political endorsement

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Bloomberg Endorses Scott Brown

NYC mayor hosting fundraiser for Mass. senator

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg holds a number of left-leaning views, but technically the New York City mayor is a political independent—and he’s definitely leaning to the right when it comes to the Massachusetts Senate race. Politico reports that Bloomberg is hosting an Aug. 15 fundraiser for incumbent Scott Brown, who...

David Duke Endorses Black Politician

Former Klansman likes Charles Barron's anti-Israel stance

(Newser) - Looks like former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard and Senate candidate David Duke hates Jews even more than he hates black people. Duke has endorsed radical black city councilman Charles Barron, a fierce critic of Israel who has compared Israelis to Nazis, in New York's 8th District Democratic primary,...

Santorum: Romney Endorsement Wasn&#39;t Wimpy

 Santorum: Romney 
 Wasn't Wimpy 

Santorum: Romney Endorsement Wasn't Wimpy

Late night email wasn't meant to be tepid, he says

(Newser) - Rick Santorum donned his trademark sweater vest for an appearance on the Tonight Show last night, where Jay Leno wondered why his endorsement of Mitt Romney ended up buried in the 13th paragraph of an email sent late at night. "We decided to put it out late at night...

Santorum Endorses Romney via Email

'We agree that Obama must be defeated,' he tells supporters

(Newser) - Nearly a month after he dropped out of the race, Rick Santorum has formally endorsed the former rival he once described as the worst Republican in the country to challenge Obama. Santorum made the endorsement in an email to supporters after a one-on-one meeting with Mitt Romney that lasted more...

Bachmann to Endorse Romney
 Bachmann to Endorse Romney 

Bachmann to Endorse Romney

Tea Party favorite to appear at campaign event today

(Newser) - Four months after dropping out of the Republican race, Michele Bachmann has finally decided to endorse another candidate—the inevitable one. The conservative Minnesota congresswoman will endorse Mitt Romney at a campaign event in Virginia today, the Romney campaign tells CBS , which notes that the endorsement from Bachmann, a fierce...

Santorum Almost Endorses Romney

Ex-candidate knocks Newt into 4th place in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Rick Santorum, in his first interview since dropping out of the GOP race, had some words of praise for Mitt Romney but stopped just short of a full endorsement, despite pressure from CNN's Piers Morgan. Romney gave a "good speech" after his 5-state primary sweep , Santorum said, saying...

Rudy Giuliani Endorses Romney, Rules Out VP Job

He says he'd have endorsed pal Gingrich if he'd run a better campaign

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani officially endorsed Mitt Romney in a Fox News appearance today, putting aside any lingering animosity from their 2008 contest—and his longstanding friendship with Newt Gingrich. Giuliani had spoken glowingly of Gingrich earlier in the campaign, and says he would have endorsed him if he'd run a...

Boehner Endorses Romney
 Boehner Endorses Romney 

Boehner Endorses Romney

'It's clear now' Mitt will snag nomination, House Speaker says

(Newser) - John Boehner is officially backing Mitt Romney for president. The Huffington Post notes that the House speaker has dodged the issue for weeks—and the opening line of his endorsement wasn't exactly enthusiastic. "It's clear now that Mitt Romney is going to be our nominee," Boehner...

Stewart: Romney Endorsers Need to 'Fake It Better'

'Daily Show' host runs down candidate's tepid endorsements

(Newser) - Back in January, John McCain kicked off the big-name endorsements of Mitt Romney … by accidentally promising that "President Obama," rather than "President Romney," would turn the country around—and the endorsements haven't gotten much better since then, Jon Stewart explained last night. Other Republican...

Romney Finally Starting to Rack Up the Endorsements

There's a 'time when to fold 'em,' said elder Bush

(Newser) - They took their time, but high-profile Republicans are starting to fall in line behind Mitt Romney. Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, yesterday gave Romney his support, saying he fears "disaster" if the race leads to a floor fight at the Republican National Convention. Wisconsin's...

Papa Bush Backs Romney
 Papa Bush 
 Backs Romney 

Papa Bush Backs Romney

George HW will announce endorsement tomorrow in Houston

(Newser) - The GOP's elite isn't exactly tripping over itself to help Mitt Romney seal the deal, but George HW Bush is the latest in the Bush family to fall in line: A Romney spokeswoman says the Bush patriarch will endorse their man tomorrow at an event in Houston, reports...

Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney

Says with 34 primaries finished, it's time to get behind Mitt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is inevitable enough for Jeb Bush, reports ABC News . Bush today endorsed the GOP frontrunner after months of tongue-wagging over his silence —which included sitting on the sidelines while Romney won his own state's primary. The former president's brother, seen by some as a strong...

Eric Cantor Endorses Romney

Just ahead of Super Tuesday, joins chorus of GOP seeking unity

(Newser) - Christmas came early today for Mitt Romney: With just days before the Super Tuesday primary bonanza, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has given the candidate his endorsement, reports Politico . Appearing on Meet the Press this morning, Cantor signaled that he wanted an end to the primary bloodletting: "W e...

GOP Governors Not Touching 2012 Race

Some fret over dividing party, others think endorsements don't matter

(Newser) - The National Governors Association gathered in Washington over the weekend—and though DC is abuzz over who the GOP nominee will be, most Republican governors are resolutely sitting on their hands. The majority haven't yet endorsed a candidate, and probably won't until the nomination is near, Politico notes—...

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney
 Jan Brewer Endorses Romney 

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney

Mitt's the 'man that can carry the day' in Arizona

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer threw her weight behind Mitt Romney today, just two days ahead of the Arizona primary that Romney is expected to win. Brewer appeared on Meet the Press, notes the National Journal, calling Romney "the man that can carry the day," and praising the candidate'...

Megadeth Frontman Hails Santorum

But it's not an endorsement, Dave Mustaine says

(Newser) - Rick Santorum and heavy metal—together at last? Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine took a look at the GOP field in an interview with Music Radar and picked Santorum over too-rich Mitt Romney, too out-there Ron Paul, and "angry little man" Newt Gingrich. Mustaine, who founded Megadeth after getting kicked...

Donald Trump: Vote for Mitt!

He endorses Romney at Las Vegas news conference

(Newser) - In the end, the guys in the high-rent district of the 1% stuck together: Donald Trump today said it was "honor and real privilege" to endorse Mitt Romney for president, reports USA Today . "Mitt is tough. He's smart. He's sharp. Governor Romney, go out and get...

Trump to Endorse Gingrich—or Romney

And Rick Santorum picks up Sharron Angle's support

(Newser) - Leave it to Donald Trump to infuse Election 2012 with the eau de reality TV: The real estate mogul and self-styled GOP kingmaker yesterday promised a "major announcement" today, which was widely reported to be an endorsement of Newt Gingrich. Except now Politico , Drudge , and CNN are reporting that...

Gingrich: Yes, I'd Endorse Romney

Even though he's 'pro-abortion, pro-gun control, and pro-tax increases'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might spend most of his time bashing Mitt Romney , but that doesn't mean he wouldn't endorse the man if it came to that. "I think re-electing Obama is a disaster and I’ll certainly endorse the Republican nominee," Gingrich said today on Good Morning ...

Herman Cain Endorses Gingrich

Newt says 9-9-9 plan should be 'part of national conversation'

(Newser) - Tea Party darling and onetime presidential frontrunner Herman Cain "officially and enthusiastically" endorsed Newt Gingrich for president last night, saying, “Speaker Gingrich is a patriot. Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas." Gingrich in turn thanked Cain, praised his 9-9-9 tax plan —or at least...

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