Washington, DC

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Spitzer Call Girl's New Calling: Advice Columnist

NY Post's newest scribe is Ashley Dupre

(Newser) - The call girl whose assignations with Eliot Spitzer helped cost him the New York governor's office has a new gig: advice columnist. For the New York Post , of course. In today's debut effort, Ashley Dupre answers a parenting question, then gets into the good stuff.
  • "Are there telltale signs

DC's Beloved Panda Headed for China

Capital glum as Tai Shan's time runs out

(Newser) - The panda bear once called Washington's most important citizen by its mayor will soon be departing the capital for a homeland he's never seen. Tai Shan, born at the National Zoo in 2005, has always been Chinese property, and zoo officials are expected to announce his imminent return to China...

Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs
 Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs 
Maureen Dowd

Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs

Washington's full of preeners, fakers, and wannabes

(Newser) - The Salahis have finally gotten a real invite to a high-brow Washington event—a Congressional hearing into their infamous party crashing. Surely, the Salahis shouldn’t have been allowed to slip in—it shows a Secret Service “with glaring—and chilling—vulnerabilities and liabilities,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Abe Pollin, Owner of DC Sports Teams, Dies at 85
Abe Pollin, Owner of DC Sports Teams, Dies at 85

Abe Pollin, Owner of DC Sports Teams, Dies at 85

Developer, philanthropist brought NBA, NHL to capital

(Newser) - Abe Pollin, the son of Russian immigrants who parlayed success in housing development into the ownership of Washington’s NBA and NHL franchises, died today of a rare neurological disease; he was 85. Pollin’s philanthropic efforts boosted many of the capital’s poorer areas, and he put $220 million...

DC, Catholic Church in Gay Rights Standoff

Church to pull plug on social programs if marriage bill passes

(Newser) - The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has told the District of Columbia it will tear up its social service contracts to help the city's needy if it passes a proposed same-sex marriage bill next month. The bill wouldn't require the church to perform or provide space for gay marriages, but would...

Palin Will Headline Gridiron Dinner

Former Alaska governor accepts invitation to speak at group's winter dinner

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has accepted an invitation to speak at the Gridiron Club's winter dinner. She'll address the high-profile journalists' group at its Dec. 5 gathering; Rep. Barney Frank is the Democratic speaker. Though Palin is making a series of appearances to promote her book, Going Rogue, the Gridiron dinner is...

Man Pops Question During Gay Marriage Hearing

See, Kanye, this is an interruption the crowd actually liked

(Newser) - A stuffy DC city council hearing might not be most people’s idea of a romantic place to get engaged, but maybe the chance to be a YouTube celebrity made it all worth it for Andy Hertzberg and Andy Rollman. That, or they were hoping to drum up sympathy for...

Bachmann Health Care Rally Draws Thousands
 Bachmann Health Care 
 Rally Draws Thousands 

Bachmann Health Care Rally Draws Thousands

Protesters will roam Capitol hallways to confront lawmakers

(Newser) - Thousands of health care reform protesters gathered in Washington today as part of Michele Bachmann’s “Super Bowl of Freedom.” Participants wielding signs like “Waterboard Congress” and chanting "kill the bill" congregated outside the Capitol to hear Bachmann, other GOP lawmakers, and even Jon Voight assail...

Rahm Leads List of DC Power Hitters

Gates No. 2 in poll of the capital's most powerful people, from pols to stylists

(Newser) - Scratch the names Obama and Biden from the list and it's Rahm Emanuel who carries the most clout in a city packed with power-brokers, according to a GQ poll of Washington insiders. The "ruthlessly pragmatic" White House chief of staff is a lot more than just a gatekeeper to...

Gay Rights Rally Draws Tens of Thousands to DC

Energized by Obama's vow on 'don't ask, don't tell,' activists demand equality

(Newser) - Thousands of gay and lesbian activists marched from the White House to the Capitol today, demanding that President Obama keep his promises to end "don't ask, don't tell" and work to end discrimination against gays. Rainbow flags and homemade signs abounded as participants chanted "Hey, Obama, let mama...

DC Council Introduces Gay Marriage Bill

Measure looks nearly certain to become law

(Newser) - Members of the City Council in Washington, DC, introduced a measure today to allow gay marriage, and even opponents acknowledged it seems almost unstoppable. Assuming it goes through, DC—which already recognizes same-sex marriages performed elsewhere—will join the ranks of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and, starting next year, New...

Youth-Magnet Cities in US

 Cities in US 

Youth-Magnet Cities in US

Washington, Seattle, New York top list

(Newser) - Where will young people wind up once the recession ends? Some experts give the Wall Street Journal their best guesses:
  1. (tie) Washington, DC: Young people see Barack Obama as “America’s coolest boss,” says one panelist. Jobs in and around government abound, including nonprofit work that appeals to

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck
 Who Leaked 
 to Woodward? 
 Good Luck 

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck

McChrystal report could help the Pentagon, or the White House, or...

(Newser) - The question du jour in Washington is who leaked Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s report advocating an increased troop presence in Afghanistan to Bob Woodward, Ben Smith writes on Politico. But the outcome of this tried and true “capital parlor game” is far from certain. Some Beltway insiders think the...

Execution Set for DC Sniper
 Execution Set for DC Sniper 

Execution Set for DC Sniper

(Newser) - John Allen Muhammad, the mastermind behind the sniper attacks that rocked the Southeast in 2002, will be executed on Nov. 10, the AP reports. The attorney general’s office had requested a Nov. 9 execution, but a Virginia judge chose to set it a day later so that it would...

Thousands of DC Protesters Blast Obama Policies

Demonstration stretches for blocks along Pennsylvania Avenue

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of people marched to the US Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending. The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way...

US Census Bureau Axes Community Group ACORN

Group called 'distraction' after sting catches employees advising prostitute

(Newser) - The US Census Bureau will not allow community-organizing group ACORN to participate in next year’s national census, the Wall Street Journal reports tonight. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is a “distraction,” Census director Robert Groves writes, after members of its Baltimore and Washington offices...

Michelle Pushes for Farmers' Market Near White House

Shop would close roads; some fear heavy traffic

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is backing a push for a farmers' market near the White House, WTOP reports. The president said last month that he and his wife were interested in “a little farmers' market outside of the White House.” Now, with Michelle's support, a market hopes to move in...

Firefighters Play ER Docs to Uninsured

Medical calls have more than doubled since 1980

(Newser) - Operating in a poor area where many lack health insurance, a DC firehouse battles far more than just flames: Some 80% of its calls are for medical emergencies. Because it is believed to respond fastest, Washington’s fire department zooms to almost all the city’s emergency calls alongside EMS,...

Museum Shooter: 'I Swore to Defend My Country'

Von Brunn was on suicide mission, prosecutor says

(Newser) - James von Brunn planned to die himself when he opened fire at the Holocaust Museum in June, an assault he planned well in advance to spread the word that the Holocaust was a hoax, prosecutors say. Von Brunn, 89, appeared in court for the first time today to answer charges...

Under Obama, It's the 'Summer of the Lobbyist'

'It Girl' emerges as health, climate, economy converge

(Newser) - Barack Obama the candidate railed against lobbyists' influence—but under his administration, the Washington movers and shakers are flourishing. With health care reform, the environment, and the economy in focus all at once, it’s the “Summer of the Lobbyist,” writes Manuel Roig-Franzia in the Washington Post. At...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>