nuclear weapons

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A 'Worrisome' Development: Iran 'Has a Pathway to a Bomb'

IAEA reports say Iran's low-enriched uranium stockpile has tripled

(Newser) - When the Trump administration took the US out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the idea was to instead impose sanctions to pressure Iran to stop developing its nuclear program. Now, "the numbers suggest a different reality"—that Iran "now has a pathway to a bomb,"...

Now Aboard US Subs: a Nuclear Policy 'Landmark'

'Low-yield' long-range missile is first major addition to strategic nuclear arsenal in recent decades

(Newser) - The US military has deployed a new addition to its nuclear arsenal—a long-range missile armed with a nuclear warhead of reduced destructive power. The so-called low-yield missile has been fitted atop an undisclosed number of Trident ballistic missiles carried aboard the Navy's Ohio-class submarines. The debut deployment aboard...

Pope to Change Church Teaching: Nukes Are 'Immoral'

Francis warns that an 'accident of possession' or 'insanity of a leader can destroy humanity'

(Newser) - Pope Francis is planning to change official Catholic Church teaching to declare the use and possession of atomic weapons as "immoral," a move that makes clear that his rejection of the Cold War-era doctrine of deterrence is to be official church policy. Francis had declared the possession of...

One More Wrinkle in Turkey Chaos: 50 US Nukes

Pentagon reportedly rethinking whether it's still safe to keep them there

(Newser) - The military situation near the Turkish border in Syria remains in flux, with allegiances shifting quickly amid uncertainty of how everything will shake out. But the fast-moving developments also have drawn attention to a lesser-known fact of US foreign policy: The Pentagon has about 50 tactical nuclear weapons stored in...

Trump: 'I Never Said' We Should Nuke Hurricanes

President denies Axios report of unusual approach to preventing landfall

(Newser) - The man in charge of the world's most powerful nuclear arsenal is denying a report that he suggested using it to control the weather. Sources told Axios that President Trump has repeatedly told national security officials that they should look into bombing hurricanes to prevent them making landfall in...

UN Expert: Risk of Nuclear War Is Real, Mostly Ignored

Risk of weapons use at highest in 75 years: Renata Dwan

(Newser) - The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons may have pushed 122 countries to sign the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons treaty, but a top UN security expert says "the risks of nuclear war are particularly high now, and the risks of the use of nuclear weapons … are higher now...

Putin: We'll Target US With Missiles If We Have To

Russian leader says he's at the ready, but only if US deploys first anywhere in Europe

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is seemingly following DC's lead of late, first by announcing that Russia will, like the US, pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and now by threatening another mirroring. The Russian leader gave his annual speech, akin to the State of the Union, to the nation...

Putin Just Made 'Tit-for-Tat' Move on INF Treaty

Following in US footsteps, Russia's pulling out of treaty now, too, he says

(Newser) - On Friday, the US said it would pull out of a longtime arms-control treaty with Russia; on Saturday, Russia followed suit. There'd been a small window to save the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which had been in place since the end of the Cold War, with Russia still...

Trump's New Nuclear Weapon Is Now in Production

'Battlefield nuke' is designed to counter Russia

(Newser) - One of America's first new nuclear weapons since the Cold War is the product of an arms race for smaller nukes. The W76-2 low-yield nuclear warhead, which is now rolling off production lines, was ordered by the Trump administration to counter equally low-yield Russian warheads, the Guardian reports. The...

Scientists Reveal New Doomsday Clock Reading

It remains at 2 minutes to armageddon, what group calls the 'new abnormal'

(Newser) - "A new abnormal: It is still two minutes to midnight," the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Thursday in revealing its Doomsday Clock, the symbolic timepiece representing humanity's proximity to an apocalypse of its own making. Never before has the clock been closer to midnight, reports CBS...

'You'd Be at War Right Now' if Not for Me: Trump

Trump also says another North Korea summit is coming up

(Newser) - Round two, coming up? President Trump said Sunday that Washington is negotiating a location for another summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, CNN reports. Trump said his administration has a "very good dialogue" with Pyongyang, adding: "Now I say this, North Korea, we're doing very...

Putin Pokes Fun at Official US Seal During Bolton Meeting

He had a question about the eagle

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin poked fun at the official seal of the United States while hosting President Trump's national security adviser Tuesday, saying he wondered if the American eagle had plucked all the olives from the branch in its talon. While sitting down with John Bolton at the Kremlin,...

Trump Says US Will Build Up Nukes After Pact Pullout

The president says he wants countries like China and Russia to come to their senses

(Newser) - President Trump issued a warning on Monday to world players: until you follow our rules, we'll be building more nukes. After announcing over the weekend that the US will pull out of the decades-old Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, Trump told reporters "until people come to their...

Leader of Norway&#39;s &#39;Most Successful Sabotage&#39; in WWII Dies
'Hero' Who Foiled
Nazis' Nuclear
Dreams Dies

'Hero' Who Foiled Nazis' Nuclear Dreams Dies

Joachim Roenneberg, who led Norway's 'most successful sabotage,' dies at 99

(Newser) - It was said to be a "near-suicide mission," and a previous attempt saw dozens of men killed and captured by the Nazis. But the "Operation Gunnerside" raid in World War II on a Norwegian plant making heavy water—a hydrogen-filled substance that could eventually have been used...

Gorbachev: Trump's Move 'Not the Work of a Great Mind'

He's alarmed by plan to pull out of nuke treaty

(Newser) - Mikhail Gorbachev is puzzled and alarmed by President Trump's plan to pull the US out of a treaty that is part of his—and Ronald Reagan's—legacy. The 87-year-old former Soviet leader told Russia's Interfax news agency Sunday that Trump's move to scrap the Intermediate-Range Nuclear...

Russia to Trump: Treaty Pullout a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Britain 'absolutely' stands with White House, while Germany calls the move 'regrettable'

(Newser) - A day after President Trump announced his intention to scrap a landmark arms control deal with Russia, the Kremlin called the pullout "a very dangerous step." Trump is sending national security adviser John Bolton to Moscow to meet with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Security...

Trump to Pull US Out of Nuke Pact With Russia

The president accused Moscow of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

(Newser) - President Donald Trump said Saturday he will pull the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty because Russia has violated the agreement. The 1987 pact, which helps protect the security of the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Far East, prohibits the United States and Russia...

Japan Had a Big Plan. Now It Just Has a Lot of Plutonium

Its plan to recycle and use it has been fraught with problems

(Newser) - Here's a weird consequence of the 2011 Fukushima disaster: Japan has ended up with enough plutonium to make thousands of nuclear bombs, and its stockpile is raising tensions. The backstory begins decades before the quake, reports the New York Times in a look at the situation: As Japan warmed...

7 Countries Join US on North Korea Mission

The plan: Stop anyone violating UN sanctions

(Newser) - Smugglers, watch out: Washington is forming an international coalition to better spot ships sneaking fuel into North Korea against UN sanctions, the Wall Street Journal reports. More than 50 people from the allied nations—including Japan, South Korea, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and a member from France—will be...

If a Nuke Hits, US Isn&#39;t Ready
If a Nuke Hit,
US Wouldn't Be Ready

If a Nuke Hit, US Wouldn't Be Ready

Lack of trained medical personnel is a big issue

(Newser) - Since the fall of the Soviet Union nearly 30 years ago, the US has shifted from preparing for large-scale thermonuclear war to preparing for a much smaller attack with a radioactive dirty bomb. But as North Korea seemingly continues with efforts to develop long-range nuclear weapons , "the threat picture...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>