tiger attack

13 Stories

Plantation Worker Mauled to Death by Tiger

He was reportedly 3rd person in Indonesia killed by Sumatran tiger in 5 months

(Newser) - Screams were heard on Indonesia's Sumatra island before a man's body was discovered Thursday, with one of the hands torn off. Authorities say the 26-year-old, found dead on a plantation in Riau province, was attacked by a tiger. "The area is within the tiger habitat," said...

Mistake Leads to Mauling at Carole Baskin's Rescue

Male tiger attacked volunteer as she reached into cage

(Newser) - A tiger nearly ripped off a volunteer's arm Thursday at Carole Baskin's Big Cat Rescue, made famous by Netflix's Tiger King. Candy Crouser had arrived to feed the male tiger, Kimba, around 8:30am when she noticed he was "locked in a section that was away...

As Others Watched in Horror, Tiger Attacked Zookeeper

55-year-old worker killed at Zurich Zoo in Switzerland

(Newser) - A 5-year-old Siberian tiger attacked and killed a zookeeper Saturday at Switzerland's Zurich Zoo as other staff and guests looked on in horror. The BBC reports the attack on the 55-year-old keeper happened just after 1pm local time in the tiger enclosure, where Irina, the female tiger who went...

Rare White Tiger Kills Zookeeper
Rare White Tiger
Kills Zookeeper

Rare White Tiger Kills Zookeeper

He was found in a cage, bleeding from the neck

(Newser) - A rare attack from a rare tiger killed a zookeeper in Japan on Monday. Officials say 40-year-old Akira Furosho was found bleeding from the neck in a cage in the Hirakawa Zoological Park in the southern city of Kagoshima, the BBC reports. They believe he was attacked by Riku, one...

Mom Killed Trying to Rescue Daughter From Tiger Attack

They apparently thought they'd left the park, got out of car

(Newser) - Siberian tigers killed a woman and seriously injured her daughter Saturday after the pair left their vehicle in a drive-thru wildlife park in China. Surveillance video from Badaling Wildlife World, located near a section of the Great Wall of China in Beijing, shows the younger woman exit the car's...

Tiger Bites Worker's Arm at Okla. Zoo

Woman fighting for her arm after sticking it in tiger cage

(Newser) - A tiger ripped up the left arm of a worker at a central Oklahoma animal park after the woman stuck her hand into the giant cat's enclosure today. Joe Schreibvogel, owner of Garold Wayne Interactive Zoological Park in Wynnewood, said the woman was in surgery this afternoon at an...

Tiger Fought Off With Soup Ladle

Malaysian man's wife saves him with kitchen implement

(Newser) - A Malaysian man survived a tiger attack after his wife bashed the animal with a wooden soup ladle. The man was hunting squirrels near his home in a jungle settlement in northern Malaysia when the tiger attacked, the BBC reports. The man, who was badly lacerated and is recovering in...

Sumatran Tigers Kill 3 in Indonesia

Illegal loggers were sleeping in Sumatran preservation

(Newser) - Sumatran tigers have killed six Indonesians in the last month, including three over the weekend. The latest victims include a father-son pair of illegal loggers who were attacked while they slept in a protected forest, AP reports. Sumatrans are the world's most endangered tiger subspecies. Poaching and forest destruction have...

SF Asks Tiger Victim to Reimburse City

City aims to recover costs of medical care from any settlement from victim's lawsuit

(Newser) - City officials are seeking more than $75,000 in reimbursements from a man mauled by an escaped tiger at the San Francisco Zoo last year, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The man and his brother are suing the city over the Christmas Day 2007 attack. The motion from the city...

Tiger Victims File Claims Against San Francisco

Pair requests compensation in wake of Christmas attack at zoo

(Newser) - Paul and Kulbir Dhaliwal, the brothers attacked by a tiger Christmas Day at the San Francisco Zoo, filed claims yesterday against the city for damages, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. They are requesting an unspecified amount, claiming they suffered physical and emotional trauma in the attack, which took the life...

Report Rips Zoo in Tiger Attack
 Report Rips Zoo in Tiger Attack

Report Rips Zoo in Tiger Attack

Facility was understaffed and unprepared for emergency

(Newser) - When a 243-pound tiger escaped its pen and began mauling Christmas Day visitors, the San Francisco Zoo was painfully understaffed and ill-equipped to respond to the emergency, according to a new report. "The zoo is too often chasing problems," concluded the independent Association of Zoos and Aquariums of...

Big Cats Are Back at SF Zoo
Big Cats Are Back at SF Zoo

Big Cats Are Back at SF Zoo

Lions, tigers return to outdoor grottoes after fatal Christmas attack

(Newser) - Seven tigers and lions are back in their outdoor grottoes at the San Francisco Zoo for the first time since a Siberian tiger killed a man on Christmas Day. The pens got a $1.7 million security upgrade after Tatiana escaped and attacked three people. Officials said the enclosure's front...

Siegfried & Roy Plan Comeback
Siegfried & Roy Plan Comeback

Siegfried & Roy Plan Comeback

Duo to perform for charity 5 years after near-death experience

(Newser) - A tiger mauling has kept them offstage for over 4 years, but Siegfried & Roy aren’t letting it end their careers. Next February they’ll perform a one-night-only special for charity, reports Der Spiegel, and their publicist says he’d be “very surprised if animals were not part...

13 Stories
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