Election 2008

Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin Clashed With Fired Official Over Trig's Car Seat

Todd's Troopergate statement hints at bad blood with axed commissioner

(Newser) - Deep in the statement Todd Palin wrote to Troopergate investigators is a surprise history of his wife's long-standing feud with a fired Alaska safety commissioner—including clashing over her apparent failure to use a car safety seat for her baby son, Trig. The commissioner was not axed because he refused...

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care
Palin's Rise Proves GOP
Just Doesn't Care

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care

Governing not foremost in GOP's mind

(Newser) - If the polls are right, Republicans are about to lose the election, and when that happens Sarah Palin "will reign as the party’s crown princess,” writes Jay Bookman in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That would be a travesty, because Palin epitomizes the reason Republicans are falling from favor:...

Disaster Ahead for McCain, Obama, and Us
Disaster Ahead for McCain, Obama, and Us

Disaster Ahead for McCain, Obama, and Us

Economic crisis will ruin political, financial fortunes alike

(Newser) - Disaster’s dead ahead for John McCain, for Barack Obama, and for the rest of us, too, writes Rosa Brooks in the Los Angeles Times. McCain is “a dead man walking,” as he’ll soon find out. The "winner" will be a President Obama with no idea...

NRA Endorses McCain, Despite Differences

Gun lobby has already spent millions attacking Obama

(Newser) - The NRA is endorsing John McCain for president, the group announced today, overlooking differences between the gun-rights lobby and McCain on campaign finance restrictions and gun show rules.The vice president of the NRA, whose political action committee has already spent more than $2.3 million opposing Barack Obama, said...

Clock Ticking on Real Palin's SNL Debut

Head writer: She's welcome ... until Election Day

(Newser) - Sarah Palin won’t be on tonight’s Saturday Night Live prime-time special, but head writer Seth Meyers tells Newsday the door's still open. “There's nothing specific yet, but our window of opportunity is before the election," Meyers says. “We'd love to have her.  We'd love...

Pollsters: Our Predictions Could Be Off
Pollsters: Our Predictions Could Be Off

Pollsters: Our Predictions Could Be Off

Cell phones, turnout, and prejudice threaten to skew forecasts

(Newser) - Pollsters worry that a growing affinity for cell phones (most surveys rely on landlines), unspoken racial biases, and tough-to-predict turnout among young people and black people could skew their predictions come November, writes Mark Blumenthal in the National Journal. When pollsters "compare notes this year, worry is the prevailing...

McCain Is a Cub in Bear Market
 McCain Is a Cub in Bear Market 

McCain Is a Cub in Bear Market

Republican getting desperate as the economy buries campaign

(Newser) - With Barack Obama making a strong showing in so many red states, wild proposals are all that’s left for John McCain to try, writes George Will in the Washington Post, because this election seems over. McCain's proposal to pad the bailout with several hundred billion more for a mortgage-buying...

Hey, GOP: Let's Emulate Obama's Cool
Hey, GOP:
Let's Emulate Obama's Cool

Hey, GOP: Let's Emulate Obama's Cool

Attack ads worked in 2004. That's not where we're at: Frum

(Newser) - David Frum plans to vote for John McCain, but with the economy in ruin, anyone who thinks the GOP can win “by banging on about William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright is...to put it mildly...severely under-estimating the electoral importance of pocketbook issues.” These desperate attacks “are...

Swing States Are Illegally Blocking Voters

NYT finds thousands wrongly removed from rolls, mostly Dems

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of voters in at least six battleground states have been illegally removed from the rolls or blocked from voting, a New York Times investigation has discovered. The actions appear to stem from errors in complying with a 2002 federal law rather than from partisan bias, but it...

'Ex' Smoker Obama Still Lights Up
'Ex' Smoker Obama Still Lights Up

'Ex' Smoker Obama Still Lights Up

He 'fesses to bumming cigs when pressure trumps fight to stay fit

(Newser) - It's not easy staying healthy during a grueling campaign, admits Barack Obama, who even fesses up to bumming a few cigarettes. He still manages to squeeze in six 45-minute workouts per week—but the ex-smoker admits giving in to temptation and sucking down the  occasional coffin nail, Obama tells Men's ...

Election Results In: Comedy Wins

Race for the White House proving a comedy goldmine

(Newser) - No matter which candidate ultimately surges ahead, political comedy is emerging as the clear winner in the presidential race, reports the New York Times. Tina Fey's dead-on parody of Sarah Palin has triggered a huge boost in viewership for Saturday Night Live. The Colbert Report and the Daily Show have...

Michelle Obama Not Offended by 'That One;' Praises Palin

(Newser) - John McCain set the blogosphere rumbling about racial insensitivities when he referred to Barack Obama as "that one" during their debate last night, but don't count Michelle Obama among the offended. She told CNN's Larry King that the comment barely registered with her. Obama also said she bore no...

Get the Most Bang for Your Activist Buck

(Newser) - There are a scant 27 days left to dedicate your blood, sweat, and tears to your candidate of choice. But some activists' moves are better than others. Christopher Beam runs down the best way to put your limited resources to good use in Slate: Got time to kill?
  1. Knock on

Paris Is Still Ready to Lead
 Paris Is Still Ready to Lead 

Paris Is Still Ready to Lead

Heiress debuts 2nd political spoof video after McCain attack ad

(Newser) - She didn't get an invite to the debate, but Paris Hilton doesn't want you to forget that she's running for president, too. The heiress—whose pseudo-campaign began when John McCain likened Barack Obama to her—debuted a second political video today in which she seeks “fake advice on becoming...

Conservatives Are Right: Government Doesn't Work ...

... Especially when conservatives run it

(Newser) - Conservatives believe that government doesn’t work. They may be on to something, because "our conservative Republican government has bungled most of the big tasks that have fallen to it," writes Thomas Frank in the Wall Street Journal. Yet the GOP candidates tell us "the only answer"...

Good News, Barack: Rezko Sentencing Postponed

Oct. 28 date may have meant bad publicity for Obama

(Newser) - A federal judge has postponed political fund-raiser Tony Rezko’s October 28 sentencing indefinitely, potentially lightening Barack Obama's political load, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. Rezko has been linked to Obama, and his sentencing for improper financial dealings could have meant bad publicity just before the election. The delay is a...

Sarah Silverman, You Don't Get Jewish Voters
Sarah Silverman, You Don't Get Jewish Voters

Sarah Silverman, You Don't Get Jewish Voters

Bubbie is uneasy over Obama's stance on Israel

(Newser) - Sarah Silverman may be urging young Jews to persuade their bubbies in Florida to vote for Barack Obama, but older Jews are right to be uneasy with the Democrat, writes Anat Hakim in the Los Angeles Times. Much of Obama’s history has Jews feeling that “something is just...

Accused Palin Hacker Pleads Not Guilty

David Kernell free for now but faces up to 5 years in prison

(Newser) - A Tennessee college student has been indicted on charges of hacking into Sarah Palin's email account and posting private info online, the Knoxville News Sentinel reports. David Kernell, the 20-year-old son of state Democratic Rep. Michael Kernell, pleaded not guilty. His trial is set for Dec. 16; he's free until...

When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?
When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?

When Did Patriots Stop Paying Taxes?

Palin dead wrong; now is time for US taxpayer to step up: Friedman

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is really asking for it, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times, when she blithely criticizes paying taxes as unpatriotic—especially when Uncle Sam needs the cash to pay for wars and a bailout that she supports. Does Palin "think borrowing money from China is more...

Oh, Was There a Debate Last Night?
Oh, Was There
a Debate
Last Night?

Oh, Was There a Debate Last Night?

Forum brought McCain one non-event closer to November defeat

(Newser) - Last night’s debate was uneventful, writes Roger Simon in Politico, and uneventful is a bad thing for John McCain. Neither candidate delivered "a knockout punch,” which leaves McCain the loser because “he needed one.” Republican stewardship of the tanking economy has painted McCain into a...

Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>