presidential debate

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Reporter: Blame Benghazi for Obama's Debate Fail

Prez was preoccupied, says Michael Hastings

(Newser) - Michael Hastings, the Rolling Stone reporter best known for his article that led to Gen. Stanley McChrystal's resignation, says he knows why President Obama performed so poorly in his first debate against Mitt Romney: Benghazi. Hastings, who has been researching for a book on the 2012 election, tells the...

Why the Close Race? We've Seen the 'Real Obama'

Peggy Noonan: It was that out-of-touch guy at the first debate

(Newser) - There have been lots of excuses to explain away Obama's weak performance in the first debate, but Peggy Noonan says don't listen to them. Viewers "didn't see some odd version of the president" in Denver, she writes in the Wall Street Journal . "They saw the...

Jon Stewart Composes Debate 'Duet'

The 'Daily Show' blasts Mitt Romney for flip-flopping

(Newser) - To hear Republicans tell it, Barack Obama has been the weakest president on foreign policy since "Flinchington J. Craphispants," Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, so it was pretty shocking when Mitt Romney spent the entire foreign policy debate agreeing with Barack Obama. After...

Third Debate Sets Ratings Record for Fox

11.5M watched on the channel, 59.2M overall

(Newser) - The third presidential debate proved to be a record-setter for Fox News. Nielsen says 11.5 million people watched on the channel, making it the network's most-watched show ever, reports AP . Overall, 59.2 million checked in, down from debates one (67.2 million) and two (65.6 million),...

Debate Drinking Games Inspire ... Debate

Is drinking during the presidential debates harmless fun or dangerous behavior?

(Newser) - If you're hungover from last night's debate, pop a couple Asprin before reading this story. Debate drinking games are all the rage, and NPR takes a lighthearted look at the, erm, debate over the trend. There are myriad websites (like this and this ) where you can find...

New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to &#39;Retard&#39; Obama
New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to 'Retard' Obama

New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to 'Retard' Obama

Even fellow conservatives are outraged

(Newser) - Ann Coulter must have been feeling ignored, because she's dropped a bomb that's managed to anger even her fellow conservatives. Last night after live-tweeting the debate, Coulter posted , "I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard." Among her critics:...

Fact-Checking Debate's Biggest Whoppers

Obama never 'apologized' for America; Romney did oversee tuition breaks

(Newser) - President Obama called Mitt Romney's claim of a presidential "apology tour" a giant "whopper"—but Romney wasn't the only one offering misleading information last night, the AP reports. A rundown of some of the debate's inaccuracies:
  • Obama wasn't apologizing on his foreign tour

Obama Victorious in Final Debate
 Obama Victorious 
 in Final Debate 
OPINION roundup

Obama Victorious in Final Debate

But will it help him in November?

(Newser) - Debate watchers largely say President Obama owned last night's face-off —but the Weekly Standard is already preparing for a Mitt Romney presidency. Here's a look at what the pundits are saying:
  • Andrew Sullivan calls last night "Obama's debate," though Romney "made no massive

Obama, Romney Start Debate on Benghazi

 Obama Jabbed, 
 Romney Kept Cool 
2012 debates

Obama Jabbed, Romney Kept Cool

President plays offense in foreign policy debate

(Newser) - Tonight was the rubber match, and President Obama came out swinging—perhaps playing the aggressive role of a candidate who has slid in the polls . Mitt Romney struck a more sober tone as he tried to parry jabs at the foreign policy debate in Boca Raton, Fla., the New York ...

It&#39;s Time to Talk About al-Qaeda
 It's Time to Talk About al-Qaeda 

It's Time to Talk About al-Qaeda

PJ Crowley thinks it's time to reassess the US strategy in the war on terror

(Newser) - All right, America. It's time we had a talk about terrorism. "We've been at war with al-Qaeda for at least 11 years and still don't know how to have an effective political or, more important, strategic conversation about it," writes PJ Crowley in the Daily...

What to Expect at Tonight's Debate

Foreign policy clash will be tough one for Romney

(Newser) - With the candidates tied at one debate win each—and 47% of the vote, according to a new poll —don't expect either man to pull any punches in tonight's foreign policy showdown in Florida. Pundits think President Obama has the edge, but he is by no means...

One Debate Obama and Romney Will Never Have
The One Debate We Won't Hear: Gun Control
Gail Collins

The One Debate We Won't Hear: Gun Control

Obama, Romney want to avoid this hot potato: Gail Collins

(Newser) - Benghazi? Check. Unemployment? Check. Health care? Well, of course. Yet despite the 43 multiple shootings in America over the last year, Mitt Romney and President Obama simply aren't debating gun control in the 2012 election, writes Gail Collins at the New York Times . She gives "a cheer" for...

Obama Will Regret His Libya Slam
 Obama Will Regret 
 His Libya Slam  
Charles Krauthammer

Obama Will Regret His Libya Slam

Charles Krauthammer thinks Obama's outrage was a 'gaffe'

(Newser) - Perhaps President Obama's finest moment at the Hofstra debate was when he unloaded on Mitt Romney for suggesting that his administration had misled the public on Libya. But Charles Krauthammer thinks that victory came at a price. "No one has misled?" he writes in the Washington Post . "...

Tagg Romney: I Wanted to Punch Obama

Mitt's oldest son didn't like president calling his dad a liar during debate

(Newser) - Don't mess with those rough and tumble Romney boys: In an interview with a North Carolina radio station yesterday picked up by Buzzfeed , the candidate's oldest son, Tagg, was asked how it felt to hear the president call his dad dishonest during Tuesday's debate . "Jump out...

Conservatives Pile on Candy Crowley

Rush accuses her of 'journalistic terrorism'

(Newser) - One person who definitely did not win the presidential debate this week was Candy Crowley—at least as far as conservatives are concerned. Right-wingers are claiming the take-charge moderator deliberately helped Barack Obama look good, reports CBS News . "Crowley's behavior goes beyond despicable as it was a blatant...

Beyond Mitt&#39;s Binders: Women Lost the Debate
Beyond Mitt's Binders:
Women Lost the Debate

Beyond Mitt's Binders: Women Lost the Debate

Apparently, single moms cause gun violence?

(Newser) - By now you've probably seen some snarky jokes about Romney's " binders full of women " comment, but that wasn't the only thing making feminists cringe in last night's debate . Romney's entire answer on pay equity "was pretty amazingly retrograde," writes Matthew Yglesias...

Larry King Moderating 3rd-Party Debate

4 candidates will meet next week

(Newser) - The third-party presidential candidates snagged a pretty well-known host for their debate next week: Larry King. King will moderate a debate between Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson on Oct. 23 in Chicago, the Los Angeles ...

Green Party Candidate Arrested at Debate

Jill Stein, running mate held for hours after attempting entry

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney weren't the only candidates at Hofstra University yesterday. The Green Party's Jill Stein and running mate Cheri Honkala made an appearance, too—and got arrested for their trouble. The pair spent some 20 minutes trying to get into the debate hall, Politico reports,...

Debate's Real Winner: 'Binders Full of Women'

Romney phrase immediately goes viral

(Newser) - The real winner of the debate? Mitt Romney's line about "binders full of women," which became an instant meme. The Atlantic Wire and CNN round up some of the fun the Internet had with the line:
  • One picture going around shows Hugh Hefner in a library with

Fact-Checking Last Night's Debate

Obama, Romney both played a little loose with the truth

(Newser) - As usual, the truth took a bit of a beating in last night's presidential debate. At least one fact was checked during the debate —Obama's assertion that he did, indeed, use the term "act of terror" to describe the attack on the US consulate in Libya...

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