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Happy People 35% Less Likely to Die

 Happy People 
 Live Longer 
study says

Happy People Live Longer

Another study finds that positive feelings are associated with longevity

(Newser) - Want to avoid death? Get happy. A new study finds that subjects who reported feeling the most happy were 35% less likely to die than those who reported feeling the least happy, according to USA Today . Interestingly, the researchers didn’t ask participants to recall past feelings of happiness; rather,...

Money Beats Happiness
 Money Beats Happiness 
Study Says

Money Beats Happiness

Study finds people trade happiness for other benefits

(Newser) - Money cannot buy happiness, but most people would choose it anyway, says a new study of more than 2,600 people published in the American Economic Review . For example, if the choice is between a job that pays $80,000 a year and lets you get seven and a half...

Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is Single Woman: Survey

 The Unhappiest 
 White Collar 
 Worker Is... 
survey says

The Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is...

... a 42-year-old single woman earning less than $100K: survey

(Newser) - Who's the unhappiest white collar worker in the land? Apparently it's a woman, 42, unmarried, earning less than $100,000, and in a professional position like doctor or lawyer—or so says a new survey, Jezebel reports. The happiest? Male, 39, married, earning $150,000-$200,000, in senior...

Want to Be Happy? Do More, Don't Buy More

Take a vacation instead of buying a new toy

(Newser) - Quick, which will make you happier: buying a shiny new computer or using the money to go on vacation? Cornell researchers exploring such questions say the vacation is the better bet, reports Time . It may seem odd: The computer will be around for a while, while the getaway is a...

North Korea Is 2nd-Happiest Nation: North Korea

America, of course, is dead last

(Newser) - A new highly credible study from the North Korean government has discovered that it is—surprise!—the second-happiest nation on Earth, behind only China, according to the Shanghaiist . Apparently starvation, poverty, and rampant oppression didn’t stop the nation from earning 98 out of 100 happiness points, behind China’...

25 Years Later, We Still Need Oprah
 25 Years Later, 
 We Still Need Oprah 

25 Years Later, We Still Need Oprah

She's an antidote to our cynical world: Mary Elizabeth Williams

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey’s TV tenure can be summed up in a single word: “miraculous,” writes Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon . “Winfrey's entire empire is built on the idea that miracles—not just good fortune or persistence or community but honest-to-God miracles—are within our reach every...

How to Buy Happiness
 How to Buy Happiness 

How to Buy Happiness

Eight tips for purchases that will boost your pleasure

(Newser) - Money may not be able to buy happiness, but if you spend wisely, you can at least avoid purchases that make you unhappy. SmartMoney lists eight tips for happy spending, based on new research published this month:
  • Buy experiences, not things: People overwhelmingly report that they get more happiness out

Scientists Find 'Happiness Gene'

But they warn: Don't blame everything on biology

(Newser) - If you’re generally less than jubilant—or unfailingly cheerful—your biological makeup may play a role. Scientists have tracked down a gene whose variants appear to be linked to happiness, the Guardian reports. In a study of 2,500 Americans, those who had two long variants of the gene...

We&#39;re Most Miserable in Middle Age
 We're Most 
 Miserable in 
 Middle Age 
study says

We're Most Miserable in Middle Age

Satisfaction declines in late 20s; climbs in late 50s: study

(Newser) - We’ve learned that the world’s happiest person is 69 , and that we may be happiest in old age ; now a study suggests that we’re at our most miserable in middle age. Indeed, life satisfaction is “U-shaped,” the Telegraph reports: happiness can start to decline in...

In One Massachusetts Town, a Goal: Be Happier

Somerville works to create a happiness index

(Newser) - Somerville, Mass., is famous for being the hometown of Marshmallow Fluff. It would like to be famous for something else, too: exceptionally happy residents. It was inspired, exotically enough, by Bhutan , which decided to put happiness ahead of its gross domestic product in terms of important measures, and has used...

What Age Are We Happiest?
 What Age Are We Happiest? 

What Age Are We Happiest?

In our 80s, research shows

(Newser) - Wait a second before you buy that "over the hill" cake for your buddy's 40th birthday: Research shows that satisfaction and optimism actually increase after we reach middle age, and peak as late as our 80s. Why? Responsibilities ease, maturity increases, and we are often able to focus on...

Least Happy Person in America Is West Virginia Muslim
 Meet the 
 Least Happy 
 Person in 


Meet the Least Happy Person in America

And she probably doesn't exist

(Newser) - Hawaiian Alvin Wong is the happiest person in America , based on Gallup data, but what about the unhappiest? The New York Times , using the same statistics relating to well-being, has found her, or at least described her. The least happy person in the US is a short, middle-aged, childless Muslim...

Meet America's Happiest Person


Meet America's Happiest Person

Alvin Wong fits Gallup's happiness profile to a T

(Newser) - Using Gallup data as a guide, the New York Times has sniffed out the happiest person in America—and he has confirmed his good cheer. Every day for three years, Gallup has called 1,000 random Americans and asked them questions related to their quality of life, and its findings...

How to Beat 'Facebook Envy'
How to Beat
'Facebook Envy'
Meghan Daum

How to Beat 'Facebook Envy'

Meghan Daum: Look at your page; maybe you're not such a loser after all

(Newser) - A recent Stanford study has brought the phrase "Facebook envy" into the vernacular, notes Meghan Daum. Essentially, people tend to think everyone else is way happier than themselves, a notion particularly reinforced by the site. Spend enough time cruising through all those oh-so-joyful photos and announcements posted by others,...

Happy Teens More Likely to Become Divorced Adults
Happy Teens More Likely
to Become Divorced Adults
study says

Happy Teens More Likely to Become Divorced Adults

Study of 2,276 people returns surprising result

(Newser) - Here's a less-than-intuitive finding: Happy teens are more likely to end up divorced than unhappy teens. The tidbit came out of a larger study of happiness, in which researchers looked at data on 2,276 people—that had been collected since they were born in 1946. A number of their...

Despite Near-Total Paralysis, Patients Remain Happy

Study offers surprising results for those with 'locked-in syndrome'

(Newser) - Happiness is a relative thing: Most patients with so-called "locked-in syndrome"—they're mentally aware but physically paralyzed and unable to communicate except with their eyes—characterize themselves as happy. Of the 65 patients who took part in the first major study of the issue, mostly by blinking, 47...

For Contagious Laughs, Open Your Mouth

... And get your vocal chords into it

(Newser) - When it comes to laughs, the bigger the better, at least if you want it to spread. In one of those science-confirms-the-obvious studies, researchers found that open-mouth laughs in which people use their vocal chords in "vowel-like bursts" are the most contagious, LiveScience reports. And the longer they last,...

What Women Want: Oxytocin
 What Women Want: Oxytocin 

What Women Want: Oxytocin

Happier women have higher levels of the hormone, study finds

(Newser) - If you've ever found yourself wondering what in the world women really want, scientists have an answer for you: oxytocin . The hormone, which has previously been shown to boost good feelings like trust and empathy, makes women happier, according to new research out of California. Scientists studied oxytocin levels in...

iPhone App Gauges Your Happiness

And finds that daydreaming is tied to bad moods

(Newser) - Turns out the all-powerful iPhone can also moonlight as your personal therapist, by way of the "Track Your Happiness" app. The app pings users at random times during the day, asking how they're feeling and what they're doing. Researchers looked at the responses of 2,250 adults and found...

World's Most Generous People? Not Us

 World's Most 
 Not Us 

World's Most Generous People? Not Us

Aussies, Kiwis top philanthropy index

(Newser) - Home to the world's biggest coral reef and most poisonous snake, Australia now boasts another superlative: the most generous people in the world. The Land Down Under came out on top in the latest Gallup World Giving Index, which ranks countries' philanthropy on the basis of individual donations, volunteer time,...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>