presidential candidates

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Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely
Sarah Palin in 2012?
It's Looking More Likely
opposing views

Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely

Pundits are split on whether it's a smart move

(Newser) - Pundits watching Sarah Palin are smelling a 2012 presidential run. Here are two takes on her prospects:
  • Mark Halperin, Time : In a piece headlined "Why She's for Real," he lauds her fundraising and improved media savvy (especially the Mama Grizzlies video ). And much to her advantage, she'd

GOP Hopefuls No Challenge to Obama

 GOP Hopefuls 
 No Challenge 
 to Obama 

GOP Hopefuls No Challenge to Obama

Current Republican field riddled with weak spots

(Newser) - Republicans talk a good game about challenging President Obama in 2012, but the GOP would look scarier if it had even one legitimate challenger , says Dick Polman. "Obama's job-approval numbers are tepid these days—but he looks robust when matched against actual Republican challengers," warns the Philadelphia Inquirer...

Palin Makes Good Copy, Not Good Candidate
 Palin Makes Good Copy, 
 Not Good Candidate 

Palin Makes Good Copy, Not Good Candidate

Sarah Palin is good for business, but beware inflating presidential prospects

(Newser) - That Sarah Palin drives up TV ratings and online traffic is clear, but listen up, mainstream media—that doesn’t mean she’s the next big thing in Republican politics. Just look at the polls , Jim Vandehei and Jonathan Martin write for Politco . They say they “know we’re...

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra
 Sarah Palin 
 Must Heed 
 Yogi Berra 

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra

She has to somehow lead the leader-shunning Tea Party

(Newser) - So far, so good for Sarah Palin and her popularity with Tea Partiers, writes Donald Kettl, but in “leading a group that doesn’t want a leader” the presumptive 2012 presidential candidate must avoid “separating herself from the rest of the country.” It's a near impossible balancing...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Obama, Beware: Afghanistan Is 'Another Vietnam'
Obama, Beware: Afghanistan Is 'Another Vietnam'
george mcgovern

Obama, Beware: Afghanistan Is 'Another Vietnam'

Domestic issues must trump unwinnable war: Dem elder statesman

(Newser) - When George McGovern hears about President Obama's plans for Afghanistan, he reluctantly reaches an unavoidable conclusion. "I can only think: another Vietnam," the 1972 Democratic presidential nominee writes in the Washington Post . "I hope I am incorrect, but history tells me otherwise." After 9 years at...

Palin Won't Rule Out Third-Party Run

No need if GOP 'gets back' to conservative base, but she'll see

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might just consider running for president in 2012 on a third-party ticket if the GOP doesn’t get its conservative bona fides back in order. Of course, “if the Republican party gets back to that base, I think our party is going to be stronger and there's...

Why Palin Can Win GOP Nomination
 Why Palin Can Win 
 GOP Nomination 
Nate Silver

Why Palin Can Win GOP Nomination

Her "brand" is mighty, and she'll get a lift in 2010 elections

(Newser) - Nate Silver thinks Sarah Palin will run for president in 2012 and warns that it's foolish to dismiss her chances of getting the GOP nomination "given the makeup and mood of the Republican primary electorate. " He lays out specifics at :
  • Enthusiasm: Her "brand" will motivate

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans
Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare
for Republicans

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans

Ex-anchor could split the tea-bagger vote as an independent

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs has dropped big hints that he plans a career in politics, and the GOP should be worried, warns Joe Conason. A presidential run by Dobbs seems like a strong possibility, but he won't be running as a Republican, Conason writes for Salon . Instead, the newly departed CNN anchor...

Outside DC, Palin's Still a Star

VP candidate popular, but she may have goofed with resignation

(Newser) - Call her a quitter or a laughingstock, but Sarah Palin is still one of the most popular figures in the Republican Party—as admired by local leaders as she is doubted in Washington. A Politico survey of grassroots GOP members nationwide found particular support for her among Westerners, many of...

Keys to Palin's 2012 Run
 Keys to Palin's 2012 Run 

Keys to Palin's 2012 Run

Sophia Nelson offers the candidate-to-be some sage advice

(Newser) - So Sarah Palin is going to run for president, writes Sophia Nelson for the Huffington Post—her ambition, stated when she announced her resignation today, to "affect positive change from outside government,” is merely “code” for a 2012 bid. So, as a fellow Republican woman, Nelson offers...

2012 Presidential Bid Hardly Slam Dunk for Palin

Conservatives see move as highly erratic

(Newser) - If Sarah Palin truly does intend to run for president, her decision to resign as Alaska governor could give her more freedom to pursue the nomination, writes Jonathan Martin for Politico. But Palin’s move is risky: In her announcement, she said she didn’t want the continued ethics investigations...

Palin Will Step Down
 Palin Will Step Down 

Palin Will Step Down

Alaska Gov. keeps her options open for 2012 presidential run

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will resign as Alaska governor July 26 rather than seek re-election next year, she said today. Giving up the governorship opens up Palin’s schedule to devote herself for a possible bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, KTUU-TV reports. Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will become governor.

For Now, Edwards 'Working Quietly' Against Poverty

(Newser) - John Edwards is spending a lot of time out of the spotlight these days, but that doesn’t mean he’s given up his trademark fight against poverty, he tells the Washington Post. “If I can help the most by working quietly, that’s what I’ll do,”...

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

 How Palin Can 
 Get the 2012 Nod 

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

Leave Alaska, grab a good staff, and be yourself

(Newser) - Don’t write off Sarah Palin as the 2012 Republican nominee: Roger Simon says she’s got what it takes to get there, with a little fine-tuning. He offers her seven steps in Politico:
  • Leave Alaska behind. Don’t run for governor in 2010; instead, hang out in the Lower

GOP Rivals Slowly Emerge for 2012 Battle

Barbour, Pawlenty only the first to begin making political waves

(Newser) - The 2008 presidential campaign was one of the longest in history, but be prepared: As the Washington Post reports, the 2012 race may be even longer. With the Republican Party at its weakest point in decades, possible challengers to Barack Obama are already scrambling for position. The latest: Mississippi governor...

Reformist Withdraws From Iran Election

Ex-president aims to unite reform vote behind political ally

(Newser) - Iran’s reformist ex-president will drop out of June’s presidential election to make more room for a fellow reformist, the New York Times reports. Mohammad Khatami "does not want to compete with Mir-Hossein Mousavi,” a political analyst said. Mousavi, a former PM, joined the race last week....

Earmarks? No, 'Crank' Mac Warrants Earplugs

(Newser) - Most also-ran candidates slip off quietly once the presidential campaign is over, and yet the media is still interested in what John McCain has to say. The attention is undeserved, Paul Waldman writes in the American Prospect. McCain’s signature issue, earmarks, is “as substantively empty as could be,...

Palin Seeks 'Sign From God' on 2012 Run

Governor says 2012 run will depend on God showing her an 'open door'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plans to let a higher power guide her to higher office, she told Fox News last night. The governor wouldn't commit to a White House run in 2012 in her first post-campaign TV interview—but said she has always prayed for God to "show me where the...

Obama 'Auntie' Lives in Boston Public Housing

Zeituni Onyango trying to stay out of campaign spotlight

(Newser) - Across town from Barack Obama’s Ivy League alma mater, his “Auntie Zeituni” has been living in a public-housing apartment decorated with photos of the Democrat. Zeituni Onyango—a tall, feisty woman Obama writes about meeting in Kenya—works for a stipend as a resident health advocate but made...

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