attorney general

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Our Next AG: Chris Christie?
Our Next AG:
Chris Christie?

Our Next AG: Chris Christie?

He's being considered, sources say

(Newser) - With Jeff Sessions out as attorney general, the talk has commenced on who President Trump will nominate to replace him. Two sources tell CBS News Chris Christie is being considered, but a decision isn't expected soon. Others who are reportedly being considered: Rudy Giuliani, outgoing Florida Attorney General Pam...

With Sessions Out, Dems Fear for Future of Mueller Probe

New acting AG Matthew Whitaker has been a leading critic of the investigation

(Newser) - President Trump's forcing out of Jeff Sessions has cast doubt on the future of Robert Mueller's investigation—especially since Sessions' replacement, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, has long been a critic of the probe. Whitaker, who served as Sessions' chief of staff, has repeatedly accused the Mueller investigation...

Sessions Allies: We Hope It'll Be a Kind Cut

So they don't think the attorney general will last

(Newser) - Sensing that Jeff Sessions' days at the Justice Department may be numbered, some of his supporters want the White House to allow for a graceful exit for an attorney general they believe has dutifully carried out the administration's agenda even while enduring the president's fury, the AP reports....

Calif. Just OK'd Strongest Net Neutrality Law in the US

Trump administration immediately sued

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown approved the nation's strongest net neutrality law Sunday, prompting a lawsuit by the Trump administration and opening the next phase in the battle over internet regulation. Net neutrality advocates hope the law—which Brown signed to stop internet providers from favoring certain content or sites,...

Texas AG Pushes Back on Teen's Suit Over Pledge

It's an unusual move for an attorney general to make, the expelled girl's lawyer says

(Newser) - A black teen's lawsuit against a Texas school district over her refusal to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance has spurred what her lawyer calls a "rare" move from the state's attorney general. The BBC reports on how India Landry, now 18, was expelled last October from...

Trump Wants Justice Department to Unmask Op-Ed Writer

President sees it as a matter of national security if author is a high-ranking official

(Newser) - President Trump has demanded that the New York Times reveal the name of the person who penned a scathing anonymous op-ed against him this week, and a Washington Post report noted that "startled" White House aides are even scrutinizing the opinion piece's language patterns to see if they...

Trump: 'Come on Jeff, You Can Do It'

President keeps up the public debate with Attorney General Sessions

(Newser) - President Trump is not letting Jeff Sessions have the final word in a new public back-and-forth. The president tweeted twice on Friday about his attorney general, though his comments were far more tempered than those he made in a Thursday interview with Fox News . One sample from that interview: "...

Are Sessions&#39; Days Numbered? Turbulent Day Suggests So
Trump-Sessions Relations
Just Got Even Worse
the rundown

Trump-Sessions Relations Just Got Even Worse

After new criticism, AG says he won't be 'improperly influenced by political considerations'

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions hasn't been on good terms with President Trump pretty much from the start of the administration. On Thursday, however, things to seem to have reached a new low between them, with the president taking fresh potshots, the attorney general responding, and two top Republicans suggesting...

Illinois AG Sues, Says Trump Tower Ignores Clean Water Laws

Cooling with Chicago River waters requires permit, environmental impact report: suit

(Newser) - Illinois' attorney general has announced a lawsuit accusing Trump Tower in Chicago of violating federal environmental laws through its use of the Chicago River in a move the Trump Organization claims is "motivated by politics." Per NBC News and the AP , the 92-story residential building and hotel pulls...

High-Profile Diner Brings Trouble for Texas Restaurant

Owner of El Tiempo Cantina in Houston apologizes after posting photo of Jeff Sessions

(Newser) - A longtime Tex-Mex restaurant in Houston has been caught up in the volatile politics of the day, with some calling for a boycott of El Tiempo Cantina. And it's all because Jeff Sessions came to dinner, explains CultureMap . After the attorney general ate there Friday, the owner posted a...

2nd Woman Comes Forward as Indiana AG Stays Defiant

Curtis Hill says he is 'falsely accused' of sexual misconduct, rejects calls to resign

(Newser) - Another woman who says Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill inappropriately touched her has come forward, citing the courage of a state lawmaker who earlier went public with her story, as well as Hill's refusal to resign. Gabrielle McLemore, a spokeswoman for the Indiana Senate Democrats, told the AP on...

Rising Political Star in Indiana Accused of Groping 4 Women

Attorney General Curtis Hill was investigated over accusations at a bar

(Newser) - Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill was investigated this year after four women claimed he touched them inappropriately at a bar. The Indianapolis Star obtained an eight-page memo written by the law firm Taft Stettinius & Hollister, which wrote the document for legislative leaders who investigated the allegations. The memo states...

New York Attorney General: Trump Foundation Is a Sham
New York Attorney General:
Trump Foundation Is a Sham
the rundown

New York Attorney General: Trump Foundation Is a Sham

Barbara Underwood sues to shut it down, prevent Trumps from leading other charities

(Newser) - New York's new attorney general came down hard on President Trump, the foundation that bears his name, and his three eldest children on Thursday. Barbara Underwood sued all of the above, alleging that the Donald J. Trump Foundation hasn't functioned as the charity it was set up to...

Trump Blames Sessions' Recusal for 'So Many Lives Ruined'

President also demanded 'transparency' on DOJ report on probe into Clinton's email server

(Newser) - The president's impatience with Robert Mueller's Russia probe once more reared its head on Twitter Tuesday, with Jeff Sessions getting special mention. "The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn't tell me he was going to recuse himself," Trump tweeted , per the...

Trump Tweets About What He 'Wished' He Had Done

His beef with Jeff Sessions is Twitter fodder once again

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday took to Twitter to once again air his displeasure with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In a trio of tweets, Trump mainly quoted from a CBS This Morning interview with House Oversight Chair Trey Gowdy, writing in part that Gowdy said, "If I were the President...

Sessions Charges Ex-FBI Agent With Media Leaks

Minnesota's Terry Albury accused of giving documents to a reporter

(Newser) - A former FBI agent who allegedly shared secret documents with a national media organization has been charged months after Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed to crack down on government leaks. Terry J. Albury, who was an agent in Minnesota, faces two counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information. He...

Sessions Wants to Get Tough on Background-Check Liars

He calls for 'swift and aggressive' prosecution

(Newser) - The Justice Department's response to the Parkland mass shooting is apparently going to involve tougher enforcement of existing laws instead of calls for new ones. On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said federal prosecutors have been told to "swiftly and aggressively" pursue people banned from owning firearms who...

Jeff Sessions: I Never Lied About Russia
Jeff Sessions: Don't
Call Me a Liar
the rundown

Jeff Sessions: Don't Call Me a Liar

But attorney general clarifies that he now remembers meeting at which Russia was raised

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before a House panel Tuesday, with Democrats grilling him on Russia's role in the campaign and Republicans pressing him to go after Hillary Clinton. The Russian angle has been a thorn for Sessions because he previously testified under oath that he knew of no...

DOJ: Sessions May Appoint Special Counsel for Clinton

Attorney general wants federal prosecutors to 'evaluate certain issues'

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions is leaving open the possibility that a special counsel could be appointed to look into Clinton Foundation dealings and an Obama-era uranium deal , the Justice Department said Monday. In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, the Justice Department said Sessions had directed senior federal prosecutors...

Blip or Trend? Violent Crime Spikes for 2nd Straight Year

Attorney General Sessions says trend cannot continue

(Newser) - Violent crime in America rose for the second straight year in 2016, but it remained near historically low levels, according to FBI data released Monday. The numbers were driven by a spike in killings in some major cities, per the AP . Violent crimes such as shootings and robberies rose 4....

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