
18 Stories

On Monkey Island, It's Now Survival of the Nicest
On Monkey Island, It's
Now Survival of the Nicest
new study

On Monkey Island, It's Now Survival of the Nicest

Study suggests macaques off Puerto Rico getting along better after hurricane, out of necessity

(Newser) - A strange thing happened on Monkey Island after a massive hurricane ripped through: The usually quarrelsome monkeys became nicer to each other, a new study in Science suggests. As it turns out, it was a matter of survival, the BBC explains. Monkey Island is the nickname given to Cayo Santiago,...

Company Wants to Breed 30K Macaques in Georgia

Residents say they're worried about escapes from proposed Bainbridge facility

(Newser) - Some local residents and an animal-rights group are protesting plans for a monkey-breeding facility in southwest Georgia. Opponents urged the Bainbridge City Council this week to block plans by a company called Safer Human Medicine to build a $396 million complex that would eventually hold up to 30,000 long-tailed...

Attacks Continue After Japanese Monkey Killed

At least 56 people have now been injured by macaques in Yamaguchi

(Newser) - There's one less monkey terrorizing Yamaguchi, Japan , but the problem isn't solved. One of a group of Japanese macaques thought to be responsible for attacks on 56 people in recent weeks was euthanized Tuesday after it was found on the grounds of a high school. The male simian,...

Japanese City Averaging 2.4 Monkey Attacks Per Day

At least 45 people have been bitten or scratched in Yamaguchi

(Newser) - Update: A Japanese city thought it had a problem with one wild monkey. Now, however, it appears the problem is wild monkeys, plural. At least 45 people around the Japanese city of Yamaguchi have been attacked in 19 days, according to a government official. The rare attacks have doubled in...

Crash Witness Fell Ill After Face-to-Face Monkey Meeting

Michele Fallon has received antiviral drugs, rabies treatment as a precaution

(Newser) - A woman who witnessed Friday's crash in Pennsylvania involving a truck carrying 100 lab-bound monkeys ended up face-to-face with one of the monkeys, and is now receiving treatment as a precaution. "I thought I was just doing the right thing by helping—I had no idea it would...

22 Years After Dolly, Another Breakthrough in Cloning

Researchers clone primates for 1st time

(Newser) - For the first time, researchers have used the cloning method that produced Dolly the sheep to create two healthy monkeys, bringing science an important step closer to being able to do the same with humans, the AP reports. Since Dolly's birth in 1996, scientists have cloned nearly two dozen...

Study: Roaming Florida Monkeys Excrete Virus That Can Kill You

Only 50 people have contracted the virus worldwide, but 21 have died

(Newser) - Wildlife managers in Florida say they want to remove roaming monkeys from the state in light of a new study published Wednesday that finds some of the animals are excreting a virus that can be dangerous to humans. Scientists studying a growing population of rhesus macaques in Silver Springs State...

Lawsuit Over Monkey Selfies Settled Out of Court

Revenue will be shared with wildlife charities

(Newser) - A lawsuit over who owns the copyright to selfies taken by a monkey was settled before a federal appeals court could answer the novel legal question. Under a deal attorneys announced Monday, the photographer whose camera was used to take the photos agreed to donate 25% of any future revenue...

Meet 'Uncle Fat,' Thailand's Morbidly Obese Monkey

The chunky monkey has been put on a diet

(Newser) - A morbidly obese wild monkey in Thailand who gorged himself on junk food and soda left behind by tourists has been rescued and placed on a strict diet of lean protein, fruits, and vegetables, the AP reports. Wildlife officials caught the chunky monkey—nicknamed "Uncle Fat" by locals—after...

Japanese Zoo Sorry It Named Baby Monkey 'Charlotte'

Naming macaque after England's new princess has proved a royal pain

(Newser) - A month ago, no one would have said boo about the name chosen by a Japanese zoo for its new baby monkey. But a month ago, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana hadn't yet entered the world, and now Takasakiyama Natural Zoological Garden is fielding a "barrage of complaints" about...

Was 'Hero' Monkey Really Trying to Save Its Buddy?

Answer is not clear, one expert says

(Newser) - A video showing a monkey apparently attempting to revive his companion has gone viral after being posted on YouTube this weekend, but is that really what the monkey is doing? The short answer, according to National Geographic : It's not clear. The rhesus macaques in the video are shown at...

Searchers Play Baby Monkey Calls to Lure Macaque

Research monkey is missing in North Carolina

(Newser) - Searchers trying to find an 8-pound monkey that escaped more than a week ago in North Carolina are playing sounds of a baby monkey to try to recapture it. The macaque escaped from the Wake Forest University Primate Center. Searchers have set up humane traps and are playing baby monkey...

Low Social Status Bad for Your Health
 Low Social Status 
 Bad for Your Health 
study says

Low Social Status Bad for Your Health

The immune system is happier on top

(Newser) - It's not only good to be king—it’s good for your health, according to a new study. British research has long shown that underlings in the corporate pecking order suffer from more stress-related, life-threatening health problems than the executives who order them around. Now the Economist reports that...

Leopards, Monkeys, Bear Found in Airport Bags

Anti-trafficking officials tracked Dubai-bound carrier to Thai hub

(Newser) - Thai officials today nabbed a Dubai-bound man who was hauling “a virtual zoo” of endangered creatures around the Bangkok airport. When they opened his bags, they found a yawning bunch of sedated newborns: two leopards, two panthers, two macaque monkeys, and an Asiatic black bear, the AP reports. Anti-trafficking...

HIV Vaccine Works in Monkeys

Called 'unprecedented' step forward in AIDS research

(Newser) - Big advances in AIDS research are hard to come by—but researchers in Oregon say their new vaccine marks a huge step forward. In a study of HIV’s monkey equivalent, the researchers found that 13 of 24 rhesus macaques given the vaccine were protected against the disease; 12 were...

Monkeys Teach Their Young to Floss

'Monkey see, monkey floss' behavior surprises scientists

(Newser) - Monkeys in Thailand have been filmed apparently teaching good oral hygiene to their young, the BBC reports. Macaque mothers living in an urban area north of Bangkok were seen flossing with strands of human hair, and doing so with slower, more exaggerated movements when their infants were watching. Researchers—amazed...

Red Planet of the Apes?
Red Planet
of the Apes?

Red Planet of the Apes?

Russia auditions monkeys for possible trip to Mars, drawing activists' ire

(Newser) - The first mammal on Mars may be a monkey. Russia is testing radiation and weightlessness effects on macaques for a possible trip to the red planet. Scientists also want to see how the animals react to isolation and the special diet the 520-day mission would require, reports the BBC. Twelve...

Monkeys Swap Grooming for Sex
Monkeys Swap Grooming for Sex

Monkeys Swap Grooming for Sex

Male macaques groom for longer when fewer females are around

(Newser) - What price for a little lovin'? Male macaque monkeys pay for sex by grooming females, but only as much as necessary: They groom for longer when fewer females are around, and for less time when there are more, according to a new study. "In primate societies, grooming is the...

18 Stories