Florida primary

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Clinton U-Turns on Michigan, Florida Ban

Says delegates should count after all; most would be hers

(Newser) - The Dems punished Michigan and Florida for slating their primaries early, but yesterday Hillary Clinton said she wants their delegates to count after all, Reuters reports. As the only Dem on last week's Michigan ballot and the front-runner in Tuesday's Florida's primary, she would reap nearly all 350 delegates at...

Key Fla. Senator Backs McCain
Key Fla. Senator Backs McCain

Key Fla. Senator Backs McCain

Martinez's support could swing Cuban vote in Tuesday's GOP primary

(Newser) - Mel Martinez will back John McCain in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, the Florida senator announced today after earlier waffling. Martinez’s endorsement could boost McCain’s appeal among Hispanics, an important demographic in Tuesday's primary, the Associated Press reports. “I would trust the future and the...

Ex-Gov Romney Butters Up Ex-Gov Bush
Ex-Gov Romney Butters Up Ex-Gov Bush

Ex-Gov Romney Butters Up Ex-Gov Bush

Despite refusal to endorse, Jeb looms large on Fla. sidelines

(Newser) - The president’s brother is no longer in office and says he’s staying neutral in Tuesday’s Florida primary, but that hasn’t kept Mitt Romney from hiring Jeb Bush’s staff members, running on his issues—and calling the former governor “quite a guy.” “I...

NY State of Mind? Rudy Has Florida Headache

Poll shows onetime leader third in state

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s campaign continues to crumble in Florida, the Miami Herald reports. The GOP challenger has slipped to third in a new poll among likely Florida voters, putting him in a tie with virtual no-show Mike Huckabee. Despite weeks of vigorous campaigning in the state, Giuliani “has virtually...

Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout
Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout

Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout

Romney, Huckabee likely to benefit, unless he endorses McCain

(Newser) - Pollsters are placing bets on who disbanded Thompsonites will turn to in Florida. With most calling themselves "very conservative" evangelicals, they will likely support Huckabee or Romney, one pollster says. But Thompson could throw a curve and endorse John McCain, his old Senate buddy, the Washington Post reports.

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP
Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Sunshine State can boost, dash electoral dreams

(Newser) - The Republican field has made a mad dash for wide-open Florida, where Mike Huckabee prays for the Panhandle pious, John McCain hustles veterans, and Rudy Giuliani reminds ex-New Yorkers how much he did for them. The Jan. 29 primary is the first closed contest, meaning McCain can’t rely on...

Rudy Scrambles to Catch Up in Florida

As rivals edge up in polls, Giuliani's focus on single state is questioned

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's strategy of skipping ahead to Florida could still pay off big, or could leave him dead in the Gulf Coast water, reports the Guardian. Giuliani is now pulling out all the stops as he sinks behind John McCain in polls, and the rest of the field joins the...

McCain Bests Conservative Offensive in SC

But can he win contests open only to Republicans?

(Newser) - Despite an onslaught from uber-conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, John McCain managed to capture a chunk of the Republican establishment to win South Carolina. McCain's victory marked a dramatic difference from the last time conservatives blasted him out of the running in South Carolina in 2000, reports the Washington Post. "...

Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY
Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY

Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY

Anything but first or a super-close second puts tri-state success in jeopardy

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's supporters predict a distant finish in Florida's Jan. 29 primary will cost him in Feb. 5 voting in strongholds New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A strategy of focusing on Florida while ignoring early states has seen Giuliani plummet in Republican polls. "If he carries Florida, he...

Rivals Catch Giuliani in Fla.
Rivals Catch Giuliani in Fla.

Rivals Catch Giuliani in Fla.

Come-from-behind strategy looks problematic as 4-way tie develops

(Newser) - The strategy that had Rudy Giuliani waiting until the Jan. 29 Florida primary to make a grand entrance—and then running away with the race—is looking pretty rocky, says Salon blogger Tim Grieve. The New Yorker is now in a virtual four-Republican tie in Florida, says a Quinnipiac poll....

Florida Dems to Stick With Jan. 29 Primary

Unfazed by threat of DNC penalties and candidate boycotts

(Newser) - Defiant Florida Democrats are poised to flout national party rules and push forward with a state primary on Jan. 29. The move means the DNC will strip Florida of its 210 nominating convention delegates and major Democratic candidates will not campaign in the state, reports the AP. "I'm not...

DNC Bars Fla. Delegates from '08 Convention

State has 30 days to straighten out as primary chaos looms

(Newser) - Hoping to make an example of Florida in the escalating competition for ever-earlier primary dates, the DNC voted yesterday to strip the state of its delegates to next year's nominating convention, the Washington Post reports. Florida can regain its delegates if it reschedules its primary, currently set for January 29,...

DNC Threatens to Ban Florida From '08 Convention

Showdown today over early primary date

(Newser) - A pugnacious Democratic National Committee is taking direct aim at Florida today, scheduling a vote on whether the state should be punished for pushing its primary up to Jan. 29,  the Washington Post reports. Party rules prohibit any primary before Feb. 5; the penalty would be barring Florida delegates...

Florida Moves Primary To January 29
Florida Moves Primary To January 29

Florida Moves Primary To January 29

Rescheduling sets off race for first place

(Newser) - The state's historic election difficulties notwithstanding, Florida's presidential primaries will be among the earliest in the nation. Yesterday's legislative approval of the January 29 date is already provoking other states into maneuvering for the first spot. Said the Massachusetts secretary of state: "The idea that this election could begin...

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