
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Jubilation, Dismay at Status Change of Turkish Landmark

Muslims thrilled Hagia Sophia to be reconverted to a mosque; Orthodox Christians, not so much

(Newser) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday reconverted Istanbul’s sixth-century Hagia Sophia into a mosque and declared it open to Muslim worship, hours after a court annulled a 1934 decision that had turned it into a museum. The decision to reconvert Hagia Sophia—a former cathedral that was turned...

Researcher: Museum Won't Give Up Art Nazis Plundered

Sibylle Ehringhaus says Germany's Georg Schaefer Museum used her as a 'fig leaf' for 'appearances'

(Newser) - Heirs of Jewish collectors who say their work was stolen by the Nazis have claimed about 20 pieces of art housed in the Georg Schaefer Museum in Schweinfurt, Germany, and there had been a provenance researcher there whose job was to verify those claims. But Sibylle Ehringhaus chose not to...

$26M Picasso Torn in Museum Attack
$26M Picasso Torn
in Museum Attack

$26M Picasso Torn in Museum Attack

20-year-old London man is charged

(Newser) - A 20-year-old is facing charges after he allegedly attacked a Picasso painting hanging on the wall of London's Tate Modern. Picasso's Bust of a Woman , valued at $26.5 million, is being assessed for damage after it was reportedly ripped on Saturday, per the BBC . A museum spokesperson...

After 11 Years, Newseum Calls It a Day

Private museum found it tough to compete with DC's free ones

(Newser) - In 2008, the Newseum—a private museum dedicated to exploring modern history as told through the eyes of journalists— opened on prime Washington real estate . Sitting almost equidistant between the White House and the Capitol on Pennsylvania Avenue, the glass-walled building became instantly recognizable for its multi-story exterior rendition of...

Museum Director Fired Over Gettysburg Address Loan

He wasn't authorized to loan irreplaceable copy to Glenn Beck foundation

(Newser) - The new director of a Tennessee museum was fired from the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum for lending out an irreplaceable copy of the Gettysburg Address. The Illinois Inspector General says Alan Lowe lent the document to Mercury One for a "pop-up museum" last year, the AP reports....

Video Shows Thieves Using Axe in Museum Heist

They made off with around 100 pieces of jewelry from priceless collection

(Newser) - The raid on Dresden's Green Vault early Monday took just a few minutes, authorities say—but it was long enough for the thieves to make off with jewelry believed to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Surveillance video released Monday shows two thieves using an axe to break...

Thieves Raid Europe's Largest Collection of Treasures

Authorities are still trying to assess what was taken from the Green Vault in Dresden, Germany

(Newser) - Early Monday, firefighters in Dresden, Germany, rushed to the scene of a fire at a power distributor. Not long after, another call came in: The Gruenes Gewoelbe museum, or Green Vault, had been robbed. Now authorities say they're trying to figure out if the two incidents are connected, as...

Bronte Society Reclaims an 'Absolute Highlight'

'Jane Eyre' author Charlotte Bronte's 1830 'little book' scooped up by Parsonage Museum in auction

(Newser) - The Bronte Parsonage Museum has in its possession four surviving "little books" written in 1830 by Jane Eyre author Charlotte Bronte, and it just got its hands on a fifth. The BBC reports that for about $860,000, which included fees, the Haworth museum run by the Bronte Society...

Museum Makes Big Move to Correct 'Centuries of Imbalance'

Baltimore Museum of Art will acquire works from female artists only in 2020

(Newser) - "This [is] how you raise awareness and shift the identity of an institution. You don't just purchase one painting by a female artist of color and hang it on the wall next to a painting by Mark Rothko. To rectify centuries of imbalance, you have to do something...

How a Nazi-Looted Painting Ended Up in a NY Museum
Upstate NY Museum 'Upset' to
Discover Painting's Origin

Upstate NY Museum 'Upset' to Discover Painting's Origin

A Nazi-looted painting stolen from Jewish family somehow ended up at the Arkell Museum

(Newser) - A painting stolen by the Nazis from a Jewish family in the year Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany has been found hiding in plain sight: on the wall of a museum in upstate New York. US industrialist Bartlett Arkell bought the painting—Winter by American artist Gari Melchers—...

'Fools!' Spacey Makes Surprise Appearance in Museum

The actor surprises people with reading of Gabriele Tinti's "Boxer at Rest"

(Newser) - Kevin Spacey returned to the public eye Friday for "a bizarre reading" of a poem at an Italian museum, Variety reports. The actor, whose career nosedived in 2017 amid sexual-assault allegations, appeared at the National Roman Museum and read a poem about a wounded boxer who vowed never to...

Reaction to Tyson Probe: It's 'the Way the World Works'

The astrophysicist won't be losing his job

(Newser) - Neil deGrasse Tyson will be keeping his job at the American Museum of Natural History after all, the New York Times reports. A probe by the institution into Tyson's alleged sexual misconduct , including a rape accusation, apparently didn't find enough to dethrone him as head of the museum'...

Black Activist Found 'Murdered' in Car Trunk

Sadie Roberts-Smith 'was amazing and loved her history'

(Newser) - Louisiana police made a shocking find Friday: A black activist who helped establish an African American museum lay dead in a car trunk, ABC News reports. Sadie Roberts-Smith, 75, was discovered in a residential part of downtown Baton Rouge. "Our detectives are working diligently to bring the person or...

Guy Spins Dial 'for a Laugh,' Opens Safe Locked for 40 Years

'No gold bars, like I'd hoped'

(Newser) - Visitors have long fiddled with the old safe that sits on a reinforced floor in the basement of Alberta's Vermilion Heritage Museum, without any luck. The manager of Vermilion's old Brunswick Hotel couldn’t remember the safe's combination when the hotel closed in the 1970s, and a...

Museum, Not Holocaust Survivor's Kin, to Keep Nazi-Looted Art

Judge rules work by Camille Pissarro to stay in Spanish museum

(Newser) - A federal judge in Los Angeles ruled Tuesday that a Spanish museum that acquired a priceless, Nazi-looted painting in 1993 is the work's rightful owner, and not the survivors of the Jewish woman who surrendered it 80 years ago to escape the Holocaust. Per the AP , although US District...

150 Years After Emperor's Death, an 'Exemplary Gesture of Goodwill'

London museum to send Theodore II's hair back to Ethiopia

(Newser) - A mad Ethiopian emperor will soon be reunited with two braids long ago cut from his head. London's National Army Museum has agreed to repatriate the locks of hair taken from the corpse of Theodore II shortly after he killed himself in 1868, rather than face 32,000 British...

Museum: Here's Your $4M Coffin. Sorry About That

New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art returns the antiquity to Egypt

(Newser) - New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art says it's returning a prized artifact to Egypt after learning it was stolen from the country in 2011, the AP reports. The Met said Friday that the Manhattan District Attorney's office found evidence that the museum was given a false ownership...

Attraction at New Museum: 6.5K Bobbleheads

Even Donald Trump is represented at Milwaukee's latest attraction

(Newser) - A new museum in Milwaukee may well hold the largest collection of bobbleheads anyone has ever seen, displaying more than 6,500 figures of athletes, mascots, celebrities, animals, cartoon characters, politicians, and more. The recently opened National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum is the brainchild of friends Phil Sklar...

Banksy's Self-Shredding Painting Is Altered

Germany's Frieder Burda Museum isn't taking any chances

(Newser) - The first museum to display Banksy's partially shredded canvas has deactivated its self-destructing frame to ensure "Love Is in the Bin" isn't actually thrown in the bin. "We opened up the frame and found the shredder machinery, the battery holders, the wires and satisfied ourselves that...

In a Single Coffin, 6 Victims Finally Rest With 'Dignity'

Remains of Holocaust victims found in museum are buried in England

(Newser) - The remains of six unidentified Holocaust victims were buried in a solemn ceremony at a Jewish cemetery near London on Sunday after spending years in storage at a British museum. The Imperial War Museum found the ashes and bone fragments during a stock-taking last year, the AP reports. They'd...

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