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Happiest Cities Are Mostly in One State

8 of top 10 are in sunny California: WalletHub

(Newser) - Life in sunny California sure is sweet, according to WalletHub . Based on factors such as emotional and physical well-being and income and employment, the site has compiled a list of the happiest cities in the country—and ones in California dominate the upper ranks. The top 10, with "happiness...

Feeling Blue? Scientists Suggest Spending Time Nude

Research suggests nudity around others correlates with greater happiness

(Newser) - Are people who spend time naked in the company of others happier than those who don't? Scientists are reporting in the Journal of Happiness Studies that so-called "naturists" seem to be, though why remains unclear. "Naturists have been saying this for some time," the lead researcher...

How the Words We Use Changed Over 200 Years
How the Words We Use
Changed Over 200 Years
new study

How the Words We Use Changed Over 200 Years

'This is an indicator that happiness may be on the decline'

(Newser) - It is well established that humans across languages and cultures have a tendency to use more positive words than negative ones. This is called linguistic positivity bias (LPB), but why the phenomenon exists remains unclear. Now researchers report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that their big...

A Happy Spouse May Make You Not Just Happier, but Healthier

'Another person’s happiness is filling you up, so you do these healthy things'

(Newser) - If you follow the ping-ponging research, you'll know that happiness is achieved by staying single . Or maybe by expressing gratitude to your spouse. Or by having at least four kids . Well, it's time to add another line item to the list: Marry a happy person. So report researchers...

Taking Selfies Can Improve Your Mood
Taking Selfies Can
Improve Your Mood

Taking Selfies Can Improve Your Mood

Don't be so quick to judge the selfie-snappers

(Newser) - If you smile enough, and see yourself doing it, and share it with friends and family, you may actually make yourself happier, at least according to researchers at the University of California at Irvine reporting in the journal Psychology of Well-Being . The team tracked 41 college students' moods for a...

Older Women Who&#39;ve Never Wed Are Pretty Darn Happy

Older Women
Who've Never
Wed Are
Pretty Darn

Older Women Who've Never Wed Are Pretty Darn Happy

Just as happy as their married counterparts, in fact

(Newser) - While there are a bunch of studies showing that married folks seem to be happier than those who've stuck to singledom, a new study out of Bowling Green State University has found an apparent exception: older women who've never said "I do," per Live Science . The...

Eating Fruits and Veggies Will Boost Your Happiness

After about 2 years

(Newser) - An apple a day keeps the blues away? According to a new study , eating fruits and vegetables increases happiness. "However," researcher Andrew Oswald tells the New York Daily News , "French fries will not count." Researchers from England's University of Warwick and the University of Queensland...

Scientists Pinpoint Why US Parents Are Less Happy

In some countries, parents are actually happier than nonparents; not in the US

(Newser) - The "happiness penalty" between parents and nonparents in the US—that is, in which nonparents report being happier than their counterparts—is wider than in any of the other 21 countries researchers have analyzed. Now those researchers say they've managed to pinpoint exactly why, and it all boils...

Smart People Happier When Not Socializing With Pals
 Smart People 
 Happier When Not 
 Socializing With Pals 
in case you missed it

Smart People Happier When Not Socializing With Pals

It all leads back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors: scientists

(Newser) - A study delving into the well-being of young people came up with two main findings: that people who live in more densely populated areas tend to be less happy, and that the more socializing one does with close friends, the more satisfied that person says he or she is, the...

Most, Least Happy Countries in the World

US does not make the top 10

(Newser) - The annual report from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network on the world's happiest and least happy countries is out, and if you live in the United States, sorry: The US doesn't make it into the Top 10 (it's ranked No. 13). The survey ranks 157 countries using...

Unlikely Cause of &#39;Broken Heart&#39; Syndrome: Happiness
Unlikely Cause of 'Broken Heart' Syndrome: Happiness

Unlikely Cause of 'Broken Heart' Syndrome: Happiness

It's not just sadness, grief, fear that can bring on takotsubo syndrome: scientists

(Newser) - Since at least 1990, scientists have known humans can die of a " broken heart ." And while most of the stress that brings on this rare condition, known as takotsubo syndrome (TTS) or stress-induced cardiomyopathy, are heartbreaking—the death of a loved one, divorce, even natural disasters —researchers...

The 10 Happiest Places in the US

Naples, Salinas tie for first in well-being survey

(Newser) - Feeling blue? A new Gallup-Healthways survey has some potential locales that might lift your spirits, with cities in Florida, California, Colorado, and Texas plentiful in the top 20, reports Live Science . Each was given a score out of 100 based on residents' feelings about their sense of purpose, relationships, financial...

Meet the UAE's First Happiness Minister

She'll use 'government policy to create social good and satisfaction'

(Newser) - They say happiness is a state of mind, but maybe it's also a sound basis for public policy. This week, the United Arab Emirates named Ohood Al Roumi as its first minister of state for happiness, Al Jazeera reports. As such, she "will align and drive government policy...

What Midlife Crisis? Most of Us Get Happier

People are happier in their 40s than in their teens

(Newser) - If you've made it through your 40s without suddenly acquiring a blood red convertible, piercings, or a skydiving habit, you might have wondered whether you were the only one to miss out on that much-vaunted midlife crisis. And you'd be right to wonder, according to researchers at the...

Science Says You're Unlikely to Enjoy New Year's Eve

'High expectation can lead to disappointment'

(Newser) - New York Magazine humbly submits that you cancel any and all New Year's Eve plans and instead stay home, watch some Property Brothers, and conk out early. That's because studies have shown it's nearly statistically impossible to not be disappointed by big New Year's Eve...

Want Long-Lasting Happiness? Buy Stuff
Want Long-Lasting
Happiness? Buy Stuff

Want Long-Lasting Happiness? Buy Stuff

Material purchases bring repeated bursts of pleasure: study

(Newser) - There really is something to retail therapy: A new study in Social Psychological and Personality Science finds material purchases bring a person longer-lasting happiness than experiential purchases, like concert tickets or a trip to the zoo. In other words, whoever said money can't buy happiness was lying, reports Complex...

Lancet Is Wrong: Happiness Does Affect Health
Lancet Is Wrong: Happiness Does Affect Health

Lancet Is Wrong: Happiness Does Affect Health

Psychology professors make their case

(Newser) - A major study in the respected Lancet medical journal made headlines earlier this month with a surprising assertion: Happier people don't live longer. But now three professors of psychology have combined for a rebuttal in the Los Angeles Times . "Happiness does matter for your health," write Ed...

This Might Be Key Ingredient to a Happy Marriage

Gratitude can disrupt the common demand-withdraw cycle in relationships

(Newser) - The key to a happy and lasting marriage might be as simple as regularly expressing gratitude. So report researchers from the University of Georgia in a new study published in the journal Personal Relationships . After interviewing 468 married individuals on relationship satisfaction, covering everything from communication habits to finances, they...

Want Satisfaction? Have at Least 4 Children

Parents with big families report being happiest

(Newser) - Parents with lots of kids running around doing God knows what, be thankful—you're the lucky ones. According to a new study in Australia, parents with at least four children get the most satisfaction out of life despite the chaos and higher expenses, the Daily Signal reports. "With...

For Some, Being Single Brings Most Happiness
For Some, Being Single Brings Most Happiness
study says

For Some, Being Single Brings Most Happiness

It depends how they view conflict in relationships, say researchers

(Newser) - Generally speaking, sociologists find that people in relationships tend to be happier and more satisfied than single people. But a new study makes clear that for some, being single is the way to be. It all depends on how individuals deal with conflict in relationships—those who hate it and...

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