The Office

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Where Did the Ratings Go?
 Where Did 
 the Ratings Go? 

Where Did the Ratings Go?

Networks, still shaking off writers strike, hoping big names' May return is cure

(Newser) - Television shows hoping for welcoming arms after a strike-imposed hiatus are out of luck: Viewership is down sharply for scripted shows, in many cases more than 10%, the Hollywood Reporter notes. The exception appears to be CBS’ Monday night lineup, which is up after returning ahead of most other shows...

Web Preempts Boob Tube
Web Preempts Boob Tube

Web Preempts Boob Tube

Millions of viewers stream shows on demand

(Newser) - If you watch “The Office” or “Ugly Betty” online, you’re among millions of consumers who have forsaken the boob tube. Nielsen recently found that 25% of Internet users had watched TV online in the last three months. “It has become a mainstream behavior in an extraordinarily...

NBC Prez Will Party for His Right to Fight

Fixing the network is Ben Silverman's day—and night—job

(Newser) - Whether it's his tendency to casually insult other executives, his "totally sick" parties, or his precocious ascension from independent producer to network boss, NBC President Ben Silverman has acquired a devoted posse of friends—and an ample group of enemies. Esquire profiles the brash 37-year-old, self-styled the "luckiest...

Scranton Throws 'Office' Party
Scranton Throws 'Office' Party

Scranton Throws 'Office' Party

Mockumentary setting town delights in visits from cast, fans

(Newser) - "It's as if we had been reading the Oz books and then actually visited the Emerald City," the executive producer of "The Office"  quipped about visiting Scranton, Pa., the fictional setting for the hit show, for an "Office" party this weekend. Thousands of fans turned...

Kevin Reilly Quits NBC
Kevin Reilly Quits NBC

Kevin Reilly Quits NBC

Entertainment prez leaves struggling network; Zucker recruits Reveille head

(Newser) - Kevin Reilly is bolting from his gig as NBC's entertainment president, reports Variety, after network capo Jeff Zucker recruited Reveille head Ben Silverman for a position over him. Reilly—who produced several hits including Heroes and Deal or No Deal—will take his multi-million dollar severance package and most likely...

Fourth-Place Peacock Goes Light on New Shows

NBC puts quality ahead of quantity, sticks with light, cerebral, heroic for fall

(Newser) - NBC offered surprising few new plays for its 2007-08 season, with only one new comedy, five new dramas and a slew of cancellations. The network has been bringing up the rear in a generally bearish market, but signaled it would continue to push shows with critical acclaim but middling commercial...

Stories 81 - 86 | << Prev