Democratic National Convention

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Obama, Not Clintons, Must Be Denver Story
 Obama, Not Clintons, 
 Must Be Denver Story 

Obama, Not Clintons, Must Be Denver Story

Nominee must be on message, and forcefully, at Democratic convention

(Newser) - Heading into their convention, Democrats are increasingly worried about what should be a gimme election. With his poll lead slipping or even disappearing, Barack Obama needs a strong convention showing, like Bill Clinton’s in 1992, Scot Lehigh writes in the Boston Globe. To do it, he’ll need to...

Clinton to Police Her Devotees in Denver

Former candidate sets up 'whip team' to curb protests from loyalists

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is deploying a 40-member "whip team" at the Democratic convention in Denver to make sure her supporters do not cause a ruckus with anti-Obama demonstrations during the roll-call vote, reports Politico. The symbolic floor vote on Clinton's nomination is supposed to be an emotional "catharsis" for...

Retail Politics Entangle Book on Obama

Barnes & Noble cuts order over publisher's deal with Amazon

(Newser) - Barnes and Noble says its stores will not stock Obama’s Challenge, a new book outlining a progressive economic agenda for the Democratic candidate, because the publisher cut an exclusive deal with, the Wall Street Journal reports. Amazon’s print-on-demand service will offer the title beginning Monday, while...

Convention's Focus: All-American Obama
 Convention's Focus: 
 All-American Obama 

Convention's Focus: All-American Obama

Film, speeches seek to allay fears of Democrat's 'otherness'

(Newser) - Introducing a candidate to voters is a task in every campaign, but no presidential nominee has ever faced the challenge confronting Barack Obama. Next week's Democratic convention will feature an orchestrated roll-out of the Obama story on the candidate's own terms, the New York Times reports. Michelle Obama will headline...

Lobbying Law Won't Crimp Convention Parties

Loopholes allow lavish bashes for lawmakers

(Newser) - Tough new rules aimed at weakening the influence of lobbyists won't keep Democrats and Republicans away from some of the most lavish convention parties ever seen, funded by those seeking to influence legislation, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dozens of loopholes allow lawmakers to skirt the legislation by accepting gifts...

McCain's 'TMZ Campaign' Is Risky Business
 McCain's 'TMZ Campaign' Is Risky Business

McCain's 'TMZ Campaign' Is Risky Business

Candidate bets America's celebrity resentment outweighs admiration

(Newser) - John McCain's attack ads on the "biggest celebrity in the world" depend on Americans loving to hate stars more than they admire them, writes James Poniewozik in Time. If the tactic works, it will shift Barack Obama’s best asset into a Republican secret weapon—but "snark aside,...

Clinton to Get Roll-Call Vote at Convention

Both camps pitch it as a way to shore up unity of party

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s name will be formally entered in nomination at the Democratic convention later this month, Newsday reports. Clinton’s name will be placed in a roll-call vote for a symbolic recognition of her historic campaign—and as an olive branch from those hoping to lessen the resentment from...

Journos Should Skip RNC, DNC
 Journos Should Skip RNC, DNC

Journos Should Skip RNC, DNC

Conventions merely 'infomercials' for parties, junkets for reporters

(Newser) - The press should quit covering the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, argues Jack Shafer in Slate. Little more than a four-day “infomercial” for the host party,  each would be better covered by “sportscasters like Bob Costas,” who “know how to make a game with a...

Rangel Denied Chance to Speak in Denver

Clinton ally sees it as snub

(Newser) - Charles Rangel won’t be speaking at the Democratic National Convention, Politico reports. Representatives made a pitch for an address by the House Ways and Means Chairman, but the Obama campaign told them that Rangel’s early support for Hillary Clinton had given him low priority—even though the congressman...

Oprah Will Attend Convention—Quietly

Talk show queen leaves Obama the spotlight

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey will be at this month's Democratic convention, but the queen of talk won't be alongside Barack Obama when he accepts the nomination. Oprah would rather "blend in" with the 70,000-strong crowd and leave the spotlight to her candidate, her friend Gayle King says. But the Los ...

Clinton Will Get Denver Roll Call
 Clinton Will Get Denver Roll Call

Clinton Will Get Denver Roll Call

Move intended to molify supporters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s delegates will be counted in Denver, the Atlantic Monthly’s Marc Ambinder reports, as her supporters near an agreement with Barack Obama’s. Reports of tensions over the issue are exaggerated, advisers on both sides tell Ambinder. Both sides agree that overlooking Clinton could anger her supporters,...

Hillary's Crashing Obama's Party

Hillary's Crashing Obama's Party

(Newser) - Despite losing the nomination months ago, Hillary Clinton is taking her fight to the convention, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. The New York senator’s continued machinations show she "feels no guilt about encouraging her supporters to mess up Obama’s big moment, thus undermining his...

Va.'s Warner to Keynote Denver
 Va.'s Warner to
 Keynote Denver

Va.'s Warner to Keynote Denver

Former Va. governor could give Obama boost in the state

(Newser) - Mark Warner, Virginia's former governor and current Democratic Senate candidate, has been named the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention, a plum spot that springboarded Barack Obama himself to national prominence. Warner's selection ends speculation that Hillary Clinton, who will also speak that night, would land the position.

Clinton Backers Push for Convention Nomination

Supporters say symbolic roll-call vote will recognize 18 million Hillary voters

(Newser) - A group of Hillary Clinton's delegates are working to make sure their candidate's name is put up for nomination at the Democratic convention, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Clinton backers say the symbolic move will serve as recognition for the 18 million voters who chose Hillary in the primaries, and...

Hillary, Michelle Headline DNC's First 2 Nights

Clinton to speak on anniversary of women's suffrage

(Newser) - Michelle Obama will take center stage the first night of the Democratic National Convention, the Denver Post reports, while Hillary Clinton will headline the next, speaking on the 88th anniversary of US women’s suffrage. “This year's Democratic Convention is the story of people from across the country who...

Bill Sad Over Hillary's Loss: Obama Adviser

Edwards' affair drowns out talk of Russia on Sunday shows

(Newser) - The buzz on John Edwards' love affair drowned out talk of Russia's conflict with Georgia on today's morning talk shows, Politico reports. On Fox News Sunday, an Obama campaign topdog said Bill Clinton is still reeling from his wife's primary loss, and Karl Rove claimed on Face the Nation that...

Coloradans Exhaust Ticket Supply for Obama Speech

60K apply for state's allotment of about 30K at Denver stadium where Dem will accept

(Newser) - Colorado’s allotment of seats for Barack Obama’s Aug. 28 acceptance speech is accounted for, the Denver Post reports, with 60,000 people applying in 24 hours to be part of the bloc of about 30,000. There will be 60,000-75,000 seats available at Denver’s Invesco...

Report: Bill Will Speak at Convention

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has accepted an offer from the Barack Obama campaign to speak at the Democratic convention, MSNBC reports. Clinton reportedly will speak in a prime spot—on Wednesday evening just ahead of the vice-presidential candidate. The Obama camp rushed the offer into place to soothe tensions over the latest...

GOP Energy-Bill Protest Could Overlap With Dem Convention

Letter turns up heat on Pelosi to reconvene

(Newser) - Republicans say their measures to suspend the House’s August recess and force a vote on a national energy bill could continue until just before the Democratic National Convention—or beyond, the Hill reports. “Republicans will not rest until we have an honest, up-or-down vote on the American Energy...

Clinton Hint at Denver Antics Sends Dems Into Spin Cycle

Email with Obama underlines unity after she urges convention delegates 'be heard'

(Newser) - Reps for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are underlining their message of Democratic unity, the Chicago Tribune reports, after the emergence of video footage in which Clinton said she thought some gesture by her delegates to the party convention—perhaps even the placing of her name in nomination—could be...

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