Tamil Tigers

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Blasts Mar Sri Lankan Holiday
Blasts Mar Sri Lankan Holiday

Blasts Mar Sri Lankan Holiday

Four separate attacks, claiming 13, are attributed to the Tamil Tigers

(Newser) - Four separate bombings today rang in Sri Lanka's 60th anniversary of its independence, capping off a string of four consecutive days that have seen horrific violence, CNN reports. A roadside bomb claimed the lives of 12 and wounded 17 passengers on a bus, and a soldier died in a separate...

Bombing Kills 12 in Sri Lanka
Bombing Kills 12 in Sri Lanka

Bombing Kills 12 in Sri Lanka

Colombo's train station hit on eve of independence celebration

(Newser) - A suicide bomber killed at least 12 in the main train station of Sri Lankan capital Colombo today, AFP reports, in the latest round of violence on the eve of the country's 60th anniversary of independence from Britain. More than 100 were wounded in the attack, believed to be the...

Sri Lanka Bus Bomb Kills 20
 Sri Lanka Bus Bomb Kills 20

Sri Lanka Bus Bomb Kills 20

Bus was packed with Buddhist pilgrims; authorities blame Tamil Tigers

(Newser) - A bomb suspected to be the work of Tamil Tiger rebels detonated on a crowded bus in Sri Lanka today, killing at least 20 and leaving more than 60 seriously burned or otherwise injured. The parcel bomb ripped through a private bus carrying Buddhist pilgrims that had stopped at a...

Sri Lankan Blast Kills 26
Sri Lankan Blast Kills 26

Sri Lankan Blast Kills 26

Ceasefire ends as at least 60 wounded in bus attack

(Newser) - At least 26 people were killed and 60 injured after an explosion ripped through a packed bus today in Buttala, Sri Lanka. The bombing was followed by gunfire, which medical workers said was responsible for many of the dead. The attack came as the government abandoned an ineffectual ceasefire with...

Roadside Bomb Kills Sri Lankan Minister

Tamil separatists accused as ceasefire unravels

(Newser) - A minister in the Sri Lankan government was killed today when a roadside bomb struck his convoy in a suburb of Colombo. Police have accused the separatist Tamil Tigers of carrying out the attack, which would represent an escalation of violence in the longstanding civil war between the two sides....

Sri Lankan Opposition Lawmaker Assassinated

Tamil MP had tangled with government

(Newser) - A Sri Lankan opposition lawmaker was gunned down during a New Year’s religious celebration last night, 2 days after accusing government troops of abductions and murders in the northern part of the country and promising to name names when parliament reconvened, Reuters reports. He was rushed to the hospital...

2 Rebel Blasts Rattle Sri Lanka, Kill at Least 17

Suicide bomber kills 1 in assassination try; bomb explodes by store

(Newser) - A blast in a suburb of Sri Lanka's capital killed at least 16 outside a popular restaurant during rush hour today, while earlier a female suicide bomber killed a bystander when she blew herself up in the offices of a Cabinet minister. The military blamed both attacks on the rebel...

Air Raid Kills Separatist Head in Sri Lanka

Tamil Tigers top brass dead after early- morning air strike

(Newser) - An air raid has killed the de facto leader of the Tamil Tigers, the separatist group that has waged a civil war in Sri Lanka for more than twenty years. SP Thamilselvan, the head of the Tigers' political wing and the public face of the group, died this morning along...

Sri Lankan Rebels Kill 5 in Air Base Attack

20 Tamil Tigers die in air-ground assault on government installation

(Newser) - The Black Tigers, the Tamil rebel group in Sri Lanka, killed five and injured 22 at a government air base yesterday in their largest coordinated attack in two decades, reports the Guardian. Suicide bombers, ground forces, and small planes took part, said a spokesman for the Tigers, which lost 21...

Rebels Attack Sri Lankan Naval Base
Rebels Attack Sri Lankan
Naval Base

Rebels Attack Sri Lankan Naval Base

Casualty reports differ; open civil war looms as truce continues to fray

(Newser) - Tamil Tiger rebels overran a naval base in northern Sri Lanka today, killing an undetermined number of sailors and aggravating concerns that civil war threatens the island nation. The Tigers said the fighting lasted 20 minutes and they "found 35 bodies"; the Sri Lankan military reported fewer than 10...

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