hunger strike

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Polygamist Warren Jeffs Hospitalized

Convicted rapist not eating, drinking in Texas prison

(Newser) - Convicted rapist and polygamist leader Warren Jeffs was sent to a Texas hospital last night after refusing to eat or drink enough in prison, the AP reports. Facing a life behind bars without parole until he is at least 100 years old, 55-year-old Jeffs "hasn't been feeling well,...

Anna Hazare Ends Hunger Strike

After India's government expresses support for parts of his anti-graft plan

(Newser) - Indian activist Anna Hazare agreed to end his 11-day hunger strike tomorrow morning, after the government announced it was in favor of some of his demands. The AP reports that after a nine-hour debate, Parliament today expressed nonbinding support for the 74-year-old's demands that a proposed anti-graft bill ensure...

Anna Hazare Leaves Jail
 Anna Hazare Leaves Jail 

Anna Hazare Leaves Jail

Activist tells the crowd it's time for a second revolution

(Newser) - Anna Hazare left jail today amidst a throng of supporters who cheered and tossed rose petals for India's most prominent anti-corruption activist. “Whether I live or not, corruption shall not live,” Hazare told supporters, before heading to the public square of Ramlila Maidan to begin his hunger...

Teen on Hunger Strike Gets Flight to Royal Wedding

Desperate to attend, Mexican woman spent weeks outside UK embassy

(Newser) - She went on a 16-day hunger strike for a cause: to get to the royal wedding. Now, the dream is coming true for 19-year-old Estibalis Chavez of Mexico, after a pitying man lent her the airfare to head to London. Desperate to attend the wedding, she spent two weeks camped...

Why I Joined the Budget Protest Fast
 Why I Joined the 
 Budget Protest Fast 

Why I Joined the Budget Protest Fast

The GOP budget will directly cause people to go hungry

(Newser) - More than 4,000 people are fasting in protest of the GOP’s proposed budget cuts—and food writer Mark Bittman is one of them. That may seem surprising—“after all, I eat food for a living”—but once he took a good look at the proposed cuts,...

Hunger Activists Starve to Protest GOP Budget Cuts

Cuts come 'on backs of poor, hungry,' say strikers

(Newser) - With the GOP salivating over budget cuts, a group of religious leaders and anti-hunger activists are going on a hunger strike in response to measures they say go too far. “The budget is a moral document,” said former Rep. Tony Hall, the head of the Alliance to End...

Convicted Rapist Fights for Right to Starve Himself to Death

William Coleman is protesting conviction, claims innocence

(Newser) - William Coleman wants to starve himself to death in prison, and now a court has given him the right to argue for doing so. The 49-year-old British man was convicted to eight years in a US prison on charges of raping his wife, and has been attempting a hunger strike...

Woman Facing Foreclosure Begins Hunger Strike

'This is an impossible system to navigate'

(Newser) - A Baltimore woman who received a foreclosure notice last week says she's on the second day of a hunger strike to call attention to the mess people around the country are in. "It's about representing a lot of people who are going through this," Lauren Rymer tells the...

Cuba to Free 52 Dissidents
 Cuba to Free 52 Dissidents 

Cuba to Free 52 Dissidents

Decision could save life of man on hunger strike

(Newser) - Cuba has promised to release 52 political prisoners, after one of them went on an attention-grabbing hunger strike. Guillermo Fariñas, a 48-year-old psychologist and journalist, has been hospitalized thanks to his hunger strike, which he began back in February, after a previous hunger striker starved to death. Spanish foreign...

Indian Man Claims He Ate, Drank Nothing for 70 Years

(Newser) - An 82-year-old man in India claims he has not had any food or drink for 70 years. Military scientists have isolated him in a hospital in order to verify his claims; so far he's spent 6 days under observation with no food or water, and no signs of hunger or...

Burma Urged to Take US Citizen Out of Solitary

Diplomats want junta to return hunger striker to a normal cell

(Newser) - An American citizen jailed without charge in Burma since fall has been put in solitary confinement after ending a 12-day hunger strike this month, embassy officials say. Diplomats have requested that Kyaw Zaw Lwin be returned to a normal prison cell, the AP reports. Kyaw—whose mother and sister have...

Jail Force-Feeds Ailing Sect Leader Jeffs

'Death could be imminent' without medical intervention

(Newser) - Warren Jeffs began eating of his own accord again today, after being force-fed all weekend by medical staff at the Arizona jail where the polygamist leader is being held, the Salt Lake City Tribune reports. A series of self-imposed fasts have left Jeffs, 53, in such poor health that “...

'Shoe-Bomber' on Hunger Strike in Colo. Prison

Supermax inmate force-fed, hydrated after refusing food

(Newser) - Convicted terrorist Richard Reid has been on hunger strike inside Colorado's Supermax prison since March, reports the Times of London. The British Muslim, sentenced to life after attempting to blow up a transatlantic jet with bombs hidden in his shoes, has refused 59 meals in recent month. Reid has been...

Famous Gitmo Detainee Released to France

(Newser) - Lakhdar Boumediene, the Guantanamo detainee who took on the Bush administration in a landmark Supreme Court case, was released today and flown to France to be reunited with relatives, the Washington Post reports. He was named the plaintiff in Boumediene v. Bush, the Supreme Court case that extended the right...

Reporter Jailed in Iran Ends Hunger Strike

Iranian judiciary denies strike, father says she's 'very weak'

(Newser) - Jailed journalist Roxana Saberi has ended her 2-week hunger strike a day after the Iranian judiciary said she'll get an appeal hearing on her spying conviction, Reuters reports. The Iranian-American consumed only dates and sweetened water and became "very weak," her father said. The hearing on Saberi's 8-year...

Iran to Hear Detained Journo's Appeal Next Week

Iranian officials continue to deny that Saberi is on hunger strike

(Newser) - Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi will get her chance to overturn or lighten an 8-year prison sentence for spying early next week, when an Iranian court will hear her appeal, Reuters reports. Saberi’s father said the 32-year-old is “very weak,” having been on hunger strike for two weeks....

Clinton to Iran: Free Reporter
 Clinton to Iran: Free Reporter 

Clinton to Iran: Free Reporter

Secretary of State cites concerns over hunger-striking journalist's health

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton demanded that Iran release Roxana Saberi, the Iranian-American journalist held on accusations of spying, Reuters reports. “We have great concerns about Ms. Saberi’s health and well being,” Clinton said today, citing reports that Saberi is on hunger strike. The case raises questions about Iran’s...

Blaine Offers Farrow Hunger Strike Tips

Illusionist's starvation tips help Farrow endure fast for Darfur

(Newser) - Mia Farrow took advice from a pro before going on a hunger strike for Darfur, the New York Daily News reports. Farrow says illusionist David Blaine—who once spent 44 seemingly food-free days sealed inside a Plexiglass case—told her the hunger pangs would stop six days in, and to...

US Journo 'Very Weak' in Iranian Jail: Father

As parents visit, Saberi vows to stretch hunger strike into second week

(Newser) - An American journalist jailed in Iran for allegedly spying for the US is vowing to remain on a hunger strike until she is freed even though she is "very weak," her father said today. Roxana Saberi has been on a hunger strike for a week, following her conviction...

Resolute, Saberi Marks 32nd Birthday

Parents of jailed journo told her 'the world was with her'

(Newser) - Journalist Roxana Saberi is spending her 32nd birthday in an Iranian prison today—determined to maintain a hunger strike to protest her conviction and 8-year prison sentence for being an alleged American spy. “She didn't wait for us to persuade her not to do so,” her father told...

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