South Carolina primary

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First Female Citadel Grad Challenges Lindsey Graham

Nancy Mace will officially announce candidacy tomorrow

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has drawn a potentially formidable primary challenger. Nancy Mace, the first woman to ever graduate from the Citadel, plans to throw her hat in the ring, she tells the Daily Caller . Mace, 35, graduated from the military college back in 1999, and has since written a memoir and...

Colbert's Sister a Step Closer to House Seat

As Mark Sanford advances to runoff

(Newser) - Elizabeth Colbert Busch won the Democrats' special-election primary for South Carolina's 1st District yesterday, putting her one step closer to Congress. Brother Stephen Colbert's " Colbert Bump " or no, Roll Call says she "easily" beat opponent Ben Frasier, a "frequent candidate," winning 95%...

Colbert 2013: Stephen's Big Sister Makes a Run

Elizabeth Colbert Busch faces Mark Sanford for Tim Scott's House seat

(Newser) - The race to fill Tim Scott's South Carolina House seat is shaping up to be a doozy, and the AP profiles a most interesting longshot, one Elizabeth Colbert Busch —also known as "Lulu" and the older sister of Stephen Colbert. Colbert Busch says she's not worried...

Colbert Ends Fake White House Bid

And gets betrayed by Jon Stewart

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert was proud of the 1% of the vote proxy Herman Cain earned in the South Carolina primary—"Eat it 'others' and 'statistical anomalies!" he declared triumphantly on last night's Colbert Report . "We made it to integers!" But it wasn't enough...

Chris Christie: Newt Gingrich an Embarrassment to Republican Party

 Christie: Newt 
 'Embarrassed' GOP 

Christie: Newt 'Embarrassed' GOP

Admits Romney had a bad night, will pick himself up in Florida

(Newser) - Chris Christie's horse lost last night's South Carolina race, and the New Jersey governor came out swinging at victor Newt Gingrich this morning, calling the former House speaker an "embarrassment" to the Republican party . “Gingrich has embarrassed the party over time," said Christie, who has...

Rick Santorum Gets Glitter-Bombed by Gay-Rights Activists, Occupiers
 Santorum Gets Glitter-Bombed 

Santorum Gets Glitter-Bombed

Gay-rights activists, Occupiers storm primary night rally

(Newser) - Adding insult to his third-place injury , protesters crashed Rick Santorum's South Carolina primary party last night, chanting "Rick, Rick, Rick, bigot, bigot, bigot" and glitter-bombing the candidate. As Santorum closed out a speech in which he hailed family values, gay-rights activists and members of Occupy Charleston shouted "...

Romney: I'll Release Taxes Tuesday

OK, fine.

(Newser) - Looks like somebody is taking his Palmetto State shellacking seriously: Mitt Romney, in a rare appearance on Fox News Sunday, announced today that he'll release his much-discussed tax returns on Tuesday. "Given all the attention that's been focused on tax returns, given the distraction I think they...

How Gingrich Won SC— Conservatives

'Very' and 'Somewhat' conservatives went Gingrich, 'liberals' went Romney

(Newser) - So how did Newt Gingrich pull off his stunning upset in South Carolina yesterday? Unsurprisingly, by appealing to conservatives, writes Politico . Exit polls indicate that 45% of people calling themselves "very conservative" went to Gingrich, vs. 20% to Rick Santorum and 10% to Ron Paul—Mitt Romney took just...

What Mitt&#39;s Loss (and Newt&#39;s Win) Mean
 What Mitt's Loss 
 (and Newt's Win) Mean 
Reaction Roundup

What Mitt's Loss (and Newt's Win) Mean

GOP voters angry, stuck with bad candidates, say pundits

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's big win in South Carolina has the Republican establishment squirming and political experts churning, trying to explain what the results mean:
  • GOP base in revolt. "People are mad as hell they are about to be stuck with another boring, moderate, uninspiring choice that has at best

It's a Whole New Race: Gingrich Romps in SC

Come-from-behind victory jolts race heading into Florida

(Newser) - Looks like it's a two-man race after all. Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary tonight in a wild upset over Mitt Romney, with outlets such as CNN , AP , Fox News , and MSNBC calling the race fairly quickly. Swayed by his two debate performances this week, core elements of...

5 Keys to South Carolina Primary

Gingrich could make it a two-man GOP primary race

(Newser) - With Newt Gingrich surging and Mitt Romney admitting he could lose South Carolina, Huffington Post offers five keys to the primary that has picked every Republican nominee since Ronald Reagan:
  1. Newt vs. Mitt: If Romney wins, he will be treated as the future GOP nominee. If Gingrich wins, the media

Focus Already Turning to Florida

Gingrich promises to be in the sate on Monday

(Newser) - The polls don't close in South Carolina for hours, but already the GOP race is turning its attention toward Florida's primary on Jan. 31. Newt Gingrich today conducted what the Los Angeles Times called a "telephone town hall" with voters there and promised a fight. "We'...

Gingrich in Strong Shape as SC Votes

He leads last poll by 9 points

(Newser) - They're voting in South Carolina, and things are looking rosy for Newt Gingrich. The last Public Policy Polling survey before the polls opened has him up 38-27 over Mitt Romney, with Rick Santorum (16) and Ron Paul (14) behind. If anything, the "open-marriage" interview given by his wife...

Romney Camp: Yep, We Could Lose SC

Adviser says it's great just to be close

(Newser) - The latest Gallup poll confirms the trend: Mitt Romney is sinking while Newt Gingrich is rising. The national poll has Romney in front 30-20, but that's down from a 23-point lead at the start of the week. Polls in South Carolina in particular are way tighter, and the Romney...

Stephen Colbert, Herman Cain Hold Rally Together in South Carolina
 Colbert, Cain Rally in SC 

Colbert, Cain Rally in SC

Vote for my proxy Herman, implores Stephen

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert brought his campaign to South Carolina today, along with the man whose name he is borrowing for the primary: Herman Cain. They sang, they danced, and they had the best rally name of all: the "Rock Me Like a Herman Cain South Cain-olina Primary Rally." Among...

Debate a &#39;Triumph for Gingrich&#39;
 Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich' 

Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich'

Santorum shined but it was Newt's night, pundits say

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul all had their moments in last night's GOP debate, but it was Newt Gingrich's night thanks to his fiery first five minutes , pundits say.
  • Rick Santorum took the fight to Gingrich and Romney and was the "central mover in the

New Poll: Gingrich Actually Leading in SC

Gingrich at 34%, Romney at 28% in first night of tracking

(Newser) - We already knew Newt Gingrich was surging in South Carolina , but a new Public Policy Poll has even more dramatic results: Last night, the first of three nights of tracking, Gingrich actually led Mitt Romney 34% to 28%. Romney's 28% is consistent with the numbers PPP has seen in...

Newt Gaining on Mitt in SC
 Newt Surges— 
 Does SC Upset Loom?  

Newt Surges— Does SC Upset Loom?

Latest polls show 2-man race in South Carolina

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is so close to Mitt Romney in South Carolina that an upset win is within the realm of possibility, according to a couple of new polls. Politico's numbers have Romney still leading the field with 37%, but Gingrich is close behind at 30%. Both are well ahead...

Gingrich's Ex-Wife Gives 'Explosive' Interview

Ahead of primary, Marianne Gingrich gives reminder of Newt's romantic past

(Newser) - Two days before South Carolina heads to the primary polls, ABC News will air a piece of Newt's past—an interview with his second wife, Marianne. The interview could remind the state's many religious conservatives of Gingrich's rocky romantic history, the AP notes. Gingrich, Marianne has said,...

Tomorrow in SC: Colbert-Cain Primary Rally

Cain 'the only former candidate who shares my values,' says Colbert

(Newser) - Before he decided to get in the race himself, Stephen Colbert endorsed Herman Cain ; later, the Definitely Not Coordinating With Stephen Colbert Super PAC put out an ad urging South Carolina to vote for Cain in Saturday's primary. So is it any surprise that now Colbert will hold a...

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