tax returns

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Single Mom's Post About Her Tax Refund Goes Viral

She paid rent—for the entire year

(Newser) - A recovering addict and single mom took her $5,600 tax refund and used it not to splurge on the latest gadget, but to pay her rent—for the entire year. Christina Knaack put a photo of the rent check on Facebook Wednesday and explained her reasoning behind the move...

Conway: No Trump Tax Returns Coming. WikiLeaks: Oh, Yeah?

Website would love to release president's tax returns for him, encourages leakers

(Newser) - Amid Kellyanne Conway's busy morning of sparring with Chuck Todd over "alternative facts," came this new tidbit about President Trump's much-discussed tax returns: "The White House response is that he’s not going to release his tax returns," she told ABC News' This Week,...

NYT Report on Trump's Taxes Hinged on an IBM Typewriter

Reporter Susanne Craig found his returns in her mailbox, and a quirk authenticated them

(Newser) - The tale of the New York Times' report on Donald Trump's 1995 tax returns is an interesting one, and Susanne Craig takes readers behind the scenes on her story posted Saturday night in a post headlined "The Time I Found Donald Trump’s Tax Records in My Mailbox....

Trump Lost $1B, May Have Ducked Taxes for 18 Years: NYT

Trump campaign doesn't deny report, based on 1995 returns submitted anonymously

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have very good reason for not releasing his tax returns, according to a New York Times bombshell that shows the candidate took a nearly $1 billion loss in 1995—amid the "financial wreckage he left behind in the early 1990s through mismanagement of three Atlantic City...

Trump: I'll Release Tax Returns When She Releases Emails

He's hiding something, says Clinton

(Newser) - Donald Trump got the question everyone expected he'd get at Monday night's debate: When will he release his tax returns? He initially gave a familiar response: “I don’t mind releasing. I’m under a routine audit. As soon as it’s finished, it will be released,...

LinkedIn Founder Offers Up to $5M for Trump Tax Returns

Reid Hoffman says he'll make huge donation to veterans' charities

(Newser) - A crowdfunding effort to get Donald Trump to release his taxes is offering the same reward Trump dangled when he wanted to see President Obama's birth certificate: a large donation to charity. LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman has thrown his support behind Marine Corps veteran Pete Kiernan's plan, offering...

Pence Will Release His Tax Returns, a 'Quick Read'

'The Pences have not become more wealthy as a result of 16 years in public service'

(Newser) - After Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine released their tax returns in a bid to force Donald Trump into doing the same, the Trump campaign responded by, well, announcing the release of Mike Pence's tax returns, reports Politico . "When my forms are filed and when my tax returns are...

Pressuring Trump, Clinton Releases 2015 Taxes
What Clinton's
2015 Taxes

What Clinton's 2015 Taxes Show

The Clintons made $10.6M last year

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton earned $10.6 million last year, according to a tax filing released by her campaign Friday that sought to pressure presidential rival Donald Trump to disclose his tax returns. The AP reports the filing shows that the Clintons paid a federal tax rate of 34.2%...

Buffett Issues Challenge to Trump
Buffett Issues
Challenge to Trump

Buffett Issues Challenge to Trump

'Have you no decency, sir?'

(Newser) - Warren Buffett has challenged Donald Trump over the candidate's refusal to release his tax returns , saying he will meet him "anytime, anyplace" and bring his own income tax return along. The Berkshire Hathaway CEO—whose fortune dwarfs that of Trump—told a Hillary Clinton rally in Omaha, Neb....

Trump Still Won't Release His Taxes

And some people say it's starting to look suspicious

(Newser) - Fifteen months after promising to release his tax returns, Donald Trump once again pushed back against making them public during an interview with the AP on Wednesday, CNN reports. "He said, 'One, the voters don't actually care about this, and two, there is no new information that...

Trump: Here's Why I Won't Release My Tax Returns

Presidential candidate talks about the audit thing

(Newser) - Donald Trump is sticking to his new explanation for why he can't yet release copies of his recent tax returns: The IRS is auditing him, as Trump says it has for the past 12 years. "No lawyer would ever allow you to release a tax return while you'...

Jeb Bush's Net Worth: Up to $22M

He has made $29M since serving as Florida's governor

(Newser) - Jeb Bush raised the pressure on his fellow candidates today by releasing 33 years worth of tax returns on his campaign website , with most stories focusing on the $29 million he has earned since leaving the Florida governor's office. He made that total from 2007 to 2013, mostly as...

Half of ObamaCare Enrollees Taking Hit on Tax Returns

Early filers discovering that the subsidies they received were too high

(Newser) - People who got a subsidy from ObamaCare to help pay for their health insurance are getting a not-so-pleasant surprise on their taxes: H&R Block reports that 52% of people who got subsidies have to pay back a chunk of that money to the government. The average payback is $530,...

Minnesota Isn't Taking Any More TurboTax Returns

'Potentially fraudulent activity' has been discovered

(Newser) - Minnesota residents who had hoped to file their 2014 tax returns from the comfort of their home offices using TurboTax will need to find another alternative. The state's Department of Revenue announced in a conference call last night that it's no longer accepting returns filed using Intuit's...

If You Call IRS This Year, You Probably Won&#39;t Get Through
IRS Customer Service
Will Be Really Bad This Year
new report

IRS Customer Service Will Be Really Bad This Year

Annual report predicts only 43% of callers will have luck

(Newser) - It's not like anyone wants to talk to the IRS, but those who need to talk to the IRS this tax-filing season will probably be out of luck. An annual report issued by National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson predicts that only 43% of callers will get through to an...

Rumsfeld to IRS: I Have 'No Idea' If My Taxes Are Right

Former defense secretary gets snarky with IRS

(Newser) - Can't make heads or tails of your taxes? Well don't feel too bad, because at least one former secretary of defense can't either. Donald Rumsfeld sent his tax returns the IRS along with a cheeky letter informing them that he has "absolutely no idea" whether they'...

Obamas Pay $98K in Taxes on $481K of Income

They donate $59K to charities

(Newser) - President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama paid $98,169 in taxes on $481,098 income last year, according to tax returns the White House released today. They paid an effective federal income tax rate of 20.4%. The 42-page document shows the Obamas reported donating $59,251 to 32...

Romneys Paid $1.9M in Taxes Last Year

He paid 14.1% on $13.7 million in income

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has released his 2011 tax returns: He and wife Ann paid $1.94 million in federal taxes on last year's income of $13.7 million, for an effective tax rate of 14.1%, his campaign said today. That's slightly above the 13.9% rate the couple...

Mitt Stands By Slams on Freeloading Voters

'My campaign is about helping people take responsibility'

(Newser) - Never explain, never apologize seems to be the strategy Mitt Romney is following after he was caught on a video obtained by Mother Jones calling half of American voters freeloaders. His comments, he admits, were not "elegantly stated," Romney told reporters last night in California. "I'm...

Obama: Chemical Weapons a 'Red Line' in Syria

He also defends tax return attacks on Romney as 'standard stuff'

(Newser) - President Obama gave perhaps the strongest indication yet today that the US is prepared to use military force in Syria. In a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room, Obama said he has not ordered military action "at this point," but that he hadn't ruled it...

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