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French Bomb-Maker Believed Killed in US Airstrike

David 'Daoud' Drugeon targeted in airstrikes on Khorasan group

(Newser) - The US reportedly took out a high-value target in its latest drone strikes in Syria: French bomb-maker David (Daoud) Drugeon, a 24-year-old convert to Islam and member of the Khorasan Group , "well-placed military sources" tell Fox News . The Predator drone likely fatally injured the driver of the vehicle in...

Journo Offers Stunning Account of Kidnapping, Torture

American Peter Theo Curtis, aka Theo Padnos, tells of 22 months with al-Nusra Front

(Newser) - The world was shocked and elated when American journalist Peter Theo Curtis was released this summer after 22 months of being held in captivity in Syria by the militant al-Nusra Front group. Now Curtis, who writes under the name Theo Padnos, has penned an extraordinary account for the New York ...

We Saw Terrorists Spying at Airport Way Before 9/11: Witnesses

Reports of al-Qaeda operatives surveying Logan were allegedly ignored

(Newser) - Three American Airlines employees reported spotting 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta and at least one other man snooping around and videotaping security checkpoints at Boston's Logan Airport in May 2001—but no one did anything about it, according to newly released court papers cited in the New York Post . The...

Jordan Acquits bin Laden's 'Right-Hand Man'

Abu Qatada will soon be a free man, lawyer says

(Newser) - Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada spent a decade fighting deportation from Britain to his native Jordan—but the country has now acquitted him on the terror charges he was brought back to face. A civilian court decided there was not enough evidence to find the man once described as Osama...

Khorasan Is the Terror Group to Worry About

Officials point to danger at home from al-Qaeda cell

(Newser) - More than a third of the 22 US airstrikes in Syria weren't aimed at ISIS. Instead, they targeted a lesser-known al-Qaeda cell known as the Khorasan Group—an organization that some US officials see as a "more direct threat" to the West than ISIS, the New York Times ...

Bin Laden's Son-in-Law Gets Life Sentence

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith showed 'no remorse whatsoever' for vocal role after 9/11

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's son-in-law was sentenced today to life in prison for acting as al-Qaeda's spokesman after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Sulaiman Abu Ghaith was sentenced by US District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, who said he saw "no remorse whatsoever" from the 48-year-old imam. "You...

Al-Qaeda Launches India Branch

Zawahri vows to wage jihad across subcontinent

(Newser) - With an even more brutal group of Islamic extremists capturing the world's attention, is al-Qaeda feeling neglected? In what analysts see as an effort to grab the spotlight from ISIS, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri has announced the formation of an Indian branch of the terror network that will "...

How Europe Nations Fund Half of al-Qaeda&#39;s Budget
How Europe Nations Fund Half of al-Qaeda's Budget

How Europe Nations Fund Half of al-Qaeda's Budget

By paying ransoms after kidnappings: New York Times investigation

(Newser) - Brit Edwin Dyer was kidnapped in 2009 by al-Qaeda in North Africa, along with a German and a Swiss couple. Like the US, Britain doesn’t pay ransoms and didn’t in this case—and Dyer was killed. But his fellow captives were released after their governments paid al-Qaeda a...

New Airport Security Concern: 'Creative' Bombs

Intelligence indicates terrorists in Syria may be working on them

(Newser) - The US may boost security measures at its own airports—and call for improvements abroad—amid fears of attacks fueled by the crisis in Syria, ABC News reports. Terrorists in the country, according to new US intelligence, may be working on "creative" bombs targeting commercial planes, sources tell ABC....

ISIS: We've Formed a New Islamic State

All Muslims ordered to obey 'Caliph Ibrahim'

(Newser) - The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has dropped "of Iraq and Syria" from its name because as far as it is concerned, there is no "Iraq" or "Syria"—just an Islamic caliphate stretching from Aleppo to eastern Iraq. The militant group has declared a new...

ISIS&#39; Big Mistake: Breaking Bin Laden&#39;s Rules
ISIS' Big Mistake:
Breaking bin Laden's Rules

ISIS' Big Mistake: Breaking bin Laden's Rules

Al-Qaeda leader urged fighters to avoid butality: William Saletan

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden was, to put it mildly, not a nice guy. But in some ways, he looks like a gentle soul compared to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The group, which al-Qaeda has disowned, breaks all seven of bin Laden's famed rules for effective terrorists, William...

White House Memo Argues Right to Kill Americans

Memo cites fight against al-Qaeda and laws of war

(Newser) - The Obama administration justified using drones to kill Americans suspected of terrorism overseas by citing the war against al-Qaeda and by saying a surprise attack against an American in a foreign land would not violate the laws of war, according to a previously secret government memorandum released today. The memo...

Iraq Militants Loot Bank, Are Now Insanely Wealthy

ISIS makes off with $429M, may be world's richest terror group

(Newser) - What's worse than a ruthless multinational terrorist organization? A rich ruthless multinational terrorist organization. And that's what Iraq has on its hands now, because the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has plundered 500 billion Iraqi dinars—or about $429 million—from Mosul's central bank, which the...

60 Killed in Iraq Car Bomb Wave

Militants enter university, take hostages

(Newser) - A series of car bombs exploded across Iraq's capital today, killing scores of people in a day of violence that saw militants storm a university in the country's restive Anbar province and take dozens hostage, authorities said. Reuters puts the number dead at more than 60. The attacks...

US Diplomat Shot Would-Be Qaeda Kidnappers

Face-off helps Yemen find leader of al-Qaeda-linked kidnapping ring

(Newser) - Last month, a pair of al-Qaeda gunmen attempted to kidnap US diplomats in Yemen's capital. Their plan was foiled, however, when one of the diplomats killed the would-be attackers, a Yemeni official tells CNN . The US has confirmed that a confrontation occurred between officials and "armed individuals,"...

FBI Documents Link 9/11 to Florida Businessman

Esam Ghazzawi and his family 'fled' just before the attacks

(Newser) - Looks like a wealthy Florida family had direct connections to the 9/11 hijackers and fled the US just days before the Twin Towers fell, the Miami Herald reports. According to highly redacted FBI documents released yesterday by the Justice Department, the family of "an allegedly wealthy international businessman" connected...

Report: 'Massive' Attack on al-Qaeda Under Way

Yemeni official says 'high-level AQAP' members are being targeted

(Newser) - A drone strike in Yemen killed at least nine suspected al-Qaeda members on Saturday—and that may have just been the tip of the iceberg. A top Yemeni official today tells CNN that a "massive and unprecedented" campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is being carried out. Yemeni...

Drone in Yemen Kills 9 al-Qaeda Suspects: Officials

3 civilians killed in attack: reports

(Newser) - A drone strike in southern Yemen killed at least nine suspected al-Qaeda militants and three civilians today, authorities said. A Yemeni military official said the strike hit a vehicle carrying the militants in the Sawmaa area in the al-Bayda province as another car carrying civilians passed by. A medical official...

Video Emerges of 'Brazen' al-Qaeda Meeting

In attendance: Nasser al-Wuhayshi

(Newser) - A CNN analyst is calling it an "extraordinary video"; Washington Post reporter Greg Miller calls it a "brazen" scene: a lengthy clip of what appears to be the largest meeting of al-Qaeda members in years, an open-air gathering of some 100 militants somewhere in Yemen. The video (an...

Bin Laden Son-in-Law Found Guilty

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith faces life in prison

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's son-in-law was found guilty of conspiring to kill Americans today, ending a landmark terror trial in New York City. Sulaiman Abu Ghaith now faces up to life in prison for serving as al-Qaeda's spokesperson in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the AP reports. The...

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