Democratic National Convention

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Democrats Bet on South, Pick Charlotte for 2012

'People's Convention' will be in North Carolina

(Newser) - Democrats have picked Charlotte, NC, as the site of the 2012 convention, which the AP sees as a signal that the Obama campaign intends to fight hard to retain the gains it made in traditional GOP territory in 2008. Obama became the first Democrat to take the state since 1976,...

Palin Pick Parrots Obama

Congressional hopeful rips off 2004 DNC speech

(Newser) - A congressional candidate from Idaho has the backing of Sarah Palin but a taste for the rhetoric of Barack Obama. A fellow Idaho Republican—not even an opponent, but a candidate for state senate—has released an attack ad contrasting Vaughn Ward's announcement of his candidacy with then-state senator Obama's...

Obama Speech Takes on Defensive Edge
 Obama Speech Takes on 
 Defensive Edge  


Obama Speech Takes on Defensive Edge

Favorite phrase—'Let me be clear'—now signals grim determination

(Newser) - One of President Obama's longest-running, most-used rhetorical standbys is the earnest phrase "let me be clear." It cropped up in his national debut speech at the 2004 convention, was deployed throughout the campaign, and continues. But let me be clear—Obama's use of the phrase has changed. During...

Woodstock Was a 'Nightmare'
 Woodstock Was a 'Nightmare' 

Woodstock Was a 'Nightmare'

(Newser) - Mark Hosenball of Newsweek was at Woodstock, and not only did he not have a good time, but he can’t quite figure out how we’ve “transformed a chaotic mudfest into an epic pageant of peace and love.” Hosenball reminisces about the “massive, teeming, squalid mess”...

'Rednecks' Endorse Obama
 'Rednecks' Endorse Obama 

'Rednecks' Endorse Obama

Two seniors look to bridge a cultural gap

(Newser) - Two self-described "rednecks" from the South are on a mission to help elect the nation's first black president. AFP looks at the efforts of the Missouri senior citizens who are defying stereotype with their tounge-in-cheek “Rednecks for Obama” campaign. Their banner drew big crowds at last week's debate,...

Mac Bounces to 3-Point Lead Over Obama

Convention boosts McCain to highest numbers since May

(Newser) - John McCain is leading Barack Obama by 48% to 45% in the latest Gallup poll, McCain's highest level of support since early May, Politico reports. Both candidates earned an expected convention bounce, but McCain’s boost was more immediate. Obama was ahead 49% to 43% among registered voters before the...

Obama Grabs 50% in Poll
 Obama Grabs 50% in Poll 

Obama Grabs 50% in Poll

New threshold marks key advance against McCain's 42%

(Newser) - Barack Obama has the support of 50% of voters for the first time since beginning his run for the White House, according to the latest Gallup poll. It's a key symbolic threshold for Obama, who was evenly split at 45% with John McCain before the Democratic convention, reports Politico. McCain...

Convention Bounce Small, Fading Fast
 Convention Bounce 
 Small, Fading Fast 

Convention Bounce Small, Fading Fast

Polls see Obama's approval grow by below-average 3%-4%, then diminish over weekend

(Newser) - Barack Obama enjoyed a noticeable, but below-average, bounce in opinion polls after last week’s Democratic National Convention, Politico reports—but the gains appear to be already diminishing. Obama has risen 4% in Gallup’s daily tracking poll, 3% in a CBS survey—smaller than the average 5-6% convention bounce....

Cable News Was Biggest Convention Winner
Cable News Was Biggest Convention Winner

Cable News Was Biggest Convention Winner

Broadcasters cede historic role as political pundits

(Newser) - The Democratic Convention made it official, writes Scott Collilns in the Los Angeles Times: The broadcast networks have passed the political torch to the cable networks. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC not only delivered “wall to wall coverage” compared to the broadcast nets' paltry hour of nightly programming. Their...

Convention Didn't Win Points for Obama: Poll

Palin pick may have canceled bounce

(Newser) - The Democratic National Convention and Barack Obama’s acceptance speech failed to boost his ratings despite their favorable reception, reports CNN. Obama and John McCain were in a dead heat a week ago, and remain virtually tied, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey. McCain’s well-timed announcement of Sarah...

Bloggers Ready to Roll at GOP Convention

(Newser) - Watch out, mainstream media: Bloggers have claimed a space of their own at this year’s Republican National Convention. All they got 4 years ago was a folding table for a dozen huddled writers; now more than 200 have credentials and an area to work in. Big-name anchors like Katie...

Wacky Garb Key to Conventions
 Wacky Garb Key to Conventions

Wacky Garb Key to Conventions

(Newser) - Political die-hards flock to conventions in outlandish costumes, temporary tattoos, and head-to-toe buttons—“as much red, white and blue as possible in a patriotic arms race,” Robin Givhan writes in the Washington Post. Yet these goofy fans are integral to the messy, democratic process—by making it accessible...

Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits
Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits

Obama on Warpath Pleases, Worries Pundits

It was the right speech ... the speech Dem had to give ... a mashup of speeches ...

(Newser) - The chattering class saw strength—even Rovian aggression—in Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, for better or worse. A sampling of what observers are saying:
  • The Democratic nominee managed to be about voters, not himself, magnificently deflecting John McCain’s entire “celebrity” narrative, Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian.

Dems Wake Up to Troubling 'Brilliant Stranger'
Dems Wake Up to Troubling 'Brilliant Stranger'

Dems Wake Up to Troubling 'Brilliant Stranger'

Torrid affair climaxes, and party wonder who it married

(Newser) - The Democratic Convention was plagued with an “air of unease” about Barack Obama, a candidate whose character and work few can vouch for, Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post. The “anxiety was that the party was nominating a man of many gifts but precious few accomplishments—bearing...

Oprah on Obama: 'I Cried My Lashes Off'

Talk-show host calls Dem's acceptance speech 'transcendent'

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is leaving Denver with the candidate she wanted, but reportedly without her eyelashes. The talk-show host said she was moved to tears by Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the DNC. "I cried my eyelashes off," she said from Invesco Field. "I think it's the most...

A 'Perfect Speech for a Skeptical Nation'

Klein: Obama shows off his pragmatic side in Denver

(Newser) - Barack Obama delivered "the perfect speech for a skeptical nation," writes Joe Klein in Time. Absent was Obama’s typical lofty oratory; in its place was a speech that was “lean, efficient, practical and very, very tough.” Obama’s goal was to prove that he was...

Obama Surprises With Grand, Joyless Speech: Noonan

Speech has heft, but not lift

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s speech last night was a surprising gamble, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. Obama was stern, serious—even indignant—and unusually joyless.  "The speech itself lacked lift but had heft. It wasn't precisely long on hope, but I think it showed audacity."...

Down-to-Earth Barack Brought Fire
 Barack Brought Fire

Down-to-Earth Barack Brought Fire

Speech brings Democratic nominee's campaign back to the elements

(Newser) - Barack Obama took on two of his greatest challenges head-on in his acceptance speech last night, Patrick Healy writes in the New York Times. The Democratic nominee added some down-to-earth proposals to his lofty talk of change, while proving he could take the fight to John McCain with "memorable...

Obama: 'We Are a Better Country Than This'

(Newser) - Barack Obama made the most of his historic night at Denver's packed Invesco Field with a broad-based attack on the "broken politics of Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush," Reuters reports. "We are here because we love this country too much to let the...

Gore: 'We Must Seize This Opportunity'

(Newser) - Al Gore set the stage for Barack Obama's historic address later tonight with an appeal to keep John McCain from continuing the legacy of President Bush, particularly on climate change, CNN reports. "I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous," said Gore. He said the oil industry has a...

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