Bill Clinton

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Masterful Bill Gets Convention on Track
Masterful Bill Gets Convention on Track

Masterful Bill Gets Convention on Track

Dem highlights also include best speech of Hillary's career

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has made the case for Barack Obama better than anybody else at the Democratic Convention, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. "Crazy, red-faced Rageholic" Bill was absent and in his place was a masterful statesman, who delivered a "great tee-up" up for Obama's acceptance...

Bill Clinton: 'Obama Is Ready'
 Bill Clinton: 'Obama Is Ready' 

Bill Clinton: 'Obama Is Ready'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton tonight delivered a forceful endorsement of Barack Obama, saying that the newly anointed nominee is ready and able to undo the damage of the Bush administration. "Barack Obama is the man for this job," said Clinton, who had feuded with his wife's rival throughout the primaries....

Bill-Barack Hostility Casts Pall on Party

Clinton, still furious, will skip Obama's acceptance speech

(Newser) - Bill Clinton won’t be at Barack Obama’s acceptance speech tomorrow night, CNN reports, in the latest sign that relations between the former and would-be president are still frosty. “Obama does not like Clinton, and Clinton knows it,” one longtime Clinton adviser told the Washington Post. The...

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dems: Hate
Things to Do in Denver
When You're Dems: Hate

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dems: Hate

Clinton camp's back-handed Obama-bashing, second-guessing mark jittery DNC

(Newser) - A former John McCain strategist described the odd mood in Denver perfectly, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times: “Submerged hate.” That would explain the uneasy proceedings, which have been marked more by Clintonian drama than anything else. At a recent new conference, Dowd observes, “Hillary...

Should Dems Attack More in Denver?
Should Dems Attack More in Denver?

Should Dems Attack More in Denver?

Carville's criticism of soft-focus convention sparks debate

(Newser) - James Carville started tongues wagging in Denver when he criticized Democrats for not attacking enough. “You haven't heard about Iraq or John McCain or George W. Bush,” Carville complained on CNN. “We’re playing hide the message.” Is Carville right?
  • Matt Bunk of the Arizona Capital

Obama-Clinton Tension Runs High in Denver

Neither side is feeling the love as convention kicks off

(Newser) - Months after Hillary Clinton announced her support for Barack Obama, tensions between the two camps have flared again, Politico reports, and behind-the-scenes sniping in Denver is intense. Bill Clinton is unhappy with his speech assignment—Wednesday night's theme, securing America's future, leaves him little room to revisit the successes of...

Obama, Not Clintons, Must Be Denver Story
 Obama, Not Clintons, 
 Must Be Denver Story 

Obama, Not Clintons, Must Be Denver Story

Nominee must be on message, and forcefully, at Democratic convention

(Newser) - Heading into their convention, Democrats are increasingly worried about what should be a gimme election. With his poll lead slipping or even disappearing, Barack Obama needs a strong convention showing, like Bill Clinton’s in 1992, Scot Lehigh writes in the Boston Globe. To do it, he’ll need to...

Obama Camp Steers Clear of Arkansas
Obama Camp Steers Clear
of Arkansas

Obama Camp Steers Clear of Arkansas

Campaign avoids state's Hillary-loving, white Democrats

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a novel strategy in Arkansas, a Southern state that likes Democrats: He's not there. The presumptive nominee has no Arkansas office and hasn't even visited in 2 years. Yet analysts aren't surprised, noting that conservative Democrats heavily favor Hillary Clinton and backed President Bush the past two...

Report: Bill Will Speak at Convention

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has accepted an offer from the Barack Obama campaign to speak at the Democratic convention, MSNBC reports. Clinton reportedly will speak in a prime spot—on Wednesday evening just ahead of the vice-presidential candidate. The Obama camp rushed the offer into place to soothe tensions over the latest...

Why the Rift Isn't Healing
 Why the Rift Isn't Healing

Why the Rift Isn't Healing

Issues remain over Hill's campaign debt, role at convention

(Newser) - A little more than a month after the joint rally in Unity, NH, the Obama-Clinton relationship is still chilly, writes Howard Fineman, who faults both sides for letting their continuing squabble turn what should be a slam-dunk election year for the Democrats into a squeaker. For someone who’s running...

Clintons Still Seething Over Racist Portrayal
Clintons Still Seething Over Racist Portrayal

Clintons Still Seething Over Racist Portrayal

Aides didn't defend Obama on McCain's 'race card' accusation

(Newser) - The Democratic primary battle ended months ago, but many in both Hillary and Bill Clinton’s circles still harbor a grudge over the way her campaign was painted as racist, Ben Smith writes in Politico. This ill will is coming back to haunt presumptive nominee Barack Obama as he grapples...

Bill: I Made Mistakes but I'm No Racist

'There were things I wish I hadn't said,' he tells ABC

(Newser) - Speaking in his first broadcast interview since the Democratic primaries, Bill Clinton conceded he made mistakes during his wife's presidential campaign, but declared to ABC News: “I am not a racist.” He said he has regrets about the campaign, but “not the ones you think"—though...

Post-Primaries, Bill Hits Road to Recovery

In Africa for his charity, ex-Prez says he 'couldn't be happier'

(Newser) - After a brutal primary race peppered with “YouTube moments” that tarnished his image, Bill Clinton is back to work, traveling through Africa in support of his charity. “This is my life now, and I was eager to get back to it,” the former president told the Washington ...

Anti-Bubba: Is Obama's Bod Un-American?

Maybe the typical American will have trouble identifying with a 'beanpole'

(Newser) - No matter how long the 2008 campaign drags on, we'll never see Barack Obama as we did Bill Clinton in 1992: drenched in sweat and jogging into a McDonald's. Obama's fit—skinny, even—and a bit of a gym rat. The Wall Street Journal takes a look at the notion...

Requests for Pardons Flood White House

Petitioners include the American Taliban, but not Scooter Libby

(Newser) - President Bush is nearing the end of his term, and felons are coming out of the woodwork in historic numbers to ask for pardons and reduced sentences, the New York Times reports. It is not unusual for there to be a spike in pardons granted by a president in his...

Clinton Boosts Efforts to Fight Malaria, GOP

Ex-president outlines foundation's drug deal, says he'll help Obama

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's philanthropic foundation has struck a deal to keep a lid on the price of anti-malaria drugs, the AP reports. The former president today outlined a plan that would help limit wild fluctuation in the market for artemisinin, an extract key to treating malaria, which sickens 500 million a...

Obama to Take Diplomatic Ace to Israel
Obama to Take Diplomatic
Ace to Israel

Obama to Take Diplomatic Ace to Israel

Choice signals Democrat would take active role in Mideast

(Newser) - In a move that should put voters at ease who are skeptical of his stance on Israel and Iran, Barack Obama has added Dennis Ross to his Middle East entourage, Massimo Calabresi writes in Time. The well-known diplomat was lead Israeli-Palestinian negotiator under Clinton and the first Bush, and his...

Beyond Race? Politics Beyond Sensitive, More Like It

'Perceiving insult' hurts discourse at all levels

(Newser) - The story of an indicted Indiana student janitor underlines "super-heated capacities for perceiving insult" that color race issues in America—issues playing out in the presidential contest, too, Dorothy Rabinowitz writes in the Wall Street Journal. "Its presence is evident in this election campaign," she writes, "...

How to Get His Groove Back
 How to Get His Groove Back 

How to Get His Groove Back

Public relations experts weigh in on how the former president can unsully his image

(Newser) - After a nasty campaign, Bill Clinton has a serious image problem. But if he moves quickly, he can escape any long-term damage, reports Politico, which surveys experts in the field for advice on his behalf. “He needs to put this story behind him by Labor Day,” said one,...

Not So Fast With Those Numbers, David Brooks
Not So Fast With Those Numbers, David Brooks

Not So Fast With Those Numbers, David Brooks

Obama's tax rate for the rich no steeper than in the '90s

(Newser) - Despite David Brooks' attempts to “muddy” the mathematical waters, Barack Obama’s tax plan doesn’t hit the wealthy very hard—and it’s the one that helps the middle class, Jared Bernstein writes in Talking Points Memo Café. Brooks wrote in the Times that moneyed Americans would pay...

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