picketing funerals

12 Stories

Westboro to Picket Robin Williams’ Funeral

So Planting Peace is organizing a benefit for charity dear to Williams

(Newser) - Back in 1996, Robin Williams made a movie called The Birdcage, in which he played a gay father. That's apparently a little too tolerant for the folks of the Westboro Baptist Church , who the Telegraph reports have now announced plans to picket the comedian's funeral, apparently "To...

Did Westboro Stage Its Whitney Protest Photo?

Plus: Whitney Houston's dress, earrings to be auctioned

(Newser) - Westboro Baptist Church promised to picket Whitney Houston's funeral, and Margie Phelps—daughter of church founder Fred Phelps— tweeted a picture Saturday appearing to show church members at the New Hope Baptist Church. Phelps also tweeted a few taunts directed at Occupy Newark, which had vowed to oppose the...

Westboro Will Picket Joe Paterno's Funeral

Margie Phelps says he 'partook of sin for fame and fortune'

(Newser) - Joe Paterno's death caused, to put it mildly, mixed reactions: The Hollywood Reporter has a roundup, and it includes everything from George HW Bush's glowing remembrance of the Penn State coach to this zinger from a Late Show writer and producer: "Will there be a moment...

Westboro Announces Steve Jobs Protest— Via iPhone

Official says Steve Jobs targeted because he 'taught sin'

(Newser) - Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket Steve Jobs' funeral, but apparently God also hates irony: Leader Margie Phelps announced the protest via a Twitter announcement made on an iPhone. "The irony here is almost unbelievable," notes Josh Wolford on Web Pro News . Jobs' sin? Phelps tweeted...

Illinois Senate Approves Anti-Westboro Bill

Bill would require funeral protesters to stay extra 100 feet away

(Newser) - Westboro Baptist Church could soon find itself foiled in Illinois. The state Senate passed a measure yesterday that broadens the protection granted to funerals, requiring any protesters to remain at least 300 feet away from the site rather than the currently required 200 feet. The original House bill, proposed by...

Next Up for Westboro: Picketing Liz Taylor's Funeral

Extremist church denounces AIDS research champion

(Newser) - The Westboro Baptist Church has reacted predictably to Elizabeth Taylor's passing . The Kansas-based extremist church has sent out a series of hate-filled tweets denouncing the star, and says it will picket her funeral, reports PopEater . Sample tweet: "Anyone trying to pretend No RIP Elizabeth Taylor is anywhere but in...

Gloating Westboro Vows to Quadruple Protests

Anti-gay extremists hail Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - The Westboro Baptist Church reacted to its Supreme Court victory yesterday with its usual amount of tact and good grace. Gloating leaders of the Kansas-based extremist church vowed to quadruple the number of protests at military funerals now that the court has ruled such demonstrations are protected under the First...

Supreme Court: Westboro Protests Protected

Pickets might be 'outrageous,' but covered by 1st Amendment

(Newser) - John Roberts' Supreme Court ruled 8-1 today that the controversial Westboro Baptist Church pickets outside military funerals might be "outrageous," but they're also protected under the First Amendment. The ruling upholds a reversal of a lower court's $5 million award to a dead Marine's father, who sued Westboro...

Arizona Bans Funeral Protests
Arizona Bans
Funeral Protests

Arizona Bans Funeral Protests

Lawmakers head off group's plan to protest at Tucson victims' funerals

(Newser) - Arizona lawmakers have moved swiftly to prevent the Westboro Baptist Church from carrying out its plan to picket the funerals of Tucson shooting victims . Emergency legislation banning protests at or near funeral sites was signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer Tuesday evening after it was unanimously approved by the...

Westboro Funeral Picketers to Be Confronted by 'Angels'

Silent supporters will block mourners with large wings

(Newser) - When Westboro Baptist Church picketers arrive at the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green on Thursday, they’ll be met by a group of angels. Tucson residents are coming together to build 8- by 10-foot angel wings, which participants will wear while surrounding the mourners. "We want to surround...

Abortion Doc's Funeral Draws Hundreds

(Newser) - Roughly 900 people paid their respects to slain abortion doctor George Tiller today, while a small group of protesters gathered outside. Each of Tiller’s four children spoke, with the eulogy delivered by a longtime friend and fraternity brother, reports the Kansas City Star. “Dear God, get heaven ready,...

Hate Church Plans to Picket Ledger Funeral

Baptist extremists will bash late actor for 'Brokeback' role

(Newser) - A homophobic Kansas church known for protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers has announced plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral because he played a gay character in Brokeback Mountain, MSNBC reports. "He got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's...

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