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At This Restaurant, a Table for Anyone Over 30

Men under 35, women under 30 won't be admitted inside new St. Louis restaurant

(Newser) - A new restaurant in Missouri has some strict rules at the door: No one under the age of 30 is allowed inside. KSDK writes that Bliss, an upscale West African and Caribbean eatery in St. Louis, wants to protect the sophisticated scene it's striving to create vis a vis...

In North Dakota, a Big Move on Congress Age Limits

Voters decide candidates can't turn 81 during House or Senate term; legal challenge is expected

(Newser) - Tuesday's GOP primary in North Dakota is now over, and the victors are celebrating. Nestled in with those announcements is one regarding a "high-profile initiative" that voters also passed: Candidates out of the Peace Garden State can't run for US Congress (so neither the Senate nor the...

Biden's Strolls to Marine One Are a Bit Different These Days
Biden's Strolls to
Marine One Are
a Bit Different
These Days
in case you missed it

Biden's Strolls to Marine One Are a Bit Different These Days

Axios reports president now walks on South Lawn with aides around him, to distract from his gait

(Newser) - Conservative outlets closely follow President Biden's every move , seeking signs to show the commander in chief's age in a negative light. There now seems to be a new strategy by the Biden camp for dealing with that: Don't let him walk to Marine One alone. The president...

Texas' Crackdown on Porn Has Officially Begun

Pornhub disables its site in Lone Star State over new legislation regarding age verification

(Newser) - An appeals court has cleared the way for Texas to enforce a law requiring age verification before someone can surf porn sites, and, not surprisingly, the porn sites aren't happy about it. In a 2-1 ruling on March 7 by the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit...

New Biden Ad Tackles Age Issue Head-On

Campaign spot touts president's age as an advantage, leaning into his experience

(Newser) - Let's be blunt: We know Joe Biden is up there in years, you know it, and most voters know it . Now, the 81-year-old president running for a second term is addressing the age issue head-on in a new ad meant to soothe concerns that he doesn't have the...

Poll: 86% of Americans Say Biden Is Too Old to Run

Smaller majority of 62% feel the same about Trump, per ABC/Ipsos survey

(Newser) - The age-old question of "how old is too old for a presidential candidate?" has taken on increasing urgency as we barrel toward November with two frontrunners who are getting up there in years. Now, according to a new poll, an "overwhelming majority" of Americans say that the incumbent,...

Porn Sites Don't Like 'Dangerous' Bill Requiring ID

To help protect kids, Ohio bill would require ID or age verification from users trying to see online porn

(Newser) - In Ohio, there's a bipartisan "double-teaming" under way to keep kids away from online pornography. News 5 reports that a bill introduced this week in the state's Senate by Sens. Stephanie Kunze, a Republican, and Bill DeMora, a Democrat, would require identification or some other type of...

Biden's Birthday Keeps His Age in the Spotlight

President turns 81 on Monday, with conversation continuing on whether he's too old to run

(Newser) - It's set to be a busy day at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. on Monday, with a trio of noteworthy events taking place: the annual pre-Thanksgiving pardoning of turkeys, the delivery of the White House's Christmas tree, and the 81st birthday of President Biden, already the oldest president in America'...

Trump's Favorite Line of Attack on Biden May Have a Problem

Ex-president is making fair share of public blunders; critics like DeSantis are calling him out

(Newser) - One of former President Trump's favorite campaign themes is that 80-year-old President Biden is too old and prone to gaffes to win reelection. But a new theme in coverage of the 2024 election is that Trump, who's 77, is undercutting his argument by making quite a few public...

Voters in Both Parties Say Biden Is Too Old
Agree: Biden
Is Too Old
new poll

Democrats Agree: Biden Is Too Old

69% of Democrats agree with 89% of Republicans on that front

(Newser) - Americans actually agree on something in this time of discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term. Only a few years his junior, Donald Trump raises strikingly less concern about his age. But they have plenty of other problems with Trump, who at...

In One Country, Everyone Woke Up Younger Wednesday

South Korea officially ends its traditional way of determining age

(Newser) - There's one country on the planet where people woke up younger on Wednesday. A new law took effect in South Korea that has reduced people's ages by one or two years. Historically, a baby born in South Korea was age one at birth and saw another year added...

South Koreans Might Soon Subtract a Year From Age
South Koreans to Become
Younger Under Law

South Koreans to Become Younger Under Law

Parliament votes to abolish traditional 'Korean age,' which created 'unnecessary' confusion

(Newser) - South Korea's parliament passed a law Thursday that means citizens will soon turn a year or two younger than they've been all their lives. The country's traditional method of determining age, which specifies that a child is 1 year old on the date of birth and becomes...

Biden's Age Reemerges as an Issue
Biden's Age
as an Issue

Biden's Age Reemerges as an Issue

White House balks amid concerns about 'geriatric leadership'

(Newser) - The White House is brushing off concerns that the 79-year-old president's age could affect his reelection bid as "fallacious" and not worth listening to. Asked Monday whether President Biden could handle another presidential campaign, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told CNN , "That is not a question that we...

Laura Dern: At the Time, Age Gap in Jurassic Park Felt OK

But she and Sam Neill say the 20-year difference felt odd in retrospect

(Newser) - Everyone who watched Jurassic Park in the '90s knows that scientists Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant fall for each other. Decades later, the actors who portrayed those characters—Laura Dern and Sam Neill—tell the UK Times that their 20-year age gap in real life felt fine at the...

Moon May Be Younger Than We Thought
Researchers Revise
Age of the Moon
new study

Researchers Revise Age of the Moon

Study takes 85M years off its age

(Newser) - It's not such a huge change in the cosmic scheme of things, but researchers say the moon is millions of years younger than we thought. Specifically, a new model laid out in Science Advances pegs its creation at 4.425 billion years ago instead of the generally accepted figure...

The Bachelorette Makes a 'Progressive Move'

Clare Crawley, newest star of ABC reality show, will be oldest yet at age 38

(Newser) - The 16th season of ABC's The Bachelorette kicks off May 18, and with its latest star comes a "big shift," per the Washington Post : a leading lady who's approaching 40. Clare Crawley was announced Monday as the new Bachelorette on Good Morning America, and at age...

Castro Defends His Exchange With Biden

It was 'not a personal attack,' he says, though others disagree

(Newser) - The Democratic candidates for president took each other on during a debate in Houston Thursday night, clashing on everything from war to health care, but what the Hill calls a "fiesty exchange" on the latter went down between two contenders in particular. Julian Castro and Joe Biden were going...

Madonna Is Seriously Displeased With NYT Profile

'It makes me feel raped'

(Newser) - In her New York Times profile on Madonna, Vanessa Grigoriadis quotes the singer as saying she "felt raped" by the early leak of songs from her last album, commenting "it didn't feel right to explain that women these days were trying not to use that word metaphorically....

2 Hours After This Baby Was Born, She Turned 2

Because of South Korea's ancient tradition on calculating ages

(Newser) - Just two hours after Lee Dong Kil's daughter was born on New Year's Eve, the clock struck midnight, 2019 was ushered in, and the infant became 2 years old. She wasn't alone, though it happened for her quicker than most: Every baby born in South Korea last...

Court: No, You Can't Shave 20 Years Off Your Age
Court Rules Man
Can't Be 49 Again

Court Rules Man Can't Be 49 Again

The Netherlands' Emile Ratelband is 69, wanted to be legally recognized as 49

(Newser) - Nice try, Emile Ratelband. A Dutch court has ruled that the 69-year-old must remain 69, rejecting his request to be officially recognized as 49, reports the AP . The motivational speaker's legal gambit drew international attention, but the court in Arnhem wasn't having it. "Mr. Ratelband is at...

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