Election 2008

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Schieffer Vows to Get Straight Answers in Debate

Says he will get tough with both candidates

(Newser) - CBS veteran broadcaster Bob Schieffer has vowed to stand firm when he moderates the final presidential debate tonight, and will press the candidates to answer questions put to them, Politico reports. Jim Lehrer, Gwen Ifill and Tom Brokaw have come under fire for being too easy on candidates in previous...

Obama Lead Up to 14 Points Amid Mac Attacks: Poll

Poll finds Obama ahead 53% to 14% after McCain blows fail to land

(Newser) - John McCain's flurry of attacks against Barack Obama has done the Republican more harm than his opponent, according to the latest New York Times/CBS poll. Obama now commands a 53% to 39% lead, with voters seeing McCain as running the more negative campaign of the two, the poll found. More...

Palin's Schedule Shows Minimal Time for Foreign Policy Meetings

12 hours during 19 months as Alaska gov.

(Newser) - Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin might be able to see Russia from her home state, but her actual foreign policy experience boils down to about 20 meetings and just 12 hours, according to the governor’s official calendar obtained by Mother Jones. Most of the Alaska governor’s interactions with...

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs
Out-of-Touch Dems Distort
Myth of Crazed Mobs

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs

(Newser) - It's been hard to miss the spate of reports about ugly anti-Obama incidents at McCain/Palin events—a crowd member calling him a “terrorist,” for instance. The media is now playing a game of "find a freak" at GOP rallies and grossly distorting the notion of genuine harm...

Winning on the Web, Obama Turns to Xbox Advertising

Billboard in online racing game marks another first for Dem's campaign

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign has been lauded for its online efforts, but in the race to make high-speed connections with voters, the Democrat has taken another “new media” leap, placing a campaign billboard inside an Xbox 360 online racing game. While politicians have promoted themselves online before, this is...

These Hot-Button Issues Need Pressing in Last Debate

Abortion, Supreme Court among issues ignored in McCain-Obama encounters thus far

(Newser) - There's just one debate to go, and a surprising number of "hot buttons have gone unpressed," writes John J. Pitney, Jr. in the National Review. A search of the previous debates' transcripts turned up plenty of topics that demand a visit:
  • Abortion: “So far, nobody has even

Fear-Mongering Palin Scares Mac Straighter
Fear-Mongering Palin Scares Mac Straighter

Fear-Mongering Palin Scares Mac Straighter

GOP nominee tries for calm with running mate out of control

(Newser) - These days, John McCain is more concerned with calming down his crowds than riling them up, writes Roger Simon in Politico, which “may not be a winning thing to do. But it is honorable.” The problem is that Sarah Palin “is running a separate—and scary—campaign,...

In Crisis, Ads Are Just Noise
 In Crisis, 
 Ads Are 
 Just Noise 

In Crisis, Ads Are Just Noise

McCain attacks, Obama saturates, and no one cares

(Newser) - With the election weeks away, the airwaves are thick with campaign ads. McCain has gone almost completely negative, while Obama has used his huge war chest to unleash an unprecedented barrage of messages—and none of it matters, strategists tell the Washington Post. “Most people are looking at their...

Obama Wins in a Landslide Among Schoolkids

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be pulling slowly away from John McCain, but he's the overwhelming choice among the pre-K through 12th grade set. In a Scholastic poll, 57% of 250,000 students picked the Dem, USA Today reports. And don’t write it off as youthful inexperience —the poll has...

McCain: Protect All Savings
 McCain: Protect All Savings 

McCain: Protect All Savings

(Newser) - Republican John McCain says he would order the Treasury Department to guarantee 100% of all savings for the next 6 months as president. That provision is part of a $52.5 billion plan the presidential candidate laid out to address the nation's deepening financial crisis. "The moment requires that...

Hillary: I (Probably) Won't Run Again

Clinton says she's not interested in Supreme Court, Majority Leadership

(Newser) - The chances of Hillary Clinton making a second White House run are “probably close to zero,” the senator told Fox and Friends in an interview this morning. She similarly shot down speculation that she’d be the next Senate Majority Leader or a Supreme Court justice. “I’...

Guard: We Didn't Torture McCain

Prison staff saw to prisoner's health, he says

(Newser) - John McCain’s claims that he was tortured while imprisoned in Vietnam are false, says the head guard at the prison where he was held. “On the contrary, we saved his life, curing him with extremely valuable medicines that at times were not available to our own wounded,”...

Bush's Niece: Obama 'Seems Like a Strong Leader'

Model Lauren Bush might lean a little left

(Newser) - Lauren Bush, the president's fashion model niece, thinks Barack Obama "seems like a strong leader," the New York Post reports. And that's not the only sign that the 24-year-old wants a little distance from her famous fam. She's dubbed her upcoming clothing line Lauren Pierce—borrowing her grandmother's...

Facing a Wipeout, McCain Tones It Down
 Facing a Wipeout, 
 McCain Tones 
 It Down 

Facing a Wipeout, McCain Tones It Down

GOP nominee reverts to 'happy warrior' of the primary

(Newser) - Down in the polls and facing brutal criticism from his own party, John McCain is returning to an old persona: the "happy warrior" that won the GOP primary. Tempering attacks that have proven counterproductive, McCain presented himself as a prepared, tested leader who could bring forceful leadership to...

McCain's Down, But Not Out
 McCain's Down, But Not Out 

McCain's Down, But Not Out

History shows that McCain can surge

(Newser) - With Obama pulling well ahead of the Straight Talk Express, "the 2008 campaign seems poised to enter its Harry Truman phase," writes Walter Shapiro in Salon. But a November comeback isn’t out of the question. Shapiro runs down four factors that could push McCain into the White...

If Obama Were White, He'd Be Hit Twice as Hard
If Obama Were White,
He'd Be Hit Twice as Hard

If Obama Were White, He'd Be Hit Twice as Hard

Democrat is protected by his race, not vulnerable because of it

(Newser) - John McCain isn’t stoking racism against Barack Obama. If anything, writes Jonah Goldberg in the LA Times, McCain is going easy on the Democrat for fear of appearing racist. When the GOP paints Obama as “different” or Sarah Palin says he doesn’t see America “the way...

Fey 'Leaving Earth' if Palin Wins

Can't hack her alter-ego for much longer

(Newser) - Comedian Tina Fey can't face four years of playing Sarah Palin and said she's quitting the planet if the GOP ticket wins. "If she wins, I'm done,” Fey tells TV Guide.  And by ‘I'm done,’ I mean I'm leaving Earth.” Still, Fey had "...

Deputy Warned Palins About Troopergate

Official said efforts to fire trooper could embarrass governor

(Newser) - Todd Palin and other aides were warned by state police officials that their push to have a state trooper fired could come back to haunt them, CNN reports. Deputy commissioner of public safety John Glass told a persistent Palin that the trooper had already been disciplined and "discomfort and...

Palin's Winks Unlikely to Nudge Undecided
Palin's Winks
to Nudge Undecided

Palin's Winks Unlikely to Nudge Undecided

Controversy in the blink of an eye

(Newser) - In Latin America, it's an unmistakable come-on. In much of Asia, it's offensive. In a vice-presidential debate, the meaning of a wink is sparking plenty of controversy, writes Faye Fiore in the Los Angeles Times. Sarah Palin winks more often than any politician experts can remember, and it has "...

Pelosi Calls for Probe of Dem Linked to 'Hush-Money Affair'

Florida congressman linked to sex harassment payoff of mistress staffer

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for an ethics investigation following a news report that Florida Democrat Tim Mahoney had an affair with a staffer, then paid her $121,000 to dodge a sexual harassment suit. The congressman has also called for an investigation, saying he's confident he will be...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>