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South Korea Moves to Combat Secret Spy Cam Pornography

Seoul officials have vowed to conduct daily checks of public restrooms

(Newser) - A plague of hidden cameras has led officials in South Korea to pledge that daily checks will be carried out in all public restrooms in Seoul. Per the BBC , the "spy cam porn" problem is widespread and common in the country, where over 6,000 cases were reported last...

Lawyer Pleads Guilty to Porn Scheme That Made $3M

Prosecutors alleged Paul Hansmeier, colleague made porn in order to snare downloaders

(Newser) - It apparently started out above-board, at least according to court documents. Paul Hansmeier and John Steele of what Ars Technica calls "legitimate if aggressive copyright law firm" Prenda Law found their niche around 2010: The men repped clients who held the copyrights to porn flicks and went after internet...

2 Firefighters Accused of Making Porn Videos at Station

They're now on administrative leave

(Newser) - Two firefighters in Ohio have been suspended for allegedly making pornographic videos at a firehouse. Akron officials say Arthur Dean and Deann Eller were both placed on administrative leave Monday while the city launched an investigation, the AP reports. Fire Chief Clarence Tucker says someone told a firefighter last week...

GOP Rep Blames School Shootings on Porn

Tenn. gubernatorial candidate says it's a 'big part of the root cause'

(Newser) - Pornography is playing a "big part" in the spike in school shootings, according to a Republican congresswoman running for governor of Tennessee. While discussing school shootings during a meeting with pastors in Clarksville last week, Rep. Diane Black said porn is "available on the shelf when you walk...

Couple Withdraw Offer on $1.8M Home Over Porn
Couple Withdraw Offer on
$1.8M Home Over Porn

Couple Withdraw Offer on $1.8M Home Over Porn

'I just can't make Thanksgiving dinner on counters where a porn star has been lounging around'

(Newser) - Ah, home sweet home. Or home sweet porn set, in the case of an Arizona couple who were in the process of buying a $1.8 million Paradise Valley luxury home when the listing agent happened to mention that the sellers were in the, er, entertainment industry. A little investigation...

It&#39;s Time to Ban Hard-Core Porn
It's Time to Ban
Hard-Core Porn

It's Time to Ban Hard-Core Porn

Ross Douthat makes the case in the backdrop of the MeToo movement

(Newser) - New York Times columnist Ross Douthat floats a controversial idea on Sunday, one that he sees as a largely unaddressed aspect of the MeToo movement—he wants to ban hard-core porn. His launching point is an article in the New York Times Magazine on how the ubiquitousness of porn...

Another Potential Victim of Net Neutrality Nix: Free Online Porn

The porn will still be there—you might just have to pay for it

(Newser) - Many individuals and groups are displeased with the FCC's ruling Thursday to nix "net neutrality" rules, which kept ISPs from giving preference to or throttling some online content. But one demographic in particular is particularly hot and bothered, per the Independent Journal Review : consumers of internet porn. The...

Cruz Blames Porn 'Like' on 'Staffing Issue'

His official Twitter account made an NSFW gaffe overnight

(Newser) - Ted Cruz found himself fending off some embarrassing questions from the press corps Tuesday regarding porn. He blamed a late-night Twitter "like" of a risque clip from his official feed on a "staffing issue," reports NBC San Francisco . "There are a number of people on the...

Ted Cruz 'Likes' Porn Clip on Twitter

Like came from senator's verified account

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Cruz was trending on Twitter Tuesday after some strange and NSFW late-night goings-on with his verified account. The senator's personal account "liked" a two-minute-long porn clip from @SexuallPosts, Mediaite reports. It was "unliked" around an hour later, at around 1:30am. "The offensive tweet...

He Made Millions Off Porn. And Killed to Keep It That Way

Meet Michael Thevis, the 'Scarface of Sex'

(Newser) - In 1970, Michael Thevis fatally shot a former employee turned rival peep machine manufacturer in an Atlanta warehouse filled with dildos and dirty magazines. Decades later, an imprisoned Thevis, self-made millionaire and so-called "Scarface of Sex," would give a piece of advice: "Make as much money as...

Whoops: Lawmaker's Handout Reveals Porn Browsing

Rhode Island's Ramon Perez says a friend gave him the image, and he didn't notice

(Newser) - A Rhode Island lawmaker is acknowledging he mistakenly gave his colleagues a handout that showed open web browser tabs referencing pornographic content, per the AP . State Democratic Rep. Ramon Perez brought printouts of a Wikipedia article Wednesday to give to House Finance Committee members as part of his testimony in...

Porn Star Urges Parents to Have the Talk Early

Yes, your child has seen hardcore porn, Monique Alexander says

(Newser) - Parents may find it awkward to talk to their pre-adolescent kids about sex, but nowadays, those who don't are letting porn do the talking. That's the message behind a new minute-long (and somewhat NSFW) PSA called "Give the Talk" developed by ad agency Mistress, which hired porn...

Meet the Gay Activist Behind the Push for Condoms in Porn

Proposition 60 would mandate condom use on porn productions filmed in California

(Newser) - Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, believes that although condoms may have become "unfashionable," they should still be considered the bedrock of safe sex education. To that end, NPR reports, he is a major advocate of Proposition 60, a ballot initiative in California that would require...

Hack Reveals Identities of 790K Porn Watchers
A Major Porn Site
Just Got Hacked

A Major Porn Site Just Got Hacked

And some potentially very embarrassing info could be out there

(Newser) - Hackers may not just know the identities of nearly 800,000 people with accounts on the porn site Brazzers, but also their thoughts on particular scenes and actors, Motherboard reports. Hackers made public the email addresses, usernames, and passwords of 790,724 Brazzers members. A spokesperson for Brazzers tells Motherboard...

Elizabeth Smart: Porn Made My Ordeal Even Worse

She records video for anti-porn group

(Newser) - Elizabeth Smart has shared new details of her horrific kidnapping ordeal in a video for an anti-porn group , in which she says she has witnessed firsthand how damaging porn is. Smart—who was kidnapped in 2002, when she was 14, and raped repeatedly over the next nine months—says captor...

After James Deen Ugliness, Stoya Trying to Fix Porn Industry

She opens up to 'New York' magazine

(Newser) - Stoya, who was the first of 13 women to come forward accusing porn star James Deen of sexual abuse or threats, expands on her accusations in an extensive interview with New York magazine this week. She'd been dating Deen for about a year when he raped her, she says:...

Senate Candidate Sends Voters to Anime Porn Site

Sharron Angle blames her opponent

(Newser) - If you want to learn more about Joe Heck, a congressman and Senate candidate from Nevada, don't go to All you'll find there is a lot of very graphic anime pornography. Still, that's where Sharron Angle, Heck's opponent for the GOP Senate nomination, directed...

Va. Candidate Blames His Porn Tabs on Research

Mike Webb said he was trying to confirm a theory about computer viruses

(Newser) - It happened in Germany , and was only a matter of time before it happened stateside. A candidate mounting an independent bid for Congress in Virginia's 8th District on Monday morning posted screenshots to Facebook while discussing a weird experience he had while attempting to land a temporary job. Except...

Utah Takes On Newest 'Health Hazard': Porn

Governor to sign 2 measures, including bill mandating computer techs report child porn

(Newser) - In an effort to fight today's "sexually toxic environment," the governor of Utah is expected on Tuesday to sign both a state resolution and a bill that declare pornography a "health hazard," CNN reports. Gov. Gary Herbert's resolution, more general statement than punishable mandate,...

Adult Actor Who Accused James Deen Dead at 31

Colleagues are mourning Amber Rayne

(Newser) - Amber Rayne, one of the adult actors who accused James Deen of assault , is dead at age 31, Adult Video News reports. A cause of death is unknown pending an autopsy, but sources says she died in her sleep, peacefully, at home over the weekend. Rayne, who worked in the...

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