South Carolina primary

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Black Dem Voters Like Obama by 28%
Black Dem Voters Like Obama by 28%

Black Dem Voters Like Obama by 28%

Hopeful passes Clinton after strong runs in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Black Democrats are now backing Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton by 28% after he won in Iowa and took a close second in New Hampshire, according to a new national poll. "Now they believe" he can win the presidency, a CNN analyst said. But both hopefuls lost ground among...

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce
Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

GOP hopeful's comments in spotlight as polls show tie with McCain

(Newser) - With Mike Huckabee drawing attention in South Carolina for remarks about the Confederate flag and gay marriage, new polls have the former Arkansas governor drawing even with—or ahead of—John McCain ahead of tomorrow's Republican presidential primary. Huckabee stood up yesterday for the right of sons of the South...

Romney Tussles With Reporter
Romney Tussles With Reporter

Romney Tussles With Reporter

In SC, journalist challenges candidate about lobbyist

(Newser) - Mitt Romney had a dust-up with a reporter in South Carolina today, CBS News reports, when the reporter essentially accused the candidate of lying. As Romney was saying he was not beholden to lobbyists and didn’t have one “running his campaign,” the reporter interjected, “That’s...

Romney Trims SC Prospects, Eyes Nevada

Concedes Palmetto State to McCain, eyes overall delegate count

(Newser) - With polls placing him third in South Carolina's primary Saturday, Mitt Romney is conceding and turning attention to all-but-forgotten Nevada caucuses. Romney says “it doesn’t make a lot of sense to put a few drops” in a GOP bucket that John McCain’s already filled, but Politico says...

McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls
McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls

McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls

Three new studies give berth to Arizona senator

(Newser) - John McCain leads the pack in the GOP race for South Carolina, two new polls show, with Mike Huckabee in second place, the State reports. A Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll updated today gives McCain 29% of voters to Huckabee's 22%; Fred Thompson follows with 14% and Mitt Romney 12%. Clemson University also...

McCain Blasts Mailer Attacking War Record

Confident he'll win SC, dismisses claim he sold out fellow POWs

(Newser) - Citing "deceitful smear tactics" by "fringe elements," John McCain's campaign is on the offensive against a flier circulating in South Carolina attacking his war record—an echo of the attacks that derailed his 2000 candidacy. The flier, sent to some 80 newspaper editors, claims McCain betrayed his...

GOP Field Lacks Frontrunner
GOP Field Lacks Frontrunner

GOP Field Lacks Frontrunner

Three states, 3 winners—and there could soon be 5

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's Michigan win leaves the outlook for the GOP as muddied as before, writes the New York Times. So far in the race, three different Republican candidates have won three different states appealing to three different sets of voters. With South Carolina and Nevada voting this weekend, the GOP...

In SC Primary, It's Values vs. Defense Voters

Huckabee, McCain divide GOP in state rich in churches, military

(Newser) - The pastor and the POW have exposed a deep divide in the South Carolina GOP, reports Politico, with the national security faithful on one side and diehard social conservatives on the other. Ahead of this weekend’s primary, Mike Huckabee is traveling to churches and John McCain is dispatching teams...

Clinton, Obama Camps Throw Elbows on Race

Issue of drugs emerges in SC

(Newser) - The racially charged crossfire between the Clinton and Obama camps continued today, as Bill Clinton said on a radio show he had a "a list of 80 attacks" from the Illinois senator on his wife. Clinton had been asked to respond to a remark made by  BET founder Robert...

McCain Now National GOP Favorite: Poll

Clinton still leads Dems, but Obama doubles 'electability'

(Newser) - A new nationwide poll shows seismic shifts in the standings of presidential hopefuls in the last month, with John McCain, earlier counted out with just 7% support, now leading the GOP race at 33%. The New York Times/CBS poll has Mike Huckabee trailing with 18%, and Rudy Giuliani with 10%....

Why Edwards Still Matters
Why Edwards Still Matters

Why Edwards Still Matters

Barring a miracle, he won't be nominated, but could be huge as spoiler

(Newser) - He may have lost Iowa and New Hampshire, but don’t forget about John Edwards just yet, even if he’s not going to win the nomination, writes the Washington Post’s Dan Balz. Trumped by the celebrity and fundraising might of Clinton and Obama, Edwards will likely have to...

Paul Revels in GOP Rebel Role
Paul Revels in GOP Rebel Role

Paul Revels in GOP Rebel Role

Debate underlines contrasts between firebrand and fellow candidates

(Newser) - Fox relented and let GOP maverick Ron Paul join in last night’s South Carolina presidential debate, and the excitable libertarian made the most of the opportunity, the Los Angeles Times notes. Paul provided his characteristic stark contrast with the mainstream candidates and several of the evening's high points, as...

Invoking King May Backfire for Clinton in SC

Influential congressman reconsiders neutral stance in primary

(Newser) - The highest-ranking African American in Congress, Rep. Jim Clyburn, is reconsidering his neutrality in South Carolina’s Democratic primary after comments by Hillary Clinton he perceived as “denigrating” Martin Luther King. Competing with Barack Obama over the legacies of JFK and MLK, Clinton said: “King’s dream began...

Thompson Slashes Staff Salaries
Thompson Slashes Staff Salaries

Thompson Slashes Staff Salaries

South Carolina will be last-ditch effort after bottom-of-heap finish

(Newser) - After drawing only 1% of the vote in yesterday's New Hampshire primary, Fred Thompson's  struggling campaign is cutting salaries and focusing available funds on a last-ditch push in South Carolina, the Washington Post reports. Resources will go to a South Carolina bus tour and ad campaign; the senator-turned-actor will likely...

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