Bill Clinton

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5 Ways Dems Could Ruin Their Own Convention

Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and Occupy: all possible hazards

(Newser) - The RNC ran into its share of snags—a hurricane , Clint Eastwood , frustrated Ron Paul supporters—but the Democratic convention has a few potential pitfalls too. Politico lists five:

Obama Way Behind Bush, Clinton on Picking Judges

His federal court picks have generally been more moderate, too: NYT

(Newser) - In a deliberate strategy designed to save political capital, President Obama has nominated dozens fewer federal judges than either George W. Bush or Bill Clinton did in their first terms, potentially greatly reducing his long-term judicial impact on the United States, reports the New York Times . So far, Obama has...

Clinton's DNC Opening Act: Elizabeth Warren

That still leaves keynote spot open

(Newser) - The Democrats are trying to pack in all the headline-grabbers they can at their national convention. Elizabeth Warren has been tapped to do the big lead-in for Bill Clinton on the penultimate night at the convention, essentially presenting a "one-two punch" for the Dems, reports the Boston Globe . Warren,...

Clinton Lands Starring Role at Convention

He'll place Obama's name into nomination

(Newser) - He's back. Bill Clinton will play a major role in the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and will be the one to place Barack Obama's name into nomination after an address hammering home an economic argument for the president's reelection, reports the New York Times . Clinton is expected...

2010 Clinton Speech Could Trip Obama Today

Because he's giving his speech today in the same place

(Newser) - President Obama is set to give a speech in Ohio today, but his choice of venue might prove kind of awkward. Bill Clinton spoke at the same Cleveland-area community college ahead of the 2010 elections, USA Today points out, and he said these unwise-in-hindsight words: "We found a big...

Now Obama Knows How Romney Feels
 Now Obama 
 Knows How 
kathleen parker

Now Obama Knows How Romney Feels

Kathleen Parker: His fellow Democrats 'seem to be inching away'

(Newser) - All through the GOP primaries, Mitt Romney got at best begrudging support from many Republicans, who didn't think he could beat President Obama. Indeed, "it was hard to imagine what it must have been like to be Romney, scorned and maligned by his own tribe," writes Kathleen...

George W Bush Still Under 50% in Popularity

He's the only living ex-president in that category: CNN survey

(Newser) - George W Bush comes in last in an admittedly small popularity contest: former presidents who are still alive. The CNN poll shows that he's the only one who fails to crack 50% in "favorable" views among the public. The results:
  • George W Bush: favorable, 43%; unfavorable, 54%
  • Bill

Team Clinton: Shut Up, Bubba
 Team Clinton: Shut Up, Bubba 

Team Clinton: Shut Up, Bubba

'He's 65,' explains one adviser of gaffes

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's recent barrage of off-message pronouncements—that Mitt Romney did good work at Bain and that George Bush's tax cuts should be extended —were so destructive to President Obama that even Clinton's own aides pushed him to make an embarrassing what-I-meant-to-say clarification, reports Politico . “...

Obama: I Won't Extend Bush Tax Cuts for Rich. Period.

'Could I be more clear?' asks Jay Carney

(Newser) - Bill Clinton may have said the Bush tax cuts should be extended for the wealthy, but the White House is adamant it won't happen, reports Politico . Asked aboard Air Force One whether the president would sign such an extension, spokesman Jay Carney responded: "He will not. Could...

Clinton Tries to Undo Damage From Tax-Cut Comment

Backpedals after calling for extension of Bush tax cuts

(Newser) - First, it was praise for Mitt Romney and his "sterling business career" ; now, Bill Clinton is again raising eyebrows after apparently straying from President Obama's message once more. Speaking to CNBC yesterday, the former president suggested that the country is currently in a recession and that the Bush...

Clinton: Romney Did 'Good Work' at Bain

Bill becomes the latest Democrat to undermine Obama attacks

(Newser) - Et tu, Bill? That's what the Obama campaign might be thinking after the former president pulled a Cory Booker last night on CNN, telling Harvey Weinstein that Mitt Romney "had a sterling business career" at Bain Capital. "If you go in and you try to save a...

Bill Clinton Gala the 'Worst Party Ever'

Plus, Bubba surrounds himself with porn stars

(Newser) - Bill Clinton threw a very expensive fundraiser Tuesday, but the non-celebrity guests were not impressed, with at least one calling it the "worst party ever." The Telegraph recounts tweets and interviews with attendees who stood in line outside for hours after paying anywhere from $200 to nearly $1,...

Bill Wants Hillary to Take On 'Amateur' Obama: Book

Clintons denounce author Edward Klein as a 'known liar'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton considers Barack Obama such an "incompetent" president that he begged Hillary last summer to quit the State Department and run against him in 2012—or at least, that's the story a new, unauthorized Obama biography is telling. "Barack Obama is an amateur," Clinton is...

Bill Clinton: Hillary Didn't Tell Me About bin Laden

White House did, he reveals to Ellen DeGeneres

(Newser) - So much for spousal privilege. On the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death, Hillary Clinton yesterday revealed that her husband had no idea the raid was going on. Today on the Ellen DeGeneres Show the former president himself backs that up in a discussion about how he found...

Top 5 Political Apologies of All Time

Bill Clinton, Tom Feeney make Politico's list

(Newser) - Freshman Democratic Rep. David Cicilline swallowed hard a couple of weeks ago and apologized for his financial blunders back when he was mayor of Providence, Rhode Island—which inspired Politico to recall their favorite all-time political apologies. Among them:
  • Former Florida Rep. Tom Feeney: His 2003 golfing trip to Scotland

Obama Ad: Mitt Wouldn't Have Killed bin Laden

Romney calls new ad divisive

(Newser) - The Obama campaign turned heads today with a new video that strongly implies Mitt Romney wouldn't have ordered the raid killing Osama bin Laden. The video starts off innocuously enough, with Bill Clinton praising Obama's decision to go after bin Laden. "He took the harder and the...

Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

 Bill Clinton: 
 Smear Romney 
 as a Dirty ... 


Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

Bill Clinton tweaks anti-Romney strategy

(Newser) - Forget branding Mitt Romney as the father of ObamaCare, a flip-flopper, or a champion Etch-a-Sketcher—just call him a conservative, says Bill Clinton. The former president is pushing the current one to adjust his campaign strategy against the likely Republican nominee: Where the Obama team has long knocked Romney for...

Little Rock Renames Airport for Clintons

Welcome to Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport

(Newser) - Little Rock is paying tribute to the Clintons by renaming the city airport in their honor, reports the Arkansas News . Once the FAA signs off on the switch, the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport will be in business. Airport receptionists already have begun using the new name, notes the...

Bill Clinton to Join Obama Fundraisers

Ex-prez to help Obama woo Wall Street donors

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has agreed to help President Obama grow his 2012 war chest. The 42nd president will be joining the 44th at a series of fundraisers in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, aimed mainly at the financial services industry, insiders tell Bloomberg. Considering how much Republican super PACs are...

Only Santorum 'Drubbing' Can Save GOP

Like Dems in 1980s, GOP has forgotten center: Joe Nocera

(Newser) - The Republicans need to nominate Rick Santorum, and not just because he would ensure President Obama's re-election. No, an even more important reason is that Santorum represents the most extreme wing of today's GOP, and only his nomination and "drubbing" will force the party to return to...

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