attorney general

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Mukasey Would Enforce New Torture Law, Senator Says

Schumer helps AG nomination move ahead

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey has told Chuck Schumer he would enforce a law specifically prohibiting waterboarding and other torture practices, the senator writes in today's Times. The AG nominee's personal assurance and respect for the rule of law earned him the New York Democrat’s support in this morning's 11-8 Judiciary Committee...

Mukasey Calls Waterboarding 'Repugnant,' Dodges Legality

AG nominee's 'massive hedge' worries critics

(Newser) - Attorney general nominee Michael Mukasey frustrated senators on both sides of the aisle by again refusing to specify whether he considers waterboarding a form of torture, calling it only "repugnant," CNN reports. "Hypotheticals are different from real life," Mukasey wrote to confirmation committee members yesterday, adding...

Mukasey Hits Resistance on Torture
Mukasey Hits Resistance
on Torture

Mukasey Hits Resistance on Torture

Dems balk over AG nominee's refusal to rule out waterboarding

(Newser) - If AG nominee Michael Mukasey doesn't clarify his views on which interrogation techniques are constitutional, Democratic senators say they may oppose his confirmation. Proceedings that were expected to be smooth sailing ran into trouble this week when Mukasey, who has denounced the use of torture, declined to specify whether he...

Mukasey Silent on Torture, Vocal on Spying

AG nominee's testimony a "massive hedge," says Democratic senator

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey remained mum today on whether interrogation methods such as waterboarding constitute torture. But the president’s nominee for attorney general spoke out in favor of the White House’s eavesdropping program, the NY Times reports, frustrating and confusing Democrats on the second day of his confirmation hearings. Mukasey...

Dems to Grill AG Nominee on Bush's Meddling

Influence on Justice looms as top Mukasey confirmation issue

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey's confirmation hearings kick off tomorrow, and the focus of senators' questions for the AG nominee is already clear, the Christian Science Monitor reports: Democrats want assurances he’ll be more independent than Alberto Gonzales. Pat Leahy, for one, is looking for agreement that “federal law enforcement should...

NY Targets Facebook Predators
NY Targets Facebook Predators

NY Targets Facebook Predators

Cuomo probe uncovers sex solicitation and poor response from company

(Newser) - The online social networking site Facebook is becoming a hangout for sexual predators hunting young victims, according to an undercover investigation by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Investigators pretending to be teenagers on Facebook were repeatedly solicited by adult sexual predators, reports Computerworld. But when complaints were filed with...

Mukasey Is No Gonzales
Mukasey Is
No Gonzales

Mukasey Is No Gonzales

Independent AG nominee, a 'serious judge,' could prove a thorn for Bush

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey, President Bush's candidate to succeed embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, has an independent streak that could end up changing the way the Justice Department is run. This could make things sticky for Bush in dealing with the congressional probes into activities under the previous AG's reign, suggests the...

Mukasey Courts the Hill
Mukasey Courts the Hill

Mukasey Courts the Hill

Attorney general nominee meets with lawmakers to prep for hearings

(Newser) - Mukasey mingled today with the Dems who will make or break his chance at becoming the next attorney general. If they're worried about him taking on the job, none showed it, Bloomberg reports. Even Senator Leahy, who wants the White House to fork over documents on its surveillance program before...

Mukasey Faces Senate Hurdle
Mukasey Faces Senate Hurdle

Mukasey Faces Senate Hurdle

Judiciary Committee is demanding White House documents

(Newser) - The confirmation of former federal judge Michael Mukasey as attorney general may not be the slam dunk the White House expects it to be. Senate Democrats have warned that the Judiciary Committee will delay confirmation unless the administration turns over documents the panel is seeking in several investigations, reports the...

Bush Might Nominate Mukasey
Bush Might Nominate Mukasey

Bush Might Nominate Mukasey

Bipartisan favorite on short list of attorney general candidates

(Newser) - A judge nominated by Reagan but endorsed by liberals may be Bush’s pick to replace Alberto Gonzalez, CNN reports. Michael B. Mukasey, 66, a high-profile judge for more than 15 years, is now on the short list of rumored attorney general candidates. Analysts say that Mukasey is ideal for...

Reid Vows to Block Olson as AG Pick
Reid Vows to Block Olson
as AG Pick

Reid Vows to Block Olson as AG Pick

Majority leader blasts reported Bush favorite as Gonzales 2.0

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pledged to stop conservative attorney Ted Olson from becoming attorney general if he's nominated, Reuters reports. The former solicitor general is thought to be President Bush's first choice, but faces stiff opposition from Dems who are pushing for a less partisan figure after Alberto Gonzales'...

Olson May Be Top Dog on AG Roster
Olson May
Be Top Dog
on AG Roster

Olson May Be Top Dog on AG Roster

But conservative stalwart would face tough confirmation fight

(Newser) - Conservative stalwart Theodore Olson is the likely top choice to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Reuters reports. The former solicitor general may have a partisan reputation among Democrats—he represented President Bush in the Florida election battle and was accused of trying to dig up anti-Clinton scandals in the 1990s—...

Bush Zeros In on Next AG
Bush Zeros In
on Next AG

Bush Zeros In on Next AG

Candidate list down to five; decision expected this week

(Newser) - President Bush is down to five candidates to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. Of his current choices, Michael Mukasey, a former chief judge for the US Southern District of New York, has the most bi-partisan appeal, while Ted Olson, winning lawyer in the Supreme Court Bush v. Gore election case,...

Justice Dept. Will Investigate Whether Gonzales Lied

US attorney firings probe will expand

(Newser) - The Justice Department will investigate whether Alberto Gonzales gave misleading testimony to Congress, including whether he lied about the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program and the US attorney firings. Inspector General Glenn Fine has alerted Congress to an expanded internal probe into the actions of the lame-luck AG, the Washington Post ...

Bush Lashes Out at Gonzales Critics
Bush Lashes Out at Gonzales Critics

Bush Lashes Out at Gonzales Critics

Prez says AG's 'good name was dragged through the mud'

(Newser) - Remaining loyal to his old Texas pal, President Bush fiercely defended Alberto Gonzales today despite grudgingly accepting his resignation. Bush said the AG suffered "unfair treatment" and that his "good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons." Some Republican lawmakers echoed Bush's statements while others...

Chertoff Eyed as AG Nominee
Chertoff Eyed as AG Nominee

Chertoff Eyed as AG Nominee

DHS chief would step in for Gonzales

(Newser) - Michael Chertoff is the top candidate to replace resigning AG Alberto Gonzales, White House sources tell CNN. The Department of Homeland Security chief served as an assistant AG early in the Bush years. Speculation about Chertoff's promotion began as early as Friday, as a US News & World Report blog...

Alberto Gonzales Resigns
Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Attorney general steps down after months of criticism over politicized Justice Department

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales has resigned, the White House told CNN today, after months of calls for his replacement—and even impeachment—from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle worried that the Justice Department was becoming overly politicized. The AG told President Bush of his intention to step down Friday, following...

Rove Won't Testify, Citing Privilege

Counsel orders adviser to keep mum; Gonzales stands pat on testimony

(Newser) - The White House has ordered Karl Rove to keep quiet—despite a subpoena by congressional Dems probing the US Attorney firings. In a political fait accompli, counsel Fred Fielding told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the adviser is "immune from compelled congressional testimony" about White House machinations.

Let Gonzo Off the Perjury Hook
Let Gonzo
Off the
Perjury Hook

Let Gonzo Off the Perjury Hook

He's a creep but not a criminal, says Post ’s Marcus

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales’ Senate testimony last week was a disgraceful exercise in dodging, but the perjury charge Democratic senators have been hawking ever since doesn’t hold water, says  the Washington Post’s lefty Ruth Marcus. In an “unexpected position,” the writer defends Gonzales, saying he may have minced...

NY Times: Impeach Gonzales
NY Times:
Impeach Gonzales

NY Times: Impeach Gonzales

Editorial board drops the 'I' bomb in call for special prosecutor

(Newser) - A scathing editorial in today's New York Times calls for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Alberto Gonzales' "words and deeds" and concludes with an unequivocal recommendation: "If that does not happen, Congress should impeach Mr. Gonzales." The call comes as the White House attempts...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>