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They Were Stopped for Speaking Spanish. Now They're Suing

Complaint: 'no legitimate reason' for CBP to detain Ana Suda, Martha Hernandez, both US citizens

(Newser) - Two native-born US women were detained by a Border Patrol agent last May at a convenience store in Havre, Montana. Now those women are suing US Customs and Border Protection, noting in their complaint that the CPB agent "singled out, detained, and interrogated" Ana Suda and Martha "Mimi"...

With Surveillance Limits Ending, ACLU Sues Everyone

Feds aren't revealing anything about surveillance, suit says

(Newser) - A civil rights group has sued the US government, saying it needs more information about surveillance of Americans' phone and financial records to guide the public debate over what will happen when the law that regulates the scrutiny expires next year, the AP reports. The American Civil Liberties Union sued...

White House Announces Asylum Crackdown

Trump expected to issue proclamation Friday

(Newser) - The White House has unveiled the crackdown on asylum seekers President Trump promised last week . A joint statement from Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen released Thursday announced an "Interim Final Rule" declaring that "aliens" who violate presidential suspensions or limitations on entry...

Feds: Finding Deported Parents Should Be in ACLU's Hands

DOJ lawyers make the case in a court filing

(Newser) - The American Civil Liberties Union is balking at a request from the federal government to track down the deported parents of an estimated 431 children who remain in the US. "Not only was it the government's unconstitutional separation practice that led to this crisis, but the United States...

Man's Cry of 'Stop Fingering Me, Bruh!' Leads to Lawsuit

ACLU alleges what happened to MB Cottingham was unconstitutional

(Newser) - It's been more than a decade (seriously) since the line "don't tase me, bro" became infamous. Now, an uncomfortable variation on that theme. The ACLU on Wednesday filed a suit against Metropolitan Police Department officer Sean Lojacono for what it claims was an "unconstitutional and exceedingly...

ACLU on 'Big Victory' at the Border: 'Tears Will Be Flowing'

Federal judge's orders reunification of separated migrant families must happen within 30 days

(Newser) - The ACLU claimed a "big victory" Tuesday in its fight with the Trump administration to reunite families separated at the border. "These families thought they might never see each other again. Tonight's court ruling will change lives," the ACLU tweeted on a federal judge's preliminary...

Court Rules on Immigrant Teen Abortions

Order pertains to teens in federal custody

(Newser) - A federal court in Washington told the Trump administration Friday that the government can't interfere with the ability of pregnant immigrant teens being held in federal custody to obtain abortions, the AP reports. A judge issued an order Friday evening barring the government from "interfering with or obstructing"...

Congolese Mother Kept 2K Miles From Daughter Set Free

Asylum seeker's next step: to reunite with 7-year-old daughter, taken by ICE 4 months ago

(Newser) - A Congolese mother detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after attempting to seek asylum in the US, then held 2,000 miles away from her 7-year-old daughter for four months, walked free on Tuesday, per the Washington Post . The ACLU reports her release comes just days after it filed suit...

Mom, Girl Fled to the US, Are Being Held 2K Miles Apart

ACLU sues the US government over the case of 'Ms. L' and 'SS'

(Newser) - The story begins on Nov. 1, 2017, when "Ms. L" and "SS," her 7-year-old girl, arrived on US shores. They told the border agents at a port of entry near San Diego they had fled the Democratic Republic of Congo out of fear for their lives and...

Judge Lifts Trump Ban on Refugees From 11 Countries

He orders government to process applications for those with family in US

(Newser) - A federal judge in Seattle on Saturday partially lifted a Trump administration ban on certain refugees after two groups argued that the policy prevented people from some mostly Muslim countries from reuniting with family living legally in the United States, the AP reports. US District Judge James Robart heard arguments...

ACLU Blasts Taylor Swift's Attempt to Silence Critic

'Shake it off,' group says after lawsuit threat

(Newser) - A Sept. 5 blog post on PopFront took Taylor Swift to task for not taking a stand against the white supremacists twisting her music to promote their cause, noting her silence was akin to support. Swift's response has only drawn more reproach. In what an ACLU lawyer calls "...

Woman Allegedly Fired for Period Leaks Fights Back

Alisha Coleman's former employer says there is more to the story

(Newser) - After working at a 911 call center for nearly 10 years, Alisha Coleman was fired. She says it's because of her period, and the American Civil Liberties Union is arguing gender discrimination is at play. In the brief , Coleman alleges that the Bobby Dodd Institute in Fort Benning, Georgia,...

After Charlottesville, ACLU Revises a Long-Held Stance

It won't defend groups who come armed to protests

(Newser) - If you're a hate group, you may be able to acquire a permit to hold a protest, but if you come packing firearms, don't expect the American Civil Liberties Union to come to your defense. Per the Wall Street Journal , that's the ACLU's new official position...

Settlement Reached in Landmark Torture Lawsuit

ACLU sued 2 psychologists who designed the harsh CIA interrogation program

(Newser) - A settlement was announced Thursday in a landmark lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union against two psychologists involved in designing the CIA's harsh interrogation program used in the war on terror, the AP reports. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Trial had been scheduled for Sept....

Trump Is Back to Using a Term That May Cause Legal Issues

'I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!'

(Newser) - While members of the Trump administration have tried to downplay his immigration executive order as simple vetting to keep the country safe, the president himself doubled down Monday on what he considers the order to be, the Hill reports. In an initial tweet Saturday that has since been criticized for...

The Name That Ga. Doesn't Want These Parents to Bestow

ACLU files suit on behalf of couple who chose 'noble' last name of 'Allah' for baby

(Newser) - A civil rights group sued Georgia over the state's refusal to allow a couple to officially name their 22-month-old child "Allah." The ACLU of Georgia filed the lawsuit recently in Fulton County Superior Court on behalf of the couple, Elizabeth Handy and Bilal Walk, the AP reports....

Why There Was a Bunch of Blue on the Red Carpet
Why There Was a Bunch
of Blue on the Red Carpet

Why There Was a Bunch of Blue on the Red Carpet

Blue ACLU ribbons were the big accessory this year

(Newser) - Blue was the new black on this year's red carpet in the form of ACLU ribbons, E! Online reports. The ribbons are part of the civil rights advocacy organization's "Stand With ACLU" drive, which has taken on momentum in the wake of President Trump's immigration ban....

Maine Gov. Accused of Trying to Discourage Student Voters

ACLU wants LePage investigated for voter intimidation

(Newser) - Maine Gov. Paul LePage should be encouraging first-time voters in his state, not trying to scare them off, says the ACLU, which wants the Republican to be investigated for alleged voter intimidation. When LePage was asked Monday about fliers that appeared on a college campus over the weekend falsely claiming...

FBI Iris Scans Slammed as 'Runaway Surveillance'

434K scans have been collected since 2013

(Newser) - The FBI has collected 434,000 eye scans from people arrested in the US since 2013, according to a Verge investigation based on records obtained through the California Public Records Act. The scans can be used for identification much like a fingerprint, and critics are worried about abuse. The FBI...

ACLU Sues Baton Rouge Police Over Protests

Lawsuit claims riot-gear clad cops stomped on protesters' rights

(Newser) - Civil rights groups and activists sued Baton Rouge law enforcement agencies over their treatment of protesters rallying against the police shooting death of Alton Sterling, saying officers used excessive force and physically and verbally abused peaceful demonstrators, the AP reports. The lawsuit was announced Wednesday by the ACLU of Louisiana....

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