Confederate flag

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Giant Confederate Flag Going Up in Richmond

NAACP says it will make Richmond look like a 'backwater, trailer park, hick town'

(Newser) - Oh, this will end well. A group in Virginia has bought a plot of land by I-95 in Richmond, where it plans to install a 10-by-15-foot Confederate flag atop a 50-foot pole next week, Raw Story reports. "The flag will serve to welcome visitors and commuters to Richmond, and...

'Southern Avenger' Leaves Rand Paul's Staff

Jack Hunter will return to punditry

(Newser) - The Southern Avenger rides alone once more. Jack Hunter has left Rand Paul's employ amidst a firestorm of controversy about his past as a Confederate flag-wearing secessionist shock jock and columnist. Hunter first broke the news to his friend W. James Antle III at the Daily Caller . "I'...

Top Rand Paul Aide Was Once the 'Southern Avenger'

Neo-confederate Jack Hunter has voiced support for Lincoln's assassination

(Newser) - "John Wilkes Booth's heart was in the right place." That's a statement that top Rand Paul aide Jack Hunter wrote in a 2004 blog post as "the Southern Avenger," a persona he also adopted as a South Carolina radio shock jock from 1999 to...

Confederate Dress Gets Teen Bounced From Prom

Design 'inappropriate,' Tennessee girl told

(Newser) - A Tennessee teenager found herself barred from her high school prom after she turned up sporting the stars and bars. School officials told 18-year-old Texanna Edwards that her Confederate flag battle dress was "inappropriate and offensive," she tells the Jackson Sun . "We kept asking people walking inside—...

Rick Perry Condemns Confederate License Plates

'We don't need to be scraping old wounds,' he says

(Newser) - Rick Perry doesn't want to see the Confederate flag on Texas license plates, publicly declaring his position on the issue for the first time. The governor told an interviewer that granting the Sons of Confederate Veterans' request would be "scraping old wounds," the Wall Street Journal reports....

Perry's Next Racial Issue: Confederate Flag?

He could face fresh criticism over pending license plate decision

(Newser) - Rick Perry, currently facing criticism over the racist name of his family camp , might have a new problem: The AP points out that he has defended the presence of the Confederate flag in his state, and an upcoming decision on a flag-adorned license plate could thrust his stance on the...

Virginia City Limits Confederate Flag-Flying

Stars and bars barred from downtown light poles in Lexington

(Newser) - The Virginia city where Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are buried has approved a proposal to limit the flying of Confederate flags. Lexington's city council voted 4-1 in favor of allowing only the Virginia, US, and city flags to be flown from light poles on a bridge and...

Confederate Group Wants Flag on 3 More States' Plates

Opponents say states shouldn't support offensive statements

(Newser) - With an eye to the American Civil War’s sesquicentennial, a Confederate organization wants the Confederate flag to adorn license plates in Texas, Florida, and Kentucky—and critics aren’t happy about it. Sons of Confederate Veterans has already adorned plates in nine states with the flag; the group says...

Confederate Flag-Loving Kid Rock Wins NAACP Award

Members protest, but rocker accepts and insists, 'I love black people'

(Newser) - Despite his frequent use of Confederate flag imagery onstage, Kid Rock was presented with an award from the NAACP yesterday. The rocker accepted the Detroit NAACP's Great Expectations Award as 50 NAACP members picketed outside the awards dinner, Rolling Stone reports. Angry members urged a boycott and protest in...

25% of Us Have More Sympathy for Confederacy

And 40% of white Southerners feel the same way

(Newser) - Today marks the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War, and it looks like the conflict is still dividing the country. In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released today, roughly 25% of Americans said they sympathized with the Confederacy more than the Union. Among white Southerners, that figure...

Mississippi Considers Plate Honoring ... KKK Leader

Sons of Confederate Veterans want to honor general-turned Klan leader

(Newser) - The Sons of Confederate Veterans have rustled up some controversy in Mississippi, by proposing a specialty license plate honoring Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the earliest Grand Wizards of the Ku Klux Klan. The group wants the state to issue a series of plates commemorating the 150th anniversary...

Confederate Flag Painting Booted From Georgia Exhibit

Website labels painting by Stanley Bermudez 'despicable'

(Newser) - A Confederate flag painting has been removed from a Georgia college's gallery following a public outcry, Gawker reports. Heritage?, which features the flag decorated with images of a lynching and a Klansman, was displayed at a Gainesville State University campus gallery until the administration called for its removal. University faculty...

Virginia Is for Lovers (of Revisionist History)

States seems content to forget the facts, Collins says

(Newser) - Virginia might not be so much for lovers as for haters, writes Gail Collins—or at least crazy revisionists of history. Gov. Bob McDonnell's celebration of "Confederate History Month," which failed to acknowledge the existence of slavery in its "love affair with all things Confederate," is...

SC Hopes Its Dumb Pols Don't Hurt Economy, Too

Jokes are bad, but Sanford, Wilson messes could scare off more business

(Newser) - The fact that two of its more prominent politicians—Gov. Mark Sanford and Rep. Joe Wilson—are the butt of recent political jokes is no laughing matter in South Carolina, where memories of the fight over flying the Confederate flag are still scaring off business and tourism. The firestorm around...

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists
 Some Obama Critics 
 Actually Are Racists 

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists

They reject his 'legitimacy as president'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter was right when he said racism fuels some of President Obama's critics, Eugene Robinson writes for the Washington Post. Carter may have overstated it—plenty of naysayers have legit policy concerns over issues such as health reform—but "the most vitriolic attacks" reject Obama's "legitimacy as...

Dowd: Wilson Really Meant 'You Lie, Boy'

'Some people just can't believe a black man is president and will never accept it'

(Newser) - The "you lie" slam against President Obama from a "milquetoast Republican backbencher" was clear and simple racism, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times.  Dowd admits she has been "loath to admit that the shrieking lunacy of the summer had much to do with racism....

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce
Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

GOP hopeful's comments in spotlight as polls show tie with McCain

(Newser) - With Mike Huckabee drawing attention in South Carolina for remarks about the Confederate flag and gay marriage, new polls have the former Arkansas governor drawing even with—or ahead of—John McCain ahead of tomorrow's Republican presidential primary. Huckabee stood up yesterday for the right of sons of the South...

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