
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Pakistan Tears Down bin Laden's Compound

Abbottabad residents: Turn it into tourist attraction

(Newser) - Under powerful floodlights and surrounded by rings of soldiers and police, heavy machines began today to demolish the three-story compound in northwestern Pakistan where Osama bin Laden lived for years and was killed by US commandos last May. Each blow helped eliminate a concrete reminder of the painful and embarrassing...

Yemeni Prez Takes Office; Terrorist Kills 25

President Hadi vowed to battle al-Qaeda hours before strike

(Newser) - A car bomb outside the gate of a presidential compound in southern Yemen killed at least 25 people hours after the country's new president was formally inaugurated and vowed to fight al-Qaeda. A security official said the attack in the city of Mukalla in Hadramout province was carried out...

Our Dirty Drone War Must End

 Our Dirty Drone War Must End 

Our Dirty Drone War Must End

It may be creating more terrorists than it's killing: Gary Kamiya

(Newser) - Before 9/11, if the US president had announced that the government was going to "play God, reaching down from our high-tech heaven to kill whoever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want"—including US citizens, without a trial—the news would have been met with uproar. But...

Wannabe Suicide Bomber Nabbed on Way to Capitol

FBI had given him a fake suicide vest in sting operation

(Newser) - The FBI today arrested a man who allegedly thought he was on his way to blow himself up on Capitol Hill—but who was actually wearing a harmless vest provided to him by undercover FBI agents. The suspect, a man about 30 of Moroccan descent, thought he was working with...

Underwear Bomber Gets Life in Prison

No surprise after guilty plea

(Newser) - A Nigerian man on a suicide mission for al-Qaeda was sentenced today to life in prison for attempting to blow up an international flight with a bomb in his underwear as the plane approached Detroit on Christmas 2009. The mandatory punishment for Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the well-educated son of a...

Radical Cleric Abu Qatada Freed From UK Prison

British officials call him a threat to national security

(Newser) - Abu Qatada, a radical Muslim cleric whom British officials say is an al-Qaeda figurehead and a threat to national security, was freed from an English prison into virtual house arrest late today, British media reported. Judicial officials acknowledged earlier in the day that the 51-year-old extremist preacher's release from...

Bin Laden 'Right-Hand Man' Set for Release in Britain

Abu Qatada to face 22-hour curfew in London

(Newser) - A radical cleric described as Osama bin Laden's "right-hand man" in Europe is set for immediate release from a British maximum security prison. Abu Qatada will be housebound for 22 hours a day in London, where he'll wear an electronic tag and face stringent rules on phone...

Bin Laden Told Kids: Move to US or Europe

Pakistan is holding them in security compound for now

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden advised his children against a life of terror, according to one of his brothers-in-law. "He told his own children and grandchildren, go to Europe and America and get a good education," says Zakara al-Sadah, whose sister was the al-Qaeda chief's fifth wife. For now,...

Al-Qaeda: Help Syria Boot Assad

Al-Zawahri confirms terror group seeking to turn tide in Syrian uprising

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's chief has called on Muslims from other countries to support rebels in Syria seeking to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, saying they cannot depend on the West for help. Ayman al-Zawahri, in a videotaped statement released late yesterday, asked Muslims in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey to join the...

US Suspects al-Qaeda Behind Syria Bombings

Group may be looking to exploit the chaos

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's Iraq branch is moving into the chaos in Syria, and is responsible for two recent bombings and most likely yesterday's bombing in Aleppo , US officials tell McClatchy . Intelligence reports seem to back up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assertions—disputed by the opposition—that al-Qaeda has been involved...

US: Iran May Be Cozying Up to al-Qaeda

Country may have offered detained militants freedom

(Newser) - Iran appears to have eased restrictions on senior al-Qaeda militants who have been under house arrest, offering to let them leave the country, US officials say. The approximately five men were detained nine years ago, and are members of al-Qaeda's management council—one is a former adviser to Osama...

Iran Willing to Attack US: Report
 Iran Willing to Attack US: Report 

Iran Willing to Attack US: Report

Director of National Intelligence thinks Iran is 'plotting against US interests'

(Newser) - Iran no longer appears to have any reservations about launching attacks on US soil, National Intelligence Director James Clapper said in Senate testimony today. The new assessment is based in part on Iran's alleged attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US. The incident "shows that some...

Drone Strike Kills Top al-Qaeda Operative

Aslam Awan killed in Jan. 10 attack: official

(Newser) - A CIA drone strike in early January killed a key al-Qaeda operative who was planning attacks on the West, according to a US official. The official said yesterday that the strike on Jan. 10 hit Aslam Awan, who was described as an "external operations planner" inside the organization. The...

Al-Qaeda Magazine Found in Gitmo

Prosecutor reveals embarrassing security breach

(Newser) - A copy of al-Qaeda's Inspire magazine somehow found its way into a terror suspect's cell at Guantanamo Bay. The security breach was revealed at a hearing yesterday by a prosecutor defending the prison camp's plan to review mail between prisoners and their attorneys, the Miami Herald reports....

Al-Qaeda Takes Yemen Town of Radda
 Al-Qaeda Storms Yemen Town 

Al-Qaeda Storms Yemen Town

Opposition accuses Saleh of giving Qaeda a green light

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda militants have taken control of another town in Yemen, in yet another power grab in a country rocked by protests. With President Ali Abdullah Saleh due to hand over power this month (though he may not leave Yemen ), opposition figures are accusing him of letting the group seize...

Terror&#39;s New Home: Africa
 Terror's New Home: Africa 

Terror's New Home: Africa

Islamist network stretches across continent, taking refuge in Sahara

(Newser) - On Christmas day, a car full of explosives plowed into a Catholic Church in Nigeria, killing dozens of people . A radical Muslim group named Boko Haram proudly claimed credit, saying it was trying to kill Christians. As recently as 2009, Boko Haram was a local Nigerian group, bloodily crafting a...

Wave of Bombings Targets Iraq's Shiites, Killing 72

Heightens fears that attacks will increase now that US has withdrawn

(Newser) - A wave of bombings targeting Shiites in Iraq killed 72 people today, deepening sectarian tensions that exploded just after the last American troops left the country in mid-December. The bombings began early in the morning when explosions struck two Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing at least 27 people. A few...

al-Qaeda Sets Its Sights on Libya

Veteran jihadists reportedly dispatched to country earlier this year

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi may be dead and gone, but Libya's woes beat on: al-Qaeda is attempting to claw its way into the country, according to a Libyan source. The source told CNN that al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri personally sent a veteran jihadist to Libya earlier this year, along with other...

Joe Biden: 'The Taliban ... Is Not Our Enemy'

Republicans circulate questionable quote from vice president

(Newser) - Joe Biden is showing off his propensity for, ah, colorful quotes again—this time in talking about the Taliban. "The Taliban per se is not our enemy," he says in an interview with Newsweek/Daily Beast. Republicans are already distributing the remark, with the additional fact that US troops...

Al-Qaeda Militants Escape Yemen Prison

Anywhere from 10 to 15 flee Aden prison

(Newser) - Just months after almost 60 suspected al-Qaeda militants escaped from a Yemen jail , another 10 to 15 militants broke out of another Yemen prison early today. The convicts fled through a tunnel as long as 130 feet that took them under the Aden prison and dropped them off outside the...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>