
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

WikiLeaks Reveals al-Qaeda Bigwigs' Location on 9/11

Docs unveil bin Laden hideouts, tension within group

(Newser) - On 9/11, the bulk of al-Qaeda’s leadership was gathered in a single place: Karachi, Pakistan. One key figure was in a hospital following a tonsillectomy; another was preparing for a biological weapons program; and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was with other leaders in a safe house, watching the attacks on...

Seif Gadhafi: Attack on Libya Just Like WMDs, Iraq

Gadhafi's second son backs Libyan tactics against rebels

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's second son was supposed to bring reform to Libya. But now Seif al-Islam Gadhafi is defiant, insisting Gadhafi's forces have not killed any civilians, and vowing to put down the rebel uprising. In his view, the opposition is made up entirely of terrorists led by al-Qaeda,...

Romesh Ratnesar: Pentagon Budget Must Shrink to Fix Deficit
Face It, Washington:
Defense Budget Must Shrink

Face It, Washington: Defense Budget Must Shrink

Pentagon's policies 'outdated'; deficit's the biggest threat: Romesh Ratnesar

(Newser) - The latest budget compromise may have resulted in “sweeping” and “historic” cuts, as the White House, Congress, and the media have claimed—yet “not a solitary penny” was cut from defense spending. Instead, spending will break $700 billion in 2011, which happens to be a post-World War...

Al-Qaeda Returns to Afghanistan

Senior al-Qaeda members killed in September attack

(Newser) - The US has been conducting an increasing number of Special Ops raids in northeastern Afghanistan to deal with threats that haven’t been seen in years: al-Qaeda training bases. Over the past six to eight months, al-Qaeda has been trickling back into Afghanistan from Pakistan, setting up camp in the...

Al-Qaeda Grabbing Weapons in Libya: Report

RPGs, Kalashnikovs and missiles finding their way into terrorist hands

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has emerged as a kid in a candy store in Libya, exploiting the conflict to get its hands on such high-powered weapons as anti-tank RPGs, Kalashnikov heavy machine guns, and even surface-to-air missiles, an Algerian security official tells Reuters . According to the official, a convoy of eight Toyota pick-up...

US Finds Hints of al-Qaeda Among Libyan Rebels

But general stresses it's not the people in charge

(Newser) - US intelligence indicates “flickers” of evidence that there are fighters among the Libyan rebels with ties to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, but neither group holds significant sway over the movement, Admiral James Stavridis told Congress today. “The intelligence that I'm receiving at this point makes me feel that the...

56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege
 56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege 

56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege

Gunmen in military uniform seize Tikrit government building

(Newser) - Gunmen wearing military uniforms over explosives belts charged into a government building in Saddam Hussein's hometown Tuesday in an attack that left 56 people dead, including 15 hostages who were shot execution-style. The five-hour standoff in Tikrit ended only when the attackers blew themselves up. American troops who were nearby...

Yemen President Again Vows to Leave After Election

Meaning in 2012; Leaves US with no good options in al-Qaeda stronghold

(Newser) - Pressured by the defection of some of his top military commanders, Ali Abdullah Saleh has once again promised to step down—eventually. The longtime Yemeni president said today he would leave office “constitutionally” following an election at the end of this year or the beginning of 2012, the Christian ...

Would a Desperate Gadhafi Resort to Terrorism?

Experts think it's unlikely, but 'a madman's a madman'

(Newser) - With Moammar Gadhafi's stockpiles of mustard gas and high explosives and past ties to terrorist acts, US intelligence agencies are on alert for signs that the Libyan leader could be thinking of striking Western targets, reports the Wall Street Journal . Terrorism experts say that for now, the odds are low,...

Al-Qaeda Mag Issues Niqab Beauty Tips

Cover model accessorizes with a machine gun

(Newser) - Those al-Qaedians: Always thinking of the little lady. Now a new 33-page magazine just for women issued by al-Qaeda has some fashion tips for wearing the head-to-toe niqab. A machine gun is apparently a key accessory, highlighted on the cover of the glossy Al-Shamikha ("Majestic Woman"). And don't...

Pleas, Protests as Islam Hearings Loom

Security official blasts stigmas ahead of domestic radicalization hearings

(Newser) - The White House is calling on Americans not to stigmatize all followers of Islam, as Congress readies hearings on al-Qaeda’s attempts to radicalize US Muslims. In the US, "we don’t practice guilt by association," a top national security official said yesterday in what Politico calls a...

Tunisia Appoints New PM
 Tunisia Appoints New PM 

Tunisia Appoints New PM

al-Qaeda urges Tunisians, Egyptians to rebel against new leaders

(Newser) - Interim Tunisian President Foued Mebazaa has appointed a new prime minister following the resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi, who bowed to protesters' demands and stepped down yesterday, the BBC reports. Former foreign minister Beji Caid-Essebsi will take Ghannouchi's place, although it's not clear whether the appointment will be enough to mollify...

Arab Awakening Embarrasses Al-Qaeda
 Arab Awakening 

Arab Awakening Embarrasses Al-Qaeda

Jihadis had nothing to do with any of this

(Newser) - Change is sweeping across the Middle East, and you can bet al-Qaeda is grinding its teeth over it. Why? “Because Jihadists have played no role whatsoever in the great revolution,” writes Yassin Musharbash for Der Spiegel . The uprisings have exposed the fact that, “contrary to the propaganda...

Saudi Student Detailed Terror Plan in Journal

Alleged plotter Khalid Aldawsari wanted to create al-Qaeda in US

(Newser) - The FBI has detailed information about Khalid Aldawsari’s alleged terrorist ambitions —because the 20-year-old wrote all about them in his journal and emails to himself. Aldawsari wasn’t affiliated with any terrorist group, and Saudi Arabian officials confirm that he had no criminal record back home. But he...

Somalia, Neighbors Begin Push Against Militants

Clashes erupt in capital, elsewhere with al-Shabaab

(Newser) - Somalia, working with neighboring allied nations, has launched a coordinated offensive against al-Qaeda-linked militants that has seen fighting in the capital and two border towns involving Ethiopian tanks, officials said today. Kenyan troops were deployed to a border crossing. Dozens have died in the push this week against the al-Shabaab...

Gadhafi: I'm Like the Queen of England

He blames the protests on bin Laden, hallucinogens

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi was supposed to appear on state TV today, but instead simply spoke to the station by phone, announcing that he was like “the queen of England,” with only “moral authority” in Libya. He doesn’t make laws, he said; Libya’s people hold the power....

Predator Drones Taking Out... Foot Soldiers?

One estimate claims 94% of those killed are low-level militants

(Newser) - As the CIA increases the number of drone attacks in Pakistan, more militants are being killed—but of those militants, few appear on a list of most-wanted terrorists. The number of noteworthy leaders being killed by the Predator strikes appears to be dropping, or barely increasing, year by year. Last...

US Holding Direct, Secret Talks With Taliban

New Yorker: They're preliminary but mark a shift in strategy

(Newser) - The US is for the first time holding direct talks with senior Taliban officials in Afghanistan, reports Steve Coll in the New Yorker . He characterizes them as "exploratory" and not as formal peace negotiations, noting that supreme leader Mullar Omar is not a participant. The intent is to pave...

Awlaki, Not bin Laden, Now Top Terror Threat to US

Threat 'may be at its most heightened state' since 9/11: Napolitano

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s reign as the top terror threat to the US is over: According to the head of the National Counterterrorism Center, he’s been overtaken by Anwar al-Awlaki . “I actually consider al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula with al-Awlaki as a leader within that organization probably the...

Al-Qaeda Working on 'Nuclear 9/11'
 Al-Qaeda Working 
 on 'Nuclear 9/11' 

Al-Qaeda Working on 'Nuclear 9/11'

Terrorists working on dirty bombs, biological weapons

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda is actively pursuing the nuclear materials and rogue scientists necessary to make dirty bombs or worse, according to a series of documents released by WikiLeaks and published in the Daily Telegraph . In 2009, NATO security chiefs warned that al-Qaeda was working on “dirty radioactive IEDs,” and a...

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