Roger Stone

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Trump's Legal Team Wary of Silence From Mueller

Lawyers haven't heard from prosecutors in weeks, as Roger Stone expects trouble

(Newser) - Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has been haggling with Robert Mueller about the idea of the president sitting down for an interview, and Giuliani had hoped to have the issue resolved by Sept. 1. That's looking increasingly unlikely now because Giuliani tells CNN he hasn't heard from Mueller's...

Sam Nunberg Spectacle: Did Media Go Too Far?
Sam Nunberg's Spectacle
Prompts an Ethical Debate
the rundown

Sam Nunberg's Spectacle Prompts an Ethical Debate

Critics wonder whether hosts exploited a vulnerable guest; he plans to get treatment

(Newser) - It's not often that a news host feels compelled to ask a guest if he's been drinking , but that bizarre scenario unfolded Monday night as former Trump aide Sam Nunberg made the rounds of cable shows to complain about Robert Mueller's subpoena of him. On Tuesday, Charlie...

Roger Stone Vows Legal Action After Twitter Suspension

He blames censorship by 'tech left'

(Newser) - Roger Stone has been suspended from Twitter —and he says it's a move that the site will bitterly regret. "They will soon learn they have bitten off more than they can chew," the outspoken President Trump ally tells New York . Stone says he plans to bring...

Twitter Bans Roger Stone After CNN Tirade

Trump adviser wasn't pleased over reports that Mueller had filed first charges

(Newser) - Roger Stone has one less social media account at his fingertips, reports the Hollywood Reporter , after Twitter banned the longtime political consultant and Trump ally over a tirade aimed at CNN anchors on Friday. It seems that news that Robert Mueller had filed the first charges in his Russia investigation...

Trump Associate Testifies on Russia Interference

Roger Stone says he's aware of 'no evidence whatsoever' of collusion

(Newser) - Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone said Tuesday he's "aware of no evidence whatsoever" that Trump's campaign coordinated with Russians during the 2016 election. Stone spoke to the House intelligence committee for more than three hours as part of the panel's probe into Russian interference in...

Roger Stone: Anyone Voting to Impeach Trump Will Be in Danger

GOP strategist says move would cause civil war

(Newser) - Roger Stone did little to calm America's overheated political climate with remarks to TMZ this week: The veteran GOP strategist said any attempt to impeach President Trump would cause violence like America has never seen before—and any politician who voted for it would "endanger their own life....

Stunning New Charge in Watergate Scandal

Nixon henchmen planned attack on demonstrators and Daniel Ellsberg

(Newser) - Then-President Nixon's associates planned to attack antiwar protesters and whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, NBC News reports. A never-published memo obtained by the network reveals that Watergate prosecutors had proof that Nixon operatives were targeting "long-haired demonstrators" at a 1972 Capitol rally and "in particular" bold-faced war opponents like...

New Name Surfaces in FBI's Russia Probe

The 'Guardian' says UK politician Nigel Farage is a 'person of interest'

(Newser) - The Guardian is floating the name of UK politician Nigel Farage as a figure in the FBI's Russia investigation. The newspaper reports that Farage—who was a big backer of Brexit, as well as a supporter of then-candidate Donald Trump—is a "person of interest" in the agency'...

Roger Stone: I 'Want to Puke' Over This Trump Image

Longtime ally criticizes decision to accept civilian honor from Saudi Arabia

(Newser) - At least one longtime Donald Trump ally wasn’t pleased with the president picking up an award in Saudi Arabia. That’s actually putting it mildly: "Candidly this makes me want to puke," tweeted Roger Stone after Trump was pictured receiving the Order of Abdulaziz, the nation's...

Meet Trump's 'Dirty Trickster' Accused of Russia Collusion

Roger Stone could be at center of FBI investigation

(Newser) - With Monday's news the FBI is investigating the Trump campaign, it's a good time to get the know the man who stands a good chance of being at the center of the investigation. Roger Stone, a Republican strategist who's championed a Trump presidency for three decades, has...

Worst-Dressed List Rides Again
Worst-Dressed List Rides Again

Worst-Dressed List Rides Again

GOP operative Roger Stone picks up celeb fashion no-nos from late Mr Blackwell

(Newser) - Roger Stone, infamous in political circles for his dirty tricks, is taking his snark to the world of fashion, the New York Post reports. Stone—who sports a tattoo of onetime boss Richard Nixon on his back—took it upon himself to fill the void left by the death of...

GOP Operative Involved in Spitzer Sting

But Roger Stone might have gotten involved too late

(Newser) - A GOP operative who was a teenage participant in the Watergate affair played a role in uncovering Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution habit, Talking Points Memo reports. But Roger Stone was likely too late to the scene to deserve credit for breaking the story. Stone, who was recently involved in leaving...

Anti-Hillary Group Boasts, Umm...a Creative Name

Fiesty GOP strategist fuels ugly partisan rift

(Newser) - A group by any other name wouldn’t sound as nasty: Citizens United Not Timid, an anti-Hillary group, has just filed for “527” status with the IRS. But it’s raising eyebrows not for its message but for its less-than-subtle acronym, reports Talking Points Memo. Not so coincidentally, Roger...

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