business. To bolster the claim, the tab now says...

Brown: Free Palin From Mac's 'Chauvinistic Chains'

CNN anchor rips McCain's 'delicate flower' treatment

(Newser) - Another rant on sexism has political bloggers buzzing today, Mark Silva notes in the Swamp. Only in this one, CNN’s Campbell Brown lays into the McCain campaign for clamping “chauvinistic chains” on Sarah Palin by not letting her take questions from the media as other candidates do.

Both Candidates Are Playing It Too Safe
Both Candidates Are Playing It Too Safe

Both Candidates Are Playing It Too Safe

Time for innovative policy proposals, not rote party positions

(Newser) - In facing an extraordinary economic crisis, the presidential nominees are falling back on party orthodoxy instead of staking out bold new positions, Michael Gerson writes with regret in the Washington Post. Both candidates, earlier in the campaign, proved they are capable of provocative ideas, but now they're singing the old...

Obama Smears Are Low-Profile Precision Strikes

Efforts to emphasize Democrat's "foreign-ness" dodge publicity

(Newser) - This election’s smear campaigns are precision strikes flying under the radar, unlike the publicity assault from the Swift Boat attacks last time around, the New York Times reports. An independent group has run cable ads heavy on racial overtones in Detroit’s suburbs, linking Barack Obama to controversial black...

As Alaska Melts, Palin Plays Big Oil Denial Game
As Alaska Melts, Palin Plays Big Oil Denial Game

As Alaska Melts, Palin Plays Big Oil Denial Game

Would-be veep as big an industry stooge as Cheney, says RFK Jr

(Newser) - Alaska is melting, but Sarah Palin doesn’t believe man’s to blame. Then again, McCain’s VP pick is also skeptical about evolution, “which is like not believing in gravity,” writes Robert F. Kennedy Jr in the LA Times. Kennedy recalls his childhood, when Virginia had ski...

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