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Elizabeth Warren Glaringly Absent at Clinton Fundraiser

Mass. pol only one of 14 female Democratic senators not at DC event for Hillary

(Newser) - Thirteen of 14 Democratic female senators showed up Monday night at the DC Hyatt Regency for what Politico calls a "high-profile fundraiser-cum-endorsement summit" for Hillary Clinton, but it was the absent No. 14 who caused the most buzz. Sen. Elizabeth Warren still hasn't thrown her weight behind any...

Oprah Joins Weight Watchers, Buys 10% of It

It cost her $43.2M

(Newser) - "But not only am I the owner of 10% of Weight Watchers, I'm also a client." That's the upshot of Monday's big news from Oprah Winfrey, who has paid $43.2 million for a 10% stake in the company. It's part of a five-year...

Newspaper: 'We Blew It' With Christie Endorsement

Star-Ledger editor explains how tough endorsements can be

(Newser) - So endorsing Chris Christie for governor wasn't the best idea after all. "We blew this one," writes Tim Moran, editorial page editor at the New Jersey Star-Ledger . To be fair, the editorial board didn't think Christie's team "was crazy enough to put people’s...

In Va. Governor Race, Top Paper Endorses ... No One

McAuliffe, Cuccinelli didn't deserve nods: Richmond Times-Dispatch

(Newser) - Virginia's gubernatorial race pits Democrat Terry McAuliffe against Republican AG Ken Cuccinelli —and the Richmond Times-Dispatch concludes that neither man is worth an endorsement. "This does not gladden us," the editors write, noting that they believe it's a first for the paper in "modern...

Oprah Plugs the Microsoft Surface ... From Her iPad

But good Twitter apps are hard to find in Windows

(Newser) - Oops. Oprah Winfrey reiterated her love for the new Microsoft Surface this morning, but did it from a Twitter app—on her iPad, Techcrunch reports. "Gotta say love that SURFACE!" she tweeted . "Have bought 12 already for Christmas gifts." So why not tweet from her beloved...

Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Cites Hurricane

Mayor says president will lead on climate change

(Newser) - Hurricane Sandy's impact on the election grows: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made a surprise endorsement of President Obama today, reports the New York Times . The reason? Bloomberg thinks climate change contributed to the storm, and he thinks Obama is more willing to deal with it.

Do Newspaper Endorsements Matter?

Experts, voters doubt it

(Newser) - Both presidential candidates are racking up endorsements as the election draws near, prompting the AP to wonder whether editorial boards' selections do much to sway voters these days. Says a political scientist: "The short answer is no." Still, "at this stage in the campaign, you're looking...

Sununu Chalks Up Powell's Obama Endorsement to Race

And then immediately walks it back after TV interview

(Newser) - John Sununu is co-chair of Mitt Romney's campaign and thus not happy that Republican Colin Powell endorsed President Obama. But the former White House chief of staff raised eyebrows last night on CNN with how he dismissed its importance:
  • "When you take a look at Colin Powell, you

Jewel Warbles for ... Walmart

She tweaks lyrics of new song to be about the chain

(Newser) - Jewel is going above and beyond as a pitch-person for Walmart: At a promotional appearance, she sang one of her new kids' songs and tweaked the lyrics as an homage to the chain. At AdWeek , David Kiefaber notes that the singer has come full circle—the last time she mentioned...

Rand Paul Endorses Romney (and It Matters)

Ron's son looks to be positioning for 2016

(Newser) - Arguably the most diehard supporter of Ron Paul has packed it in: Son Rand endorsed Mitt Romney, soon after his father suspended his campaign . "My first choice had always been my father," the Kentucky senator told Fox's Sean Hannity, according to the Hill . "I campaigned for...

Rudy Giuliani Endorses Romney, Rules Out VP Job

He says he'd have endorsed pal Gingrich if he'd run a better campaign

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani officially endorsed Mitt Romney in a Fox News appearance today, putting aside any lingering animosity from their 2008 contest—and his longstanding friendship with Newt Gingrich. Giuliani had spoken glowingly of Gingrich earlier in the campaign, and says he would have endorsed him if he'd run a...

Fruit Shopper in Stock Photo Backs Al Franken

Minnesota senator still has a sense of humor

(Newser) - Al Franken's office has sent off a peculiar endorsement email—from a "Woman Picking Out Fruit in Supermarket." Nope, this is not a real person who's calling for voters to support the Minnesota senator. She's one of countless generic people doing generic things in stock...

Papa Bush Backs Romney
 Papa Bush 
 Backs Romney 

Papa Bush Backs Romney

George HW will announce endorsement tomorrow in Houston

(Newser) - The GOP's elite isn't exactly tripping over itself to help Mitt Romney seal the deal, but George HW Bush is the latest in the Bush family to fall in line: A Romney spokeswoman says the Bush patriarch will endorse their man tomorrow at an event in Houston, reports...

Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney

Says with 34 primaries finished, it's time to get behind Mitt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is inevitable enough for Jeb Bush, reports ABC News . Bush today endorsed the GOP frontrunner after months of tongue-wagging over his silence —which included sitting on the sidelines while Romney won his own state's primary. The former president's brother, seen by some as a strong...

Chicago Tribune Endorses Romney

He gets backing ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - The United States is deeply in debt, and the "lethal pathology" of entitlement spending "threatens the career incomes of our children and grandchildren. They will spend their work lives as indentured servants to their elders." Which of the Republican candidates can fix that huge mess? Only Mitt...

Eric Cantor Endorses Romney

Just ahead of Super Tuesday, joins chorus of GOP seeking unity

(Newser) - Christmas came early today for Mitt Romney: With just days before the Super Tuesday primary bonanza, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has given the candidate his endorsement, reports Politico . Appearing on Meet the Press this morning, Cantor signaled that he wanted an end to the primary bloodletting: "W e...

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney
 Jan Brewer Endorses Romney 

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney

Mitt's the 'man that can carry the day' in Arizona

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer threw her weight behind Mitt Romney today, just two days ahead of the Arizona primary that Romney is expected to win. Brewer appeared on Meet the Press, notes the National Journal, calling Romney "the man that can carry the day," and praising the candidate'...

Herman Cain Endorses Gingrich

Newt says 9-9-9 plan should be 'part of national conversation'

(Newser) - Tea Party darling and onetime presidential frontrunner Herman Cain "officially and enthusiastically" endorsed Newt Gingrich for president last night, saying, “Speaker Gingrich is a patriot. Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas." Gingrich in turn thanked Cain, praised his 9-9-9 tax plan —or at least...

Perry Quits, Endorses 'Not Perfect' Gingrich

But the former presidential candidate notes 'who among us is?'

(Newser) - "I've always believed the mission was greater than the man," said Rick Perry this morning, as he announced that he is no longer the man for the mission. Perry officially bowed out of the GOP race for the presidential nomination in an 11am press conference, and threw...

Jon Huntsman to Drop Out of GOP Race

Will make announcement tomorrow, endorse Mitt Romney: campaign officials

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman will withdraw from the race for the Republican presidential nomination tomorrow. Campaign officials tell the AP that Huntsman will endorse Mitt Romney at an event in South Carolina in the morning. The former Utah governor placed third in last week's New Hampshire primary despite devoting much of...

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