premature birth

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Alabama Boy Is Most Premature Infant to Survive

Curtis Means was born at 21 weeks and one day of gestation

(Newser) - An Alabama boy who weighed less than a pound at birth after his mother went into labor at only 21 weeks and one day of gestation has been certified as the world's most premature baby to survive. Guinness World Records and UAB Hospital announced Wednesday that Curtis Means, who...

'Ray of Hope': World's Smallest Baby at Birth Goes Home

Kwek Yu Xuan was just 7.47 oz. when born. A year later, she's a healthy 14 pounds.

(Newser) - When Kwek Yu Xuan was born in early June 2020, four months early, the tiny newborn was about 9.5 inches long and weighed just 7.47 ounces—about how much an apple weighs, making her the smallest baby ever born, per the BBC . Yu Xuan's mother, who had...

World's Most Premature Baby Celebrates First Birthday

Wisconsin baby sets a Guinness World Record

(Newser) - Richard Scott William Hutchinson set a record on his birthday this year. It’s his first birthday, a milestone that means he overcame grim odds. Richard is the most premature baby in the world to survive, a distinction made official by Guinness World Records . Due in October 2020, he was...

For His First 5 Years, Her Son Wouldn't Eat
Her 5-Year-Old Son
Wasn't Starving. Barely
in case you missed it

Her 5-Year-Old Son Wasn't Starving. Barely

Tahmima Anam details a traumatic premature birth, the lengthy challenge that followed

(Newser) - For the first five years of his life, Tahmima Anam's son would eat only one thing: baby porridge that she and her husband added formula, vitamins, and a calorie supplement to so that he could survive. He wasn't starving, but she describes a hellish existence in a lengthy...

Being Born Unable to Breathe Isn't a Death Sentence Anymore

Tracing the advances of neonatal medicine through the story of Owen

(Newser) - When baby Owen was born in November, "he couldn't breathe." It wasn't a fleeting problem. Delivered at about 24 weeks and weighing just 1.4 pounds, the preemie had a rash of additional issues: He was at risk of developing sepsis, had a heart valve that...

I Gave Birth to Sick Twins, Lost My House, My Bed, My Dignity
I Gave Birth to Sick Twins, Lost
My House, My Bed, My Dignity
in case you missed it

I Gave Birth to Sick Twins, Lost My House, My Bed, My Dignity

Jen Sinconis describes her experience with medical debt for the 'Guardian'

(Newser) - In an essay for the Guardian , Jen Sinconis pens a sort of love letter to two ObamaCare tenets: a ban on lifetime limits on most benefits and on denying people insurance due to pre-existing conditions. Sinconis had access to neither when she had her twin boys 11 years ago. The...

He Helped the 49ers Win, Then Revealed He Lost His Baby

Marquise Goodwin played amid tragedy on Sunday

(Newser) - A tale of heartache and strength in the sports world: Wide receiver Marquise Goodwin blew a kiss toward the heavens Sunday as he scored an 83-yard touchdown that helped the San Francisco 49ers trump the New York Giants 31-21, reports ESPN . Later, he revealed what had happened hours earlier. In...

'ICU Grandpa' Gets Puked On, Peed On, Loves Every Minute

Meet David Deutchman, aka 'ICU Grandpa,' who cuddles preemies at Atlanta hospital

(Newser) - You'll probably wish David Deutchman were your grandpa after reading about him, but then that would mean all of the tiny babies at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta would miss out. People reports on the 82-year-old's efforts at the Georgia hospital, where for the past 12 years the...

To Avoid Premature Births, Women Should Sleep Well

Women with insomnia, sleep apnea more likely to deliver early

(Newser) - A new study suggests that one way to cut down on premature births is to make sure pregnant women get good sleep. The observational study, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, found that women diagnosed with some kind of sleep disorder were more likely to give birth early, reports...

'Miracle' Preemie Is One of Smallest Babies Ever

E'Layah Faith Pegues' parents never lost hope

(Newser) - A North Carolina couple celebrated their daughter's original due date Tuesday—almost 14 weeks after she was actually born—as well as the fact that she's beat the odds and is now thriving. Little E'Layah Faith Pegues was born prematurely on Sept. 23 weighing just 10 ounces,...

Shorter Women Tend to Have Shorter Pregnancies
Shorter Women Tend to Have Shorter Pregnancies

Shorter Women Tend to Have Shorter Pregnancies

Maternal height appears to influence gestational age

(Newser) - The height and weight of a newborn baby is largely governed by his or her own genes, but it's the height of the mother that's giving researchers a telltale sign, reports the Telegraph . Specifically, shorter women have shorter pregnancies and thus more premature babies, report investigators at the...

True Medical Rarity: Baby Born Inside Amniotic Sac

The water never broke before Silas Johnson entered the world

(Newser) - Silas Johnson recently entered the world through emergency cesarean section at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, but what makes his case truly extraordinary is that he was born at 26 weeks with his amniotic sac still perfectly intact around him, holding the placenta and umbilical cord as well, reports...

Phoenix Mom Dies After Delivering Quads

She never got to hold longed-for newborns

(Newser) - Erica Morales had always dreamed of being a mother, her friends say, but she died before she could even hold the quadruplets she gave birth to on Thursday night. The 36-year-old had been admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure Tuesday and died in intensive care soon after the...

Biggest Killer of Kids Under 5: Premature Birth
Biggest Killer of Kids
Under 5: Premature Birth
study says

Biggest Killer of Kids Under 5: Premature Birth

But what exactly triggers preterm birth remains a mystery

(Newser) - Each day, more than 3,000 children under age 5 die from preterm birth complications—meaning that, for the first time ever, premature birth is the biggest killer of young children around the globe. A new study in the Lancet finds that of the 1.1 million such deaths in...

Breastfeeding Mom Refuses to Stop Smoking Pot
Breastfeeding Mom Refuses to Stop Smoking Pot

Breastfeeding Mom Refuses to Stop Smoking Pot

She says doctors made her sign a waiver acknowledging the risks

(Newser) - Breastfeeding rates are higher in Oregon than any other state in the US, with the Portland area leading the pack at more than 90%, reports the USDA . But it was in Portland that a woman recently had to sign a waiver before being allowed to breastfeed her newborn—because she...

Woman Births Twins 6 Weeks Apart

The boys, now 4 and 6 months old, are healthy and expecting to do fine

(Newser) - It sounds like a riddle: How can two boys be both brothers and twins but not share a birthday, or even a birth month? A Kansas City mother has a rather miraculous answer to that question. Elene Cowan gave birth to her fraternal twin boys nearly six weeks apart, and...

Boys More Likely to Be Born Too Soon
Boys More Likely
to Be Born Too Soon

Boys More Likely to Be Born Too Soon

'Kangaroo' care can help premature babies survive

(Newser) - In what researchers call a "double whammy for boys," new research has found that they are more likely to be born premature and more likely to die or suffer disabilities from being born too soon. Researchers say the disparity—around 55% of premature births are male—happens all...

Alleged Ricin Sender Gives Birth in Custody

Shannon Richardson has premature baby

(Newser) - The Texas woman accused of sending ricin-laced letters to President Obama and Michael Bloomberg has given birth prematurely to a baby boy while in custody. Attorneys for actress Shannon Guess Richardson and husband Nathan say she gave birth July 4 to a boy named Brody. Shannon Richardson's attorney says...

Why You Don't Want to Conceive a Baby in May
Why You Don't Want to Conceive a Baby in May
study says

Why You Don't Want to Conceive a Baby in May

Your baby will be at higher risk of prematurity: study

(Newser) - Babies conceived in May are 10% more likely to be premature, a new Princeton University study finds. And since premature babies have a higher risk of suffering from asthma, learning disabilities, and developmental problems, you may want to avoid getting pregnant during that particular month. Why May? The authors think...

Premature Babies More Prone to Mental Illness

Meanwhile, another study says fear makes labor last longer

(Newser) - A pair of new studies today took a look at pregnancy, birth, and the brain, with one focused on the baby and the other on the mother. The breakdown:
  • The first found that babies born very prematurely—at less than 32 weeks of gestation—were twice as likely to be

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