Bill Clinton

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Clintons Are Reliving Their Worst Ordeal: Impeachment

Resemblances between 1998 and 2008 striking, New Republic 's Crowley finds

(Newser) - For Bill and Hillary Clinton, 2008 is smacking of 1998, as the struggle to stay in the presidential race looks remarkably like the battle to survive impeachment, argues Michael Crowley in the New Republic. The former first couple is under siege again, and again is willing to “ride out...

Reagan's Influence on US Court System Lingers

Appeals courts, where the real action is, continue to weaken federal authority

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan’s influence on American courts remains unprecedented, and his transformation of the nomination process is only part of the story. With sheer numbers and ideological consistency, Reagan created a legacy that will influence American justice well into the 21st century, and perhaps beyond, USA Today reports.

... And Here's Why It Will
 ... And Here's Why It Will 

... And Here's Why It Will

Obama needs her, and besides, he doesn't really have a choice, Politico says

(Newser) - Barack Obama would be wise to put Hillary Clinton on his ticket, write John F. Martin and Jonathan Harris in Politico. Here's why:
  • Obama has no choice. He needs Clinton’s Catholic and blue-collar supporters, and he’ll be pressured to include her for the party’s sake.
  • He may

Hillary Defeat Would Shake Up Democrats

Divisive changing of guard looms if Clintons lose grip on party

(Newser) - With Barack Obama headed toward the Democratic nomination, the Clintons' long reign over the party looks likely to end, the New York Times reports. That could lead to a bold new era—or a divided party that Obama can’t reconcile. “It’s going to create an upheaval,”...

Obama Aide: We're Moving On to General Election States

Superdelegate rush to Dem's camp predicted

(Newser) - On the flight home from his North Carolina victory last night, Barack Obama’s top adviser signaled that the next phase of the race has begun: “I don’t think we are going to spend our time solely in primary states.” Confirming a reporter’s interpretation that the...

Clintons Aim for Suburban Voters in NC

Bill carves rural niche, where 'it doesn't get complicated'

(Newser) - Urbanites in North Carolina prefer Barack Obama, while rural voters side with Hillary Clinton—which is why she spent all weekend trying to sway mixed regions like small cities and far-out suburbs. Obama, meanwhile, is counting on a hidden strength with country folk and his far-reaching publicity machine to win...

How Hillary Missed the Boat on Black Votes
How Hillary Missed the Boat on Black Votes

How Hillary Missed the Boat on Black Votes

Obama's dominance in the demographic hardly a given at the start

(Newser) - Barack Obama's lead over Hillary Clinton among black voters is perhaps not surprising, but Clinton could have avoided such devastating losses in the demographic, Thomas Schaller writes in Salon. "One would expect Obama to win these voters, but 90-10 is a total collapse that Obama is not experiencing among...

Teamsters, Obama Deny Quid Pro Quo
Teamsters, Obama Deny Quid Pro Quo

Teamsters, Obama Deny Quid Pro Quo

Support for ending oversight preceded union's backing

(Newser) - Before winning the Teamsters’ endorsement, Barack Obama said he’d support ending government oversight of the union, an unusual stance for a presidential candidate, reports the Wall Street Journal. An independent board has policed the historically organized-crime-influenced Teamsters since 1992; Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Al Gore left the matter...

21st-Century Campaign Trail Bumpier Than Bill Recalls

Gaffe-focused press second only to Obama among Clinton's peeves

(Newser) - With an assist from a pesky, unforgiving press, Bill Clinton has turned into a faux pas machine—making him seem more a liability than an asset for his wife. But the former president is in truth the most convincing person on the campaign trail, and is animated by a deep-seated...

Sex Scandal Tees Are All the Rage
Sex Scandal Tees Are All
the Rage

Sex Scandal Tees Are All the Rage

Apparel mocking fallen pols is 'as American as apple pie'

(Newser) - Americans love their ironic T-shirts, especially when they make coy references to politicians' sex scandals. The Internet is awash with "Client #9" and "Zippergate '98" gear, but the phenomenon isn't restricted to the digital age. It's version 2.0 of the traditional smear campaign—"as American as...

Bill Resumes Central Role in Hillary's Campaign

Despite his critics, he seems to helping her regain momentum

(Newser) - Despite controversial remarks on more than one occasion, Bill Clinton has moved to the forefront of his wife’s campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports. In what some insiders call the “Billification” of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, the ex-President is pushing for sharper attacks on Barack Obama amid...

Clyburn Blasts Bill's 'Bizarre' Obama Attacks

Blacks 'incensed' by former president's conduct in campaign

(Newser) - South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn slammed Bill Clinton’s “bizarre” campaign-trail conduct in an interview yesterday with the New York Times, saying that “black people are incensed” over Clinton’s remarks about Barack Obama. Clinton earlier compared Obama’s win in South Carolina to Jesse Jackson’s 1988...

Obama Aide: Dems Don't Win White Working Class Anyway

Bill Clinton pounces on comments in NC

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s top strategist yesterday downplayed the demographic that sank his candidate in Pennsylvania on NPR, noting that the “white working class has gone to the Republican nominee for many elections, going back even to the Clinton years.” Added David Axelrod: "This is not new that...

50 Ways to Leave Hillary's Camp
 50 Ways to Leave Hillary's Camp 

50 Ways to Leave Hillary's Camp

Kerry, Richardson, Reich: stalwart Clintonites are jumping ship

(Newser) - As more longtime Clintonites succumb to Obamania and Hillary Clinton's superdelegate lead gradually diminishes, the former first couple is left to sift their friendships into past and present. But while the Clinton camp sees shifts toward Barack Obama as acts of betrayal, others consider them comeuppance for the Clintons' habit...

Obama Earns $3.9M in Royalties
 Obama Earns $3.9M in Royalties 

Obama Earns $3.9M in Royalties

His book sales continue to soar

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama earned $4.2 million last year, mostly from royalties from Obama's two books, Dreams From My Father and the Audacity of Hope. The Obamas' newly released returns for 2007 show they paid $1.4 million in federal taxes and gave $240,370 to charity, USA Today...

Bill's Charity Linked to Tibet Crackdown

'Philanthropic dynamo' took '05 donation from shady Internet firm

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's strong public stance against the crackdown in Tibet flies in the face of her husband's past fundraising ties in China, reports the LA Times. At the crux is a 2005 speech the former president gave for which he received an undisclosed donation to his charitable foundation—from Internet...

Clinton Camp 'Ticked Me Off': Richardson

NM governor backed Obama after Hillary got aggressive

(Newser) - Bill Richardson says negative ads and arm-twisting phone calls from the Clinton camp pushed him to back Barack Obama last month, the Los Angeles Times reports. The New Mexico governor, labeled a "Judas" after supporting Obama, says he almost backed Hillary until her "3 a.m." ads...

Bill Blasts Media Over Hillary's 'Sniper' Misfire

'You woulda thought that she'd robbed a bank,' wails ex-prez

(Newser) - Just when you thought the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's trip to Bosnia had died down, Bill Clinton resuscitated it with an impassioned defense of his wife's claims. During a rally at an Indiana high school, the former president lashed out at the media for treating Hillary as if "she'd...

Bill's Bills Cost US a Record $8M

Clinton costs twice as much as Carter

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is costing taxpayers significantly more in publicly funded perks than the two other surviving former presidents, reports Politico. From 2001 through the end of this year, $8 million will be spent on Bill Clinton, compared with $5.5 million for George H. W. Bush and $4 million for...

Chelsea Thesis May Clarify Hillary's Role in Irish Peace

But Clintons won't release Stanford doc

(Newser) - While Hillary Clinton stands accused of exaggerating her part in the 1998 Irish peace process, the answer might lie in an unlikely 150-page document—Chelsea Clinton's senior thesis from Stanford. Only problem? No one seems to know where it's gone, Newsweek reports, and a Clinton spokesman warns it was "...

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