Democratic National Convention

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Resign From DNC

At the end of the convention

(Newser) - Embattled Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday that she will step down, CNN reports. The announcement that she will resign following the party convention, which begins Monday, comes on the heels of leaked emails that appear to show that DNC officials were working to sabotage Bernie Sanders'...

Dems Lack $10M in Convention Funding

Committee chief blames Trump

(Newser) - Have you got an extra $10 million lying around that you'd like to spend on the Democratic National Convention? Neither does anybody else at the moment, which means the convention is facing a major funding gap, according Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee chief Ed Rendell. The former Pennsylvania governor says...

The DNC Has a Deal for Bernie Sanders

Seats on critical committee in exchange for no drama at convention: sources

(Newser) - In choosing stick or carrot to get Bernie Sanders and his supporters to play ball at this summer's Democratic National Convention, the Democratic National Committee has decided to go with the carrot—at least for now. Two sources familiar with the situation say the DNC plans to offer Sanders...

Dems Pick Philly for DNC 2016
 Dems Pick Philly for DNC 2016 

Dems Pick Philly for DNC 2016

Sorry, Columbus and Brooklyn

(Newser) - Democrats have picked Philadelphia as the site of their 2016 national convention. It's a patriotic backdrop for the nomination of the party's next presidential candidate. The Democratic National Committee says the convention will be held the week of July 25, 2016. The two other finalists were Brooklyn, NY,...

Most-Watched Convention Speaker Was ... Joe Biden?!

VP bests Obama, Romney, even Clint Eastwood

(Newser) - When presented with the opportunity to watch the president , a very popular former president , the Republican presidential nominee , or an old guy talking to a chair , America was apparently most excited about … Joe Biden . Yes, out of all the speakers at the DNC and the RNC, the VP got...

Bill Clinton Credits Obama for Speech Help

He may have slipped up a bit in Florida, though

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's speech last week may have been the high point for the Democratic National Convention, but the ex-president is happy to share the credit with the current one, reports Politico . Clinton said he showed his speech to Obama the morning of his presentation, and made changes regarding Medicare...

Romney Camp: We're Not Losing

Sources scramble to hose down good poll news for Obama

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign was scrambling yesterday to reverse any impression that the candidate might be slipping into election oblivion. A GOP campaign pollster conceded that, yes, maybe President Obama got a bounce out of the Democratic National Convention, but he warned voters not to get "too worked up...

Jewish DNC Delegate: Jerusalem Deserved Boos
Jewish DNC Delegate: Jerusalem Deserved Boos

Jewish DNC Delegate: Jerusalem Deserved Boos

Alex Yudelson says the Democrats' platform change was wrong

(Newser) - When Democrats clumsily changed their party platform to include the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Alex Yudelson was among those booing lustily—even as a fellow New York delegate shouted, "Aye!" When asked why he'd voted in favor, that delegate shrugged. "I don'...

Polls Suggest &#39;Decent&#39; Bounce for Obama
Polls Suggest 'Decent' Bounce for Obama
nate silver

Polls Suggest 'Decent' Bounce for Obama

He ticks up in the major ones: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Nate Silver sifts through the latest polls and finds good news for President Obama after the Democratic convention, he writes at his FiveThirtyEight blog for the New York Times:
  • Gallup: Obama leads Mitt Romney by 3 points, up from 1. The president's Gallup approval ratings also rose, to 52%.

Honey Boo Boo, DNC in Ratings Tie

RNC fell short of child beauty queen's reality show

(Newser) - There's only one real way to tell which party's convention was the bigger success: Stack it up against Honey Boo Boo . By that measure, at least, Democrats come out victorious. Bill Clinton's speech to the convention tied TLC's Here Comes Honey Boo Boo in ratings, while...

Mitt Romney: Jobs Report Is Post-Party 'Hangover'

Will it affect the election? Analysts offer mixed reactions

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is pouncing on today's jobs report , which found lowered unemployment but fewer jobs created than were expected. "If last night was the party, this morning is the hangover. For every net new job created, nearly four Americans gave up looking for work entirely," Romney says...

Cardinal Delivers Pro-Life Prayer at DNC

Pundits see subtle swipes at other parts of Democratic platform, too

(Newser) - In case you didn't stay up late enough to see it, President Obama's speech at the DNC last night was followed by a benediction from Cardinal Timothy Dolan, one of the Catholic Church's most vocal abortion foes. He raised a few eyebrows with this bit of prayer,...

Obama Speech an Anticlimax
 Obama Speech an Anticlimax 

Obama Speech an Anticlimax

So-so acceptance speech far from his finest, pundits say

(Newser) - President Obama's acceptance speech last night wasn't a complete dud, but it wasn't the finest speech of his career—or of the Democratic National Convention, or even of yesterday, say pundits. At 38 minutes, it was the shortest acceptance speech from an incumbent since Gerald Ford in...

Barney Frank: GOP Gays Are 'Uncle Toms'

Plus, he slams 'Myth Romney' at convention

(Newser) - Barney Frank blasted "Myth Romney's" economic record at the Democratic National Convention yesterday, but the Massachusetts congressman got almost as much attention for remarks he made earlier in the day. Frank, who is openly gay, slammed gay Republicans for praising Paul Ryan, despite his opposition to gay marriage...

&#39;Choice Could Not Be Clearer&#39;

 'The Choice 
 Could Not 
 Be Clearer' 

Dem convention

'The Choice Could Not Be Clearer'

'Road is hard, but it leads to better place,' says Obama

(Newser) - A smiling, supremely confident Barack Obama took charge of the stage tonight at the Democratic National Convention to repeatedly stress the dramatic choice Americans have in this election, and reveal a vision for the future, which he compared to the "bold experimentation" of Franklin Roosevelt. The president decided to...

Biden: We&#39;re at Hinge of History

 Biden: We're 
 at Hinge of 
Dem convention

Biden: We're at Hinge of History

'Osama is dead, General Motors is alive'

(Newser) - The White House's quiet American Joe Biden stepped up to the Democratic National Convention podium tonight to declare his love for his family and country—and take a solid swing at Mitt Romney. The American financial crisis hit like a "sledgehammer," acknowledged the vice president , who recalled...

Obama Excerpts: Choice Is Between 2 'Different Visions'

It's the 'clearest choice in a generation,' he will say tonight

(Newser) - The Obama campaign has released excerpts of the president's big speech tonight, in which he will make the case that voters must choose between "two fundamentally different visions" of the nation's future, reports CNN . A sampling:
  • "When you pick up that ballot to vote, you will

Obama, Biden to Cap Off DNC
 Obama, Biden to Cap Off DNC 

Obama, Biden to Cap Off DNC

Along with John Kerry, Charlie Crist

(Newser) - It's the final night of the Democratic National Convention, and that means it's time for the president himself to take the stage. No one seems entirely sure what he'll say, though USA Today believes he'll use the chance to define himself in his own words—in...

Clinton&#39;s Case for Obama Better Than Obama&#39;s
 Clinton's Case for Obama 
 Better Than Obama's

Clinton's Case for Obama Better Than Obama's

Bill wows pundits from both sides, though not fact-checkers

(Newser) - Bill Clinton gave one of the finest speeches of either convention—and of his career—in Charlotte last night, making the case for Obama more effectively than the Obama campaign has managed most of the time, pundits say. He won praise from Democrats and Republicans alike, although fact-checkers found plenty...

Clinton: GOP Left Mess, Now They Blame Obama

 Rocks the 
dem convention

Clinton Rocks the Rafters

Obama's cleaning up GOP mess, says attacker-in-chief

(Newser) - The Democrats unleashed their silver attack fox tonight, as Bill Clinton dusted off his convention chops to debunk a host of charges leveled against President Obama by Mitt Romney—and earned a hug afterward from the president himself. Clinton first formally placed Barack Obama's name into nomination, saying he...

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