House Republicans

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Big Congressional Race May Be Headed for Recount

Conservative Bob Good, who fell out of favor with Trump, is fighting to keep seat

(Newser) - They're still counting votes in Virginia in one of this week's biggest primary contests . GOP Rep. Bob Good—who chairs the conservative House Freedom Caucus but fell out of favor with Donald Trump—trailed challenger John McGuire by about 300 votes in the latest AP tally. Good insists...

GOP Smoking Mad Over Losing Cigar Hideout on Capitol Hill

Republican lawmakers have lost their smoking space due to logistics, and they want it back

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers have said being able to puff on cigars inside the US Capitol is "about freedom"—which is probably why so many of them are miffed that they've (perhaps just temporarily) lost their smoking space.
  • Musical chairs, office version: Per Axios , Rep. Tom Cole—who, as

Back on Capitol Hill, Trump Makes Some Odd Headlines

An MTG joke, a reported Milwaukee slam, and an odd assertion about Nancy Pelosi

(Newser) - Donald Trump made his first visit to Capitol Hill on Thursday since the 2021 Capitol riot by his supporters, reports NPR . And while the purpose of the visit was ostensibly to talk policy and election strategy with House and Senate Republicans, it also "symbolized his official return to Washington...

House Votes to Hold Garland in Contempt

But prosecution is highly unlikely

(Newser) - "We can't allow the Department of Justice and an executive branch agency to hide information from Congress," Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday before the House voted 216-207 in favor of holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. With the vote, House Republicans made good on...

Video of Congressman's Jokester Son Goes Viral
Congressman May Regret
Bringing Young Son to Work

Congressman May Regret Bringing Young Son to Work

GOP Rep. John Rose's 6-year-old goes viral for making faces behind his dad as he spoke at Capitol

(Newser) - Next time, Rep. John Rose may opt for a babysitter instead. The GOP congressman from Tennessee made a speech Monday on the House Floor defending Donald Trump over his recent felony convictions , and as the cameras rolled, Rose's 6-year-old son, Guy, whom he'd brought to work with him...

Angered by Netanyahu Warrant, House Hits Back at ICC

Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act passes 247-155, despite White House opposition

(Newser) - House Republicans led a push to impose sanctions against the International Criminal Court on Tuesday in response to arrest warrants for Israeli leaders , including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Lawmakers voted 247-155 to pass the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act introduced by GOP Rep. Chip Roy with nearly all Republicans and 42...

Fauci to Return to Capitol Hill
Fauci to Return to Capitol Hill

Fauci to Return to Capitol Hill

GOP has questions about allegations concerning public records laws at agency

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci is scheduled on Monday to provide his first congressional testimony since leaving government , with Republicans and Democrats planning different lines of questioning. GOP members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic expect to ask about allegations of misconduct on his watch at the National Institute...

Crusader for Environment, Against Vietnam War Left GOP

Pete McCloskey co-created Earth Day, Endangered Species Act

(Newser) - Pete McCloskey—a pro-environment, anti-war California Republican who co-wrote the Endangered Species Act and co-founded Earth Day—has died. He was 96. A fourth-generation Republican who said he was "in the mold of Teddy Roosevelt," McCloskey represented the 12th Congressional District for 15 years, running for president against...

Greene Loses Big in Attempt to Remove Johnson

Speaker hopes 'this is the end of the personality politics'

(Newser) - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's attempt to oust Speaker Mike Johnson was met with boos, laughter, and 359 votes against in the House on Wednesday, quelling the Georgia Republican's long-threatened revolt. Greene's measure won the support of only 10 other Republicans and 32 Democrats, 163 of whom backed...

What Greene Risks Losing in Speaker Fight

She's pressing her demands to avoid a vote she promised only last week

(Newser) - House Speaker Mike Johnson is not negotiating with the enemy, or so he told reporters after a two-hour meeting with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Monday. Greene promised to call a vote on her motion to vacate the speakership this week, though she hasn't done so yet and some...

Marjorie Taylor Greene: I'll Force Johnson Vote Next Week

'I can't wait to see Democrats go out and support a Republican speaker,' she quipped

(Newser) - GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Wednesday indicated she absolutely plans to follow through on her threat to try to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson. In a press conference outside the Capitol, Greene put it plainly: "Next week, I am going to be calling this motion to vacate, absolutely...

Greene to Johnson: Resign or Be Ousted

But Democrats and some fellow Republicans are coming to his defense

(Newser) - Democrats joined Republicans on Sunday in defending House Speaker Mike Johnson in the face of a threat to remove him from his post, the day after he won approval of foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. The effort is led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who told Fox News...

Dem Puts GOP's Dawdling Over Foreign Aid on Blast

Rep. Rosa DeLauro accuses lawmakers of 'diddling around' while 'people are dying' in fiery speech

(Newser) - "Let's not sugarcoat what is going on here," the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee said Thursday before launching into a fiery speech in regards to the ongoing foreign aid debate, blasting Republicans for following the whims of former President Trump, whom she blamed in part...

As House Bickers, a 'Tubby' Insult Arises

Republicans clash on floor over speaker

(Newser) - One of Speaker Mike Johnson's seconds and one of his opponents tossed insults Thursday in the course of a confrontation on the House floor over the speaker's performance. Three Republicans gathered around Johnson to give him an earful about his plan to put aid to Israel, Ukraine, and...

Rule Change Could Save Johnson's Speakership

GOP leaders might make it harder to oust him with tweak to foreign aid bill: Punchbowl News

(Newser) - The same foreign aid package that has put Mike Johnson's House speakership in peril might end up saving him. Punchbowl News reports that GOP leaders are considering adding language to the legislation that would make it harder to oust him or any speaker. Under the current rules, a single...

Another Republican Backs Effort to Oust Speaker

Mike Johnson's hold on the gavel is tenuous after Rep. Thomas Massie's comments

(Newser) - Marjorie Taylor Greene is no longer the only Republican ready to remove Mike Johnson as House speaker. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky said Tuesday he was on board, reports Politico . In fact, Massie asked Johnson to resign in a closed-door GOP session, and Johnson refused, per the Hill . Last month,...

Johnson's 'Gigantic Gamble': 4 Different Votes This Week

Speaker plans separate bills on Ukraine and Israel, all while trying to keep his job

(Newser) - It's a sign of how complicated the politics of Congress are at the moment: House Speaker Mike Johnson will try to pass four different bills this week designed to send billions in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan—all while trying to keep his job as speaker.
  • The four

FBI Chief Warns of Potential Attack Amid FISA Fight

After Wednesday's chaos, House Republicans may now see a path forward

(Newser) - FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday of "the potential for a coordinated attack" in the US, similar to the ISIS-K attack that killed more than 140 people in Russia last month. Wray told lawmakers he was "hard-pressed to think of a time [during my law enforcement career] where...

Johnson Faces Revolt Over Spy Tool Reauthorization

Trump urges Republicans to 'kill FISA'

(Newser) - A bill that would reauthorize a crucial national security surveillance program was blocked Wednesday by a conservative revolt, pushing the prospects of final passage into uncertainty amid a looming deadline. The legislative impasse followed an edict earlier in the day from Donald Trump to "kill" the measure. The procedural...

Russia Propaganda Is Aired on House Floor, Intel Chair Says

Turner says colleagues repeat false information in Ukraine aid debate

(Newser) - Russian propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine has echoed in House debate, Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner said Sunday. Appearing on CNN's State of the Union, the Republican was asked about Rep. Michael McCaul's comments that Russian propaganda had seeped into their party's base. "Oh, it'...

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